Greenville High School 



High Girls







1917-18 Basketball Team  Front row, seated with ball, Kathro Jones, captain; to the left of Kathro, Eleanor Chase; Back row:  Beatrice Morneweck and Mary McDowell.  The other two girls on the team are 

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probably either Margaret Bost, Mildred Hodge and/or Helen Harshaw.  


Girls’ Basket Ball


Captain            Kathro Jones

Manager     Beatrice Mornewick


The Girls’ Basketball Team was unable to secure a place in which to practice, until the first of February.  However, the team lost only two games, both being on strange floors; the first at Franklin, the other at Mercer.  The chaperon, Miss Edna Sellers, showed her loyalty to the Greenville High School by subbing for the girls at Franklin.




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       Girls Basketball Record for 1917-18 

 Greenville   6   Franklin   ? 
 Greenville   6  Mercer  9
 Greenville  4  Mercer  2


 16  11


Source: 1918 Greenville High School yearbook, page 40