Greenville High School 









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1917-18 Football Team  - Front row, extreme right:  Norman Raub; Center with football: James Kamerer, captain; Back row, second from left, Baird Gibson, third from left Albert Jennings.  Others in the photograph are Marvin Hornbeck, Dave Hopkins, Elmer Stanton, David Seiple, and Stanley Smith.  


Foot Ball 

Captain            James Kamerer

Manager            Stanley Smith

The Greenville High School sure is mighty proud of the ‘17 Foot ball team.  Under the leadership of Mr. [H. A.] Kraul and James Kamerer all the games this year were won.

The first game was played with Sharon on the home field.  The G. H. S. rooters met at the High School building and marched with the boys to the field.  The boys fought hard to the last, helped on by the excited routers.   This was the first time in five years that our boys’ faces spelled victory after playing Sharon [High School].  The second game was a practice game at Girard.  Here they were able to try out a number of new men.  The other games were at Oil City, Grove City and Greenville, when they played Franklin.

They had the pepper,

            They had the skill.

And won many a victory

            For old Greenville.




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        Football Record for 1917 (1917-18 School Year) 
Greenville 7 Sharon       6 
Greenville  21 Girard  0 
Greenville 21 Oil City  6 
Greenville 13 Grove City  0 
Greenville 7 Franklin 0


69 12

from 1918 Greenville High School yearbook, page 38