Greenville High School 










1917-18 Basketball Team-

Front row, seated with ball, Elmer Stanton, captain; Second row, left,  Norman Raub; center, Mr. 

Krall; Back row, far right,

James Kamerer 

Click to enlarge photo

Others basketball players in the photograph are Floyd Christman, David Seiple, and Albert Jennings.  


Boys Basketball


Captain        Elmer Stanton

Manager        Mr. [H. A.]Krall


The Basketball Season was a crowning success.  To the appreciators of this sport the team furnished the grace and style imperative for both interest and excitement.  The victories were not single handed victories of a brilliant giant start such as is oftimes the case in this line of sport, but the winning qualities and success of the team and the season must be attributed to the artistic execution of well planned maneuvering and the speed with which the boys played the ball as well as the floor.

Everybody scored; there were few occasions not credit must be given for shots from the most difficult angles under close and cautious defense that the leathery sphere was shot with such skill and accuracy that it dropped through the iron hoop without a scratch.

Mention should also be made of the opposing teams.  They, too, deserved credit for the games they played.  The county has in all of the High Schools very excellent teams, yet not boastfully, but with pride, we can rank ourselves among the very best of them.

The tournament games revealed what the team could on foreign territory, and the games in which it participated it made a record that was truly good. It was only the sportsman’s courtesy by which the Greenville team permitted Farrell to take and own the cup for a year, in order that they, too, might enjoy the possession of it before it comes to us, whence it shall depart no more. 




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       Basketball Record for 1917-18 

Greenville 35 Mercer 33
Greenville  22 Farrell 27
Greenville 48 Alumni 21
Greenville 45 Farrell 21
Greenville 28 Grove City 20
 Greenville   24   Mercer   30 


 222   152 


Source: 1918 Greenville High School yearbook, 

page 42