Farrell High School 



   The members of the upper classes had reached the summit of their joy for the day of days had at last arrived. The Juniors were waiting at the Methodist Church to welcome the seniors. A delicious dinner was served by the Brennar Class and what a dinner! Chicken, mashed potatoes, and all their trimmings, delicious fruit cocktail and wafers, ice cream and cake: After the banquet and speeches, the happy students thronged to the gym, which was beautifully decorated for the affair.

The music for the dancing was exquisite but then no wonder with such an orchestra as the “Pennsylvania Nighthawks” with their leader Sam Campagna.

Dreamy waltzes, peppy fox-trots. the rustling of silks and satins, dim lights, murmuring whispers from alluring girls and admiring boys. The Seniors enjoyed themselves immensely; dancing to the enchanting strains of the orchestra and rejoicing in memory of their happy school years.


The Senior Class held a Hallowe’en Dance, October 16, 1931, at the High School gymnasium. Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors were invited.     

The gymnasium was decorated with colors of black and orange.

The beautiful costumes worn by the students added to the scenery. There were prizes given for the prettiest, funniest, and best costumes. To judge these costumes was one of the hardest tasks of the event, as all of the costumes were fit for a prize. Finally prizes were awarded to Eileen Heagny for the prettiest costume, Alice and Norma Beige for the funniest costumes, and Ann Harriet Scowden carried off the third prize.

The music was furnished by the Harmony Seven Orchestra.


The first social event of the year was the Senior Weiner Roast held at Buhl Park.

The diversions of the evening were the games, program, marshmallow and weiner roasting.



A stir of excitement, rustling gowns, immaculately groomed boys, ejaculations of surprise and joy! What do they all betoken? — the advent of that climax of all our social events — the Junior Senior Prom. The beautifully decorated gym and enchanting strains of the orchestra transfer one into a realm of dreams come-true. The exquisite waltzes and tantalizing fox-trots entice even the most reticent to join in the harmonious dancing. The multitudinous array of variously colored decorations creates a friendly warmth which causes teachers and students alike to unite in their enjoyment of the picturesque scene. An observant person could have judged by the facial expressions and by the laughter that the Prom was going to be an out standing success — as it really was!


Mrs. Carter entertained her library assistants at a tureen dinner, in the cafeteria on December 23. An appetizing dinner was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Carter had the honor of cutting the large nut cake.

The girls presented Mrs. Carter with a lovely gift, and she in turn, honored her helpers with a gift of remembrance.


The Spe-Re-Wri Club of Sharon entertained the Alpha Literary Club of Farrell at a program and dance.

Both were enjoyed immensely by the members of the two organizations. Now we are all looking forward to the day when the members of the Alpha Literary Society will entertain the Spe-Re-Wri members. 

1932 Reflector, Farrell High School Yearbook, page 115