Mercer County, Pennsylvania

Company G, Captain William W. W. Wood was recruited in and around Greenville.

Thomas F. McCreary and George F. C. Smart, also were captains of the company, following Captain Wood; and Joseph L. Lynn, John W. Vincent, Robert C. McClure, and Stephen A. Osborne, were lieutenants.

The regiment rendezvoused at Erie.  Hiram L. Brown, of Erie, was the colonel; D. B. McCreary, or Erie, lieutenant-colonel; and John W. Patton, of Crawford County, major.  An organization was effected September 5th, 1862.  It left Erie on the 11th of September, and proceeded to Chambersburg.  Its first battle was Antietam.  After the battle, it was detailed to bury the dead, and the terrible stench produced a large amount of sickness in the regiment.  In December, it was with the army at Fredericksburg, where it lost heavily.  Captain Wood was mortally wounded.

It was in the battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, and again suffered severely.

During the pursuit of Lee, it was engaged at Auburn Hill and Bristoe Station.

When the great campaign of 1864 was opened, it was again at the front.  During the operations around Petersburg a large share of the regiment was captured.  The men were sent in Andersonville and the officers to Macon, Georgia.  The remainder of the regiment continued with the Potomac army until the war closed.  It was mustered out June 5th, 1865.

Source: History of Mercer County, 1877.