
St. John's Church

The formation of a community of Episcopalians in and about Sharon took place in the sixties, and the first public service of the church was held by Rev. Thomas Corlett, December 10, 1865. The first "regular service" was held by Rev. W. S. Hayward on the third Sunday after Trinity, June 17, 1866, the Christian church being used for the service. Three days later St. John’s parish was organized, and after the adoption of a charter steps were taken to build a frame church. The cornerstone of the first parish church was laid August 7, 1866, Bishop Kerfoot officiating. For nearly thirty years this building was used as the place of worship, and after the completion of the handsome stone church, was used for a parish house. The first celebration of the holy communion was administered by Rev. Thomas Corlett, of Kinsman, Ohio, assisted by Rev. Hayward, who was then in charge of this mission. The celebration was held in a private house, for the benefit of a sick person, but other communicants also received.

The cornerstone of the present stone church, on the northeast corner of State and Irvine streets, was laid by the present bishop, Rt. Rev. Cortlandt Whitehead, and the benediction of the church took place July 16, 1895. The debt having been cleared after five years of effort, the edifice was consecrated February 8, 1900, Bishop Whitehead, Bishop Leonard and other clergy participating.

The present rector of St. John’s is Rev. Frank J. Mallett, Ph. D., who was called to the church in January, 1902. Some of the events of his pastorate have been: The addition of a handsome oak reredos in August, 1902; the holding of the first "prayer book" service at Odd Fellows hall in South Sharon, the St. John’s choir furnishing the music, and the establishment in the same year (1902) of the first Episcopal Sunday school in South Sharon. In June, 1902, ground was broken on the lot adjoining the church for the erection of a brick-veneer and stone rectory, which was completed and occupied by the rector's family in April, 1903. The fortieth anniversary of the parish was observed June 17-20, 1906, when Bishop Whitehead, Bishop Talbot, the rector and some sixteen other clergy participated. On the evening of October 4, 1908, the largest class ever presented to the bishop at one time was confirmed in St. John’s, the class numbering eighty-eight.

Twentieth Century History of Mercer County, 1909, pages 282-283.

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