Mercer County PAGenWeb



One Hundred Years of the 

United Presbyterian Church Greenville


submitted by Sue Elliott




church is largely indebted for the early prosperity of that institution.  Four years later he accepted the position as principal of the Pittsburg high school and in, 1858, bought a half interest in the United Presbyterian and continued on as associate editor with Rev. D. R. Kerr until 1862.  He bought, and for a time conducted, the Beaver Ladies' seminary.  He was constantly engaged editorial or educational work during the week, preaching as opportunity offered every Sabbath, until failing health compelled to give up all regular work.  He was a fluent speaker, a clear thinker and a good writer, many of the productions of his pen appearing in the periodicals of the day.  His death occurred in Pittsburg, June 3d, 1894.

When Dr. McLean took charge of the Greenville church there were on the roll of membership 167 names.  During his ministry of seven years 170 were added, and 107 removed by death and otherwise, leaving 235 members and  


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Rev. J. H. Brittain


Mrs. J. H. Brittain





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