Creek Methodist Episcopal Church, in French
Creek Township, a mile and a half southwest of Milledgeville, was
organized early in the forties [1840s]. Preaching had been done in the
neighborhood, in dwellings and school-houses, by Revs. Hiram Luce and A. G. Miller, thus laying the
foundation for an organization. In 1842, with about sixteen members, a
house 26x24 was built. Enlarged and improved, it served until 1869,
when the present building was erected, G.
W. Clure and J. S.
Williams being the contractors. A Sundayschool has been
maintained, with a few exceptions, through the entire year, since 1842.
The congregation is in flourishing condition.
History of Mercer
County, 1888, page 533.

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Creek Methodist Church and Cemetery
submitted by Tyrella Pringle
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