Mercer County PAGenWeb


Lake Township 

Bethany Presbyterian Church


The different organizations of the church have at their head the following persons;  The Sunday School:  Walter Harrison; the Christian Endeavor: Miss Grace Zahniser, and the Woman's Missionary Society has for its efficient president, Mrs. Hattie Stroud. These persons are worthy of the confidence of those who have elected them to their several positions, and their efforts promise a successful year in all of these departments.

At a meeting of the session on January 18, 1877, a resolution was passed to the effect that all members of the church should be requested to abstain from intoxicating drinks as a beverage.  At the same meeting David Zahniser was elected clerk of the session, which office he continued to fill until June 26, 1987, at which time he resigned and W. W. Runkle was elected to fill the vacancy, which he has continued to do to the present time [1905] quite satisfactorily. 

The organization had in the beginning seventy members and the records show that at the close of the first year the membership numbered about one hundred and forty.  No other year during the history of the church has there been such an ingathering, yet every year except three there have been some additions.  The last year of the first pastorate there were thirty-seven accessions.  That was during 1893 and 1894.  The largest ingathering for any one year since that time was during 1903, when seventeen were added to the church roll.

There have been added to the church since its organization three hundred and seven persons.  Two hundred and twenty-one of these united under the ministry of Rev. Mr. Gallagher, forty-eight from the first pastorate to the present one and thirty-eight during the present pastorate.




John Zahniser


John Kemm


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