Grove City National Bank of Grove City, Pennsylvania, was originally
organized in 1900 as the Peoples National Bank with a capital stock of
$25,000, which in 1903 was increased to $50,000, and again in 1908 it
was consolidated with the Grove City Savings & Trust Co. and
the name changed to the Grove City National Bank, with a capital stock
of $100,000. This bank is enjoying a rapid growth and is considered one
of the best managed institutions in the county. Its surplus and
undivided profits amount to over $20,000 and deposits amount to over
officers and directors of this institution, who are among the most
careful, substantial and conservative citizens of the county, are as
follows: Jno. A. Bell, who
at one time was treasurer of Allegheny county and is also at the head
of the Carnegie Trust Co., is president; E.
J. Fithian, treasurer of the Bessemer Gas Engine Co., is
vice president; E. B. Harshaw,
cashier; the other directors besides the president and vice president
are Jno. P. Barr, T. B. DeArmit,
Robert J. Breckenridge, Ira C. Black, Wm. S. Bell, C. G. Harshaw and
T. M. Patterson.
addition to the general commercial banking the institution embraces a
safe deposit and savings department. And they are now building [the
building shown at right] on the most prominent corner in the town an
exclusive banking room, which will be one of the finest and most
commodious banking homes in the county.
Century History of Mercer County,
1909, pages 230-231
of Dr. Edwin J. Fithian
Biography of
Edwin B. Harshaw

Grove City National Bank, 1932
drawing is from the Pine Knot, 1932 Grove City High School Year Book)
City National Bank Advertisement, 1932

How the bank looks

The Seal on the
side of the building

Interior of the Grove City
National Bank, early 1900s