Winona Farver Amon 

1883 - 1958







  Winona Farver Amon 


After a brief illness Mrs. Fred E. Amon passed to her eternal rest on September 19, 1958. She had many friends chiefly because she showed herself friendly. Mrs. Amon was the former Winona Farver.

She grew up in the village of Millidgeville, Pennsylvania, where she attended the Presbyterian  church taking an active part in young people’s programs and teaching a Sunday School class of young women. After her marriage to Mr. Fred E. Amon they attended the Presbyterian church for a year or so. When they moved to Sharon in 1919 they immediately transferred their church letters to the First Methodist Church. 

Mrs. Amon was active in church work until the time of her death. She was a past president of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union. She was active in the Ladies’ Aid Society and was elected the first president of the Woman’s Society of Christian Service, in First Church, Sharon. In all her services to the church her co-workers found her very efficient and graciously winsome, and counted it a privilege to have known her.

“She is not dead, that spirit strong and sweet,

Has only from her earthly site withdrawn;

Has passed into the night that she may greet

Beyond the shadow, life’s eternal dawn:

Has but returned to her home, to meet

The loved ones that she lost in years agone,

Has joined the soul of all the wise and good,

One more in that immortal brotherhood.”

From 150 Years of Methodism, The Story of the First Methodist Church, Sharon, PA, compiled by Roscoe C. Wilson, 1959, page 122.




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