Harry Gibson’s Rites to Be Monday
Special to the Vindicator
Pa., Oct 27 – Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Monday
at the Stevenson Funeral Home for Mrs. Tressa E.
Gibson, 84, of Valley View Road, R.D. 2, Sharpsville, widow of
former Mercer County Commissioner Harry W. Gibson,
who died at 8:15 a.m. today [10-27-62] in the Snyder Rest Home.
Mrs. Gibson was
born in Chestnut Ridge, Ohio, a daughter of John and
Ann Dairymple Beatty and spent most of her life in the Clarksville
area. She was a member of the
Clarksville Presbyterian Church. Her husband died in 1939.
She leaves a son, Raymond
B., of R. D. 2, Sharpsville; a half-brother, Hugh
McKnight of Cleveland, and two grandchildren.
Friends may call
from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home.
Vindicator, Oct 1962
Tressa E. Gibson
Tressa E. Gibson, Valley View Rd., Sharpsville RD2, widow of Harry
W. Gibson, who was a former Mercer County commissioner, died at
8:25 a.m. today at Snyder’s Rest Home, Mercer RD 1, after a lingering
illness. She was 84.
Born in Chestnut
Ridge, Ohio, March 14, 1878, Mrs. Gibson was the daughter of John
and Anna Dairymple Beatty.
A life-long
resident of the area, Mrs. Gibson was a member of the Clarksville
Presbyterian Church.
Her husband died in
Surviving are a
son, Raymond B., Sharpsville RD2; a
half-brother, Hugh McKnight, Cleveland, and
two granddaughters.
[Tressa E. Gibson
was buried in Clarksville Cemetery.]
Sharon Herald, October 27, 1962
Submitted by Inez
Gibson Jovenall