Susanna Berlin Eberhart

21 Dec 1809-

1 Feb 1897





  Susanna Berlin Eberhart 

Mrs. Susannah Eberhart died Monday, February 1, about midnight, in her 88th year. "Grandma", as she was familiarly called, had been in her usual health until a few days ago, when she contracted a severe cold, which caused her great suffering on the day of her death, but the end came very peacefully, though unexpected by her friends. Mrs. Eberhart, whose name was Berlin, was married to John Eberhart, November 2, 1827, and soon after moved to Neshannock, where she resided until the last year. Her husband, two sons and three daughters have preceded her into the unknown world. She leaves two daughters, Mrs. T. Troutman, living east of town and Miss Millie S. Eberhart, south Irvine avenue, and one son, Aaron Eberhart, residing near Mercer, and a large circle of relatives and friends who will miss her cheery smile and loving presence. The funeral was held from the residence of Mr. Lewis Persch, South Penn Street, Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. A. B. Phillips, pastor of the M. E. church conducting the services. Interment in Morefield cemetery.

Sharon Herald, February 8, 1897

Submitted by Beth A. Rollinson




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