Miss Nellie G. Baird, only child of Mrs.
Mary Baird, died at her home [in West Middlesex], Monday night,
from consumption, aged 23 years. By her patience and gentleness in
her months of suffering she has taught a silent lesson to all who knew
her. She died happy in her Saviour, and requested all her young friends to
meet her “in that home not made by hands.” The sympathy of all friends
is extended to the bereaved mother.
“Asleep in Jesus’ blessed sleep
From which none ever wake to weep;
calm and undisturbed repose,
by the last of foes.”
[Nellie G.
Baird is buried in Haywood Cemetery
in Shenango Township. Her mother is buried there also.]
17 Nov
Also in
the paper:
Nov. 15— The party to have been given by the Junior Columbian Club,
in the opera house Friday evening, has been indefinitely postponed on
account of the death of Miss Nellie Baird.