Nancy Adair Houston departed from this life at the old homestead in
Findley township after a few days illness with pneumonia, January 18,
Adair was born in County Antrim, Ireland, Nov. 15, 1810 and was
united in marriage with Thomas Houston, June
7, 1832. They came to America on their wedding trip and after a journey of
about twelve weeks reached Pittsburg where they started their first home:
Here they lived until Dec of 1839 when they came to Findley Township where
they purchased a farm which was then almost a wilderness. Upon this farm
they lived and labored for over 58 years when Mr. Houston was called up
higher, Mrs. Houston remaining for about a year and a half after him. They
were the parents often children, seven of whom, Mrs.
Mary Wilson of Pardoe; John and Robert
of Wolf Creek township: William of Mercer; Rev.
H. H. Houston of Struthers, Ohio; Rev. T. A.
of New Wilmington and James H. at the old
home remain to mourn their loss. But they “Sorrow not as others who have
no hope”.
Mrs. Houston gave
herself to Christ in connection with his church before she left her
mother’s home. she was a member of the First United Presbyterian
congregation of Mercer for about 60 years and lived a consistent and godly
Christian life, a blessing to her own home and to the neighborhood.
Anxious about her children’s welfare up to within a few m minutes of her
departure and always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need, as was
truthfully said at her funeral, “A mother to the whole community”.
The funeral
services were conducted on Saturday at 1:00 by her pastor, Rev.
S.W. Gilkey, D.D. assisted by Prof. Jas. B.
McClelland D.D. a former neighbor boy. Her six sons carried their
mother to her last resting place followed by many neighbors and friends.
“There remaineth therefore a rest unto the people of God”.
sometimes used the name ‘Agnes”. She is
so listed in the 1850 an d 1870 Census for Findley Township, Mercer
County, PA. The last name was spelled “Huston” too.
They left Ireland
in June [20th] 1832 and arrived in Baltimore on Aug 20th on the ship
“Clansman’ Captain Ritchie.
Nancy Adair
Houston is buried in the old section of Findley
Submitted by
Jean Todd