Joeseph Simons –
Joseph Simons, aged 8[?] years [died] at his home, near Clark's Mills, PA Tuesday morning, November 25. Simons had been a sufferer for may years and during the last two or three years had been confined to his home. He was born in Butler county, January 8, 1831. When but a boy he came to Mercer county and settled with his parents on the farm on which he died. This section of the county was then a vast wilderness, there being but 3 or 4 settlers near.
The deceased lived all his life in the community. He was noted as a man of good habits, honest and upright, a consistent and faithful member of the
M.E. church at Clark's Mills. He was one of the charter meembers of this church. He is survived by two sons,
J. And W.H. (Present county treasurer) four daughters,
Mrs. A.A. McLean and Mrs. J.R.
Knapp, of Clark's Mills, Mrs. E.E. Vanness, of Hadley, and
Mrs. J.E. Hoover of Kinsman, O. The funeral services were conducted by his pastor, Rev. J.M.
Foster, the M.E. church, Clark's Mills, Friday, at 11 a.m. Interment at Perry chapel cemetery.
Submitted by
Susannah Lewis