Died in West Salem tp., on Saturday, March 6, 1880, Mrs.
Elizabeth, wife of James R. Brown, aged 72 years and 10 days.
The subject of this notice was the daughter of
John Speir, Sr., and sister of the late John H.
Speir, of West Salem, was born February 25th, 1808, was married to James R. Brown in the year 1834, and with him continued her residence in West Salem until the day of her death, where, by her many amiable qualities, she endeared herself to all around her. In 1832 she became a member of the Baptist Church at Maysville, and to the date of her decease continued a consistent and esteemed member thereof. In her life she was gentle and peaceful, and her characteristic virtues were such that "None knew her but to love her."
In her death she has illustrated the glory of that doctrine which teaches "Faith in God, hope in immortality and charity to all mankind." After a long and distressing illness, which she bore with true Christian patience, she fell asleep in Jesus: "Blessed sleep, from which none ever wake to weep."
Her remains were on the 7th inst. followed to their last resting place by a large concourse of relatives and friends. Her husband, children and large circle of relatives have the fullest sympathy of the entire community.
Greenville Argus March 11, 1880:
Submitted by
A. Rollinson