Died at Pulaski, Pa. on the 27th inst,
Mrs. Louisa Hoylands, wife of R. V. Hoylands, aged 29 years. The death of Mrs. Hoylands is peculiarly solem and impressive. She has left to the care of a sorrowing husband two small children, the youngest being two weeks old.
As a mother Mrs. Hoylands was tender and kind--as a wife judicious and affectionate as a daughter, beloved by her parents whom it was a delight to know as a neighbor, who possessed the esteem and confidence of all.
Her remains were followed to the grave by a large circle of friends and weeping relatives among whom were aged parents, who have more than numbered their three score years. Mrs. Hoylands was not a member of the church. This she seemed to greatly regret.
For some months before her illness she seemed to have been the subject of serious impressions, and several times was known to have conversed with her Pastor in regard to her eternal interest, and we believe it was her intention, had her life been spared, to have connected herself to the church first convienent opportunity, although she had as she said, heavy clouds and heavy doubts upon her mind, but still she felt it was her duty to obey the commands of Christ. Thus in the midst of life, thus in the prospects of discharging her duty she was cut off, leaving us all in the admonition to be always ready for we do not know when the son of man commeth
- that while we are preparing to meet God our time is flying away, while death, judgement, eternity come hastening on--------
MERCER (PA) WHIG November 4, 1845, p3 col 4