John W. Hilands/ Hoyland

died 10 Sept 1914


Read obituary of Nancy J. Stevenson Hilands/Hoyland

  John W. Hilands/Hoyland 

Funeral Services

The funeral of J.W. Hoyland who died Thursday morning at his home in New Salem will be held Saturday morning from the Presbyterian church at half past ten o'clock.


COURIER --Winfield Kansas September 11, 1914


We have been accused of heading our minds with Mr. J. W. Hoyland as he passed over to that land from whence no traveler ever returns we want to make mention of the fact that on Thursday one week before he passed away Charlie Coaty took his car and carried Mr. & Mrs. Hoyland, their daughter Mrs. Vance of Norwich, the son of J. E. Hoyland of Cambridge to Winfield to the old Soldiers Reunion and the old Veterans realized what it meant was assisted from the car and on his crutches to headquarters registered and got a badge with which he was highly delighted. It is very gratifying to his family that they gave him that pleasure.

Mr. J. W. Hoyland died on Thursday, September 10, 1914 having suffered from a stroke of paralysis over a year and six months, during which time his wife was with him constantly having to dress and undress and feed him and attend all of his wants and needs which she did bravely and cheerfully, and was alone with him in his last moments, as he went so suddenly no one could get there.

She wants me to say she is very grateful to all of their friends and neighbors for their many kind acts and attentions during all the long illness and at the death and burial and prays the best blessings of God upon each and everyone.

The funeral services were held in the Presbyterian Church in New Salem on Sunday the 13th, presided over by the Rev. Mr. Shupe who spoke words of cheer to the sorrowing family and warning to all, the heavy rain in the morning prevented many from attending but there was a good turn-out considering everything, the Winfield Circle # 40, ladies of the G.A.R. sent a beautiful silk flag and requested Mrs. Knight to place it on the breast of the deceased veteran as a token of their appreciation of his loyalty in offering his life to preserve this an undivided nation and to show the world that we are doing all we can to perpetuate the same.

To all our friends and neighbors who were so kind to us during the illness and death of our dear husband and father and the beautiful floral offerings we sincerely thank you one and all. Mrs. Maggie Hoyland, Mrs. J.E. Hoyland and family, Mrs. Tirzah Hoyland Johnson and Mrs. Jennie Vance. 


WINFIELD COURIER September 17, 1914

Both obituaries submitted by Bob McKeon





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