John Stark
of Midway suffered an attack of apoplexy while at work at the Hitchcock
home Thursday of last week. He was apparently in good health.
was taken to his home, where his death followed.
Mr. Stark was born in Sharon, Mercer county, August 31, 1861. He
came to Midway about 1871, and had resided there since. His parents
died a number
of years ago, leaving a sister and a crippled brother unable to work in
his care. He was a faithful member of the Baptist church, was always
active, and ever ready to take care of repairs at the church. He was
a deacon in the church at the time of his death.
Funeral services wee held Sunday afternoon in the home in charge of the Rev.
J. H. Hanson, the Rev. C. L. Peacock, and the Rev. Mr. Helme of the
Christian church of Bellevue. Burial was in the Center cemetery.
McDonald PA Record,
5, 1931