John Littlejohn

1 Apr 1823 - 

20 Oct 1891 



  John Littlejohn 

It is with sincere sorrow that we chronicle the death on Tuesday evening of Mr. John Littlejohn, an old and esteemed citizen of Sharon, at his home at the head of Madison avenue, on the west hill, after a short illness of pneumonia.  He was in his 69th year, and was a native of Scotland, for which he always retained a loyal allegiance as the place of his birth, though in hearty accord with the institutions of his adopted country.  He was uncompromisingly Protestant in religion and Republican in politics.  His wife, who is critically ill, and a family of grown up children, of whom Miss Betty is the only one at home, survive him, and with whom many friends will unite in mourning his death.  His funeral will take place from his late residence at two o’clock this, Friday, afternoon, and will be conducted by Revs. C.S. Tinker and H. C. Hall, of the Baptist church.  Interment will be in Oakwood cemetery.

Herald, Mercer Co., PA, USA,

Friday 23 Oct., 1891

Submitted by Janice Bailey Hart


Mr. John Littlejohn, whose death on the evening of the 13th instant we noted last week, was born on the 1st day of April, 1823, on Stewarton-st, Wishaw, Lanarkshire, Scotland, and was, consequently, in his 69th year at the time of his death.  He was married in Scotland on the 4th of June 1846, to Mrs. Isabelle Brownlee, who survives him.  Twelve years later, in 1858, he came with his family to this country, coming directly to Sharon, where he already had friends and relatives, who had preceded him, and here he spent the remainder of his busy life, the most of the time in connection with the working of the Curtis Hill coal mines.  A diversion in later years was the culture of gooseberries and pansies, of which he was a large and successful grower.  He imported hundreds of gooseberry bushes from old Scotland, and did much thereby to introduce improved kinds and qualities of this fruit in this vicinity.  He was a man of strong convictions, which he did not hesitate to express.  As noted last week, he was strongly Protestant in his religious convictions, though not a member of any church, and an earnest Republican politically.  A strong and rugged character, as he was also physically, like the hills from which he emigrated in his manhood, he was an excellent citizen a kind and devoted father and husband who will be sincerely mourned by a wide circle of friends as well as his own immediate family.

Besides his wife, three daughters survive Mrs. John Allen, Grant Street, Mrs. John Bailey, Summit Avenue, and Miss Betty, who lived at home.  He also has two brothers and two sisters living in Scotland.  Three sons and two daughters preceded him across the dark waters.  One of these, Gavin Brownlee, it will be remembered, was killed by fall of rock in a Colorado min a few months ago.

His funeral was held from his late residence on Friday afternoon, and was conducted by Rev. C.S.Tinker, pastor of the First Baptist church.  The pallbearers were Thomas Thompson, Thomas Lightbody and William Law, of Youngstown and Thomas K. Willson, Robert Martin and Joseph Urmson, Sharon.  The body rested in a fine cedar casket and the floral offerings were profuse and beautiful.  The funeral was largely attended, many of his old-time friends, coming from other towns and a distance to pay this last tribute of respect.  Among these were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Law and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lightbody, of Youngstown, Mr. Ramage, of Cleveland, and Mr. John Matthews, of Massillon, Ohio.  Interment took place in the family lot in Oakwood cemetery.

Sharon Herald  Mercer Co., PA, USA

Friday 30 Oct., 1891

Submitted by Janice Bailey Hart





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