John H. Waugh
John H. Waugh died at Eddy, New
Mexico, Thanksgiving day [1894], of blood poisoning. He had been ill
some time but about ten days ago concluded to visit the electric light
works and icemaking plant of which he was superintendent. While
being driven there, the harness gave way and the frightened horse began
kicking the vehicle. Mr. Waugh jumped out and in his weak condition
was injured internally. He was the son of Judge Wm. W. Waugh
of this
place [Greenville] and was born just west of Greenville in 1853.
About 1873 he married to Ella M. Hammond, daughter of
Dr. Hammond,
formerly of Brooklyn, and she and two sons and one daughter survive
him. For many years he was Indian agent at the Fort Totten and
Turtle Mountain reservations, North Dakota, where he received the title of
"Major." His death is mourned by his extensive
acquaintance here.
The Advance Argus
Greenville, Pa.
6 Dec 1894
[John H.
Waugh is buried in Shenango
Valley Cemetery in Greenville.]