Jacob Hoffman, aged 76 years, died at his home in Hickory Township yesterday morning at 9 o'clock. Death resulted after a two years' illness. He had been a resident of the township for the past 62 years and well and favorably known. He was a faithful member of St. Paul's Reformed Church. Surviving him are four sons,
John, Fred, William and Jacob, all of this place, and two daughters,
Mrs. Chris Dresch and Mrs. Thomas Carlin.
Funeral services will be held tomorrow at the home at 3 o'clock and they will be conducted by
Rev. W. H. Diefenderfer. Burial will take place in
Morefield Cemetery.
Sharon Herald, Saturday, May 4, 1918,
page 8
by Debbie Hoffman
The funeral of Jacob Hoffman,
aged 76 years, esteemed and highly regarded resident of Sharon, who passed
from life at his home in Hickory Township, Friday, was held yesterday.
The services were attended by many relatives of the deceased.
He had lived in Sharon and vicinity for 62 years.
He was a devoted member of the Reformed Church.
The services were in charge of Rev.
Burial was made in Morefield
Sharon Herald, Monday, May 6, 1918, page