George H. McIntire, one
of the best known railroad men in this section, died at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. John Rossiter in Stoneboro,
Monday of last week [25 Apr 1910], after a protracted illness, aged 82
He was born in Fairfield, Maine, but spent his youth in the
Northwest. In 1853 he entered
the employ of the old Cleveland, Painesville & Ashtabula Railroad
Company, at Erie, and on account of his ability was advanced from a
subordinate position to one of responsibility and trust.
He remained with the company and its successors over fifty-six
years, and when he retired at the first of the present year was
superintendent of the Jamestown & Franklin division of the L.S.&M.S
Rr., with headquarters at Youngstown.
On his retirement he moved to Stoneboro and had since made his home
with Mrs. Rossiter.
Mrs. McIntyre died some ten years ago.
The following children survive:
Wm. H., Lake Shore agent, Mrs.
Theodore Houser and Mrs. John Rossiter, all of Stoneboro. The funeral services were held at his late home on Wednesday
afternoon and the body was taken to Girard on Thursday morning for
Mercer Dispatch, May 6, 1910, page 1.