George C Horner

10 Feb 1898 -

8 Dec 1958



  George C. Horner 

George C. Horner of 626 Wallis Ave., Farrell, past president of the Western Pennsylvania Firemen’s Association, died unexpectedly of a heart attack at his home at 5:45 a.m. today [8 Dec 1958].  He was 60.

Mr. Horner was a trustee of the Farrell Firemen’s Association at the time of his death and a member of the Veterans Fireman’s Association.

As a retired caretaker of St. Elizabeth’s Cemetery, Mr. Horner was a member of Our Lady of Fatima Church and had lived in Farrell for 36 years.  He had been in ill health. 

Born in Homestead, on Feb.10, 1898, Mr. Horner married the former Susan Ballas, who survives, on Feb. 4, 1922. 

He was widely known throughout Western Pennsylvania. 

Besides his wife, Mr. Horner leaves two daughters, Irene E. and Dolores, wife of Joseph P. Alcaro, both at home; one son, Raymond C., also at home; two step-sisters, Mrs. Harland Hauger, R.D. 1, New Wilmington, and Mrs. Michael Zyak, Sharon; two step-brothers, John DuBrasky, R.D. 2, West Middlesex; and Andrew DuBrasky, R.D. 1., New Wilmington, and one granddaughter.

[George C. Horner is buried in Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Hermitage.]

 Sharon Herald, Monday, December 8, 1958.




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