Elizabeth E. Furney of 66 Vine Ave., former owner of the Peerless
Wallpaper Store in Sharon, died at 7:45 a.m. Saturday at Sharon General
Hospital after extended illness. She
was 76.
The daughter of William
and Margaret Ray Girl, she was born in Navarre, O., Feb. 24, 1882.
She had lived in Sharon 40 years and was a member of the First
Presbyterian Church and the P.A. Jones Bible Class of that church.
Her husband, Harry Furney, died 11
years ago.
Surviving are a son, Ray,
Phoenix, Ariz., three daughters, Mrs. Margaret Haun,
Sharon; Mrs. William Martin, Brookfield, and Mrs.
William J. Stiver, Hubbard, O.
E. Furney and her husband, Harry W. Furney are buried in Hillcrest
Memorial Park.]
Sharon Herald, December
8, 1958