Sudden Death
Mr. Abraham DeForest one of the
oldest and most highly respected citizens, died very suddenly in Dr. C. W.
Hoyt's office, Saturday afternoon, from heart trouble. Mr. DeForest has
suffered severely from rheumatism for the past two years and had called at
the doctor's office to consult him. The doctor being out he sat down to
await his return. A Mr. Mullen, of Sharpsville, entered the office and the
two entered into conversation. In a few moments Mr. DeForest gave a gasp
and fell from his chair dead. Undertaker Cover was called and the remains
were taken to his late home on A. Street. Deceased was aged 81 years and
leave a wife and two sons, Emery, of Johnsville, and Byron, of Sharon. Mr.
DeForest was a life long member of the M. E. church and an unflinching
temperance advocate. The funeral was held Monday. Rev. A. V. Philips,
officiating. Interment in Oakwood Cemetery.
[Should be Abram instead of Abraham]
Eagle or Herald Wed. 1 Jan 1896
by Theresa Davids