On Monday morning, November 2, Mr. Robert Luse, an old
and highly respected resident of this vicinity died at his home south of town
and was buried on Wednesday afternoon. The funeral was conducted by his
old pastor, Rev. H. C. Hall, of Erie, assisted by Rev.
Berger, of Sharpsville;
Rev. Moses of Midway, Pa. and Rev. Dr. Hogue, Principal of Hall Institute.
The interment was in the family lot in Oakwood Cemetery.
Mr. Luse was born
in Middlesex Township, Butler County, Pa., on January 21, 1810. His
parents were noted for their upright Christian character and liberal hospitality
in the pioneer Christian work in those early days of sparse settlements and long
distances between families, over new and unworked roads. His father's
house was the home of the itinerant ministers and his huge log barn often served
for a temple of worship in those primitive times. Robert Luse became a
Christian and joined the Baptist church at 30 years of age and ever lived a
devoted Christian life thereafter. On January 11, 1838 he was joined in
marriage to Miss Calista Slater, with whom he lived most happily until her death
in the triumph of faith in 1880. Of this union there were born to him four
children; Henry, the oldest son, died in his country's service in 1862 at
Washington. The youngest son died at about the same time with the eldest
at 4 years of age. Two of the children survive, Alice, the only daughter,
who resided with her father at the time of her death, and Addison, his son, who
is the well-known proprietor of the Meadow's Farm dairy. Of his eight
brothers and sisters he is survived by four; two sisters, Mrs. Snow of northern
Iowa, and Mrs. McCan near Iowa City, Iowa, and two brothers, one living in
Oklahoma Territory and the other in Queen City, Missouri, all having lived to be
more than eighty years of age.
Mr. Luse removed to the vicinity of Sharon
in 1846 and has continued to reside in this neighborhood ever since. At
once upon his arrival he identified himself with the First Baptist Church of
Sharon, and has continued a hard working and faithful member ever since, except
for a brief period, when living near Orangeville he transferred his membership
to the church of that village. During the last 24 years of his life he
scarcely ever missed attending every morning service until with in the last few
months. His labors, sacrifices and liberality in contributing toward the
erection of the splendid new Baptist church building are well known to the
members of the church and the community. It is scarcely too much to say
that but for his contributions and those of his children the new church could
hardly have been built. This fact has been duly recognized by the
christening of the recently built chapel as Luse Chapel. The funeral was
largely attended by the neighbors and friends and there was an universal feeling
of regret and sorrow expressed at this loss, as well as a united testimony to
his noble life and spotless character.
(newspaper?), Sharon, PA, Nov 1896
Submitted by
Langley Brown