Land: Abstracts of Bobst/Will Documents - Lycoming County, PA 1834 to 1890
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14 Jan 1834: David & Hannah Zerbe of Adams Township to Daniel Will of Adams Township, Lycoming County, PA. 318 acres, $272 Neighbors: David Cole History of property: 29 Nov 1776 by patent to William & Margaret Bell (land called Lochabar - in Oval Limestone Valley, then Northumberland County, now Lycoming County); 5 Dec 1776 conveyed to Benedict & Susanna Swope(?); 17 Nov 1794 conveyed to Daniel & Martha Penington; 22 May 1802 conveyed to Jonathan Walker; 14 May 1828 conveyed to Dr. Stephen Duncan (mention of 5 Sep 1828 date concerning Dr. Stephen & Catherine Duncan of Natches); 27 Apr 1833 conveyed to David & Cristine Cole by attny; 18 Jun 1833 conveyed to David & Hannah Zerbe. Witnesses: Henry Clinger, Clerk; David Zerbe Recorded: 17 March 1834 Lycoming County Deed Book 21:67

19 Jul 1834: Daniel and Mary Will of Adams Township, Lycoming County to David Hartz of Robeson Township, Berks County, PA. $1 Witnesses: Henry Clinger, Clerk; David Cole Recorded: 24 Jul 1834 Lycoming County Deed Book 21:118

28 Mar 1839: Mark & Mary Schlonecker of Mifflin Township to Daniel Bobest of Cummings Township, Lycoming County, PA. 100 acres; $600 Neighbors: Carpenter; Dr. William Hebburn(?); Vickers& Walker North History of property: 16 Jan 1832 conveyed to Henry & Catherine Shaday by Thomas Stewardson (executor of Henry Drinker); 39 Jun 1836 conveyed to John Shadey; conveyed to Mark Schlonecker. Witnesses: James Lowden, B.W. Merrison Recorded: 28 Jun 1839 Lycoming County Deed Book 24:570

1840 census: Daniel Will living in Limestone Township, Lycoming County, PA

28 Nov 1840: Daniel & Mary Will of Limestone Township to Daniel Daugherty of Limestone Township, Lycoming County, PA. 2 parcels (34 acres & ?), $1350 History of property: 14 Jan 1834 1st parcel conveyed by David Zerbe and wife to Daniel Will; 18 Apr 1833 conveyed by William Clark & wife to David Will (portion of Clark's land). Witnesses: Henry Clinger, Clerk; Samuel W. Finley(?) Lycoming County Deed Book 25:723

24 April 1841: Evans & Catharine Hunter to Daniel Will of Limestone Township, Lycoming County, PA, 84 acres, $800 (complete transcript copied 3/19/88) Clearfield County Deed Book H:267.

1850 census: Daniel and Mary Will living in Morris Township, Clearfield County, PA; Daniel & Catherine Bobst living in Nippenose Township (adjacent to Limestone), Lycoming County, PA

Apr 1864: Isaac Stenger of Washington Township to Daniel Bobst of Washington Township, Lycoming County, PA. 34 acres; $600 Neighbors: Beneville Bower, Joseph Deiterech (note: Daniel Will had two sons-in-law named Deitrich), heirs of Samuel McLees, Berger History of property: 6 Apr 1852 part of larger tract conveyed by Samuel McLees to James McLees; 29 Mar 1855 conveyed to Isaac Stenger. Witnesses: George Pickart, Ephraim Everett Recorded: 9 Apr 1864 Lycoming County Deed Book 48:269

1860, 1870 census: Daniel & Catherine Bobst living in Washington Township, Lycoming County, PA

2 Jan 1865: Ferdinand H Jones, administrator for Daniel Will, late of Morris Township, Clearfield County, PA, died intestate, refers to Orphans Court order 22 Jun 1864. Clearfield County Deed Book X:80

5 Nov 1874: Charles E. & Jannetta A.B., William C. Shopbell of Williamsport, Christiana Shopbell, Samuel & Sarah Ann Shade (heirs of Samuel Shopbell) of Northumberland County, PA to Daniel Bopst. 62 acres; $2800; in Washington Township Neighbors: Andres Scholey, William Oak, Lewis Bower, Samuel S. Pawling, John Marsh History of property: 6 Apr 1837 William & Sarah Miller conveyed to Solomon Shopbell Witness: Aaron Straup Recorded: 7 Nov 1874 Lycoming County Deed Book 75:27

1 Sep 1879: Israel Gann deceased, late of Limestone Township, Lycoming County, heirs, to Levi Gann & Susan Bobst of Limestone Township (however, text of deed refers only to Susan Gann). 63 acres; $1 Heirs: Leah Gann (widow), Sarah A. and Daniel Clinger, Mary C. & James W. Vandyke, Joseph Gann, Abram Gann, Ida J. and John W. Vandyke. Neighbors: Samuel Now, Samuel Wagner, Abram Gann, Peter Knauf, F. Donecker Referent: Orphans Court Book O:694 Lycoming County Deed Book 86:329

4 Nov 1879: Abram Gann of Limestone to Daniel Bobst of Limestone Township, Lycoming County, PA. 12 acres; $867 Estate of Israel Gann Witness: Adam Epler Appeared in Court: 6 Dec 1879 Recorded: 10 Jan 1880 Lycoming County Deed Book 86:333

13 Jan 1885: Daniel Bobst, Jr. died

1 Apr 1885: Daniel & Catharine Bobst of Washington Township, Lycoming County; W.C. & Alice (Bobst) McCormick; Uriah & Ellen (Bobst) Ware; Samuel & Sarah (Bobst) Hess; Susan Bobst; all of Washington Township; Daniel & Margaret (Bobst) Weigel of Armstrong Township, Lycoming County; Frank & Lucinda (Bobst) Woodley of Joe Davis [Jo Daviess] County, IL; Alfred & Catharine Bobst of Franklin County, IA; David & Mary Bobst of Washington Township, Lycoming County TO Susan Bobst formerly the wife of Daniel Bobst, Jr., deceased of Limestone Township (refers to Daniel, Jr. as late of Armstrong Township). 12 acres in Seine(?) Township originally conveyed to Daniel Bobst, Jr. by Abraham Gann 4 Nov 1879, Lycoming County Deed Book 4M(?):333; $1. Referent: Lycoming Count Mortgage Book L:534 Witnesses: Elias Hegland(?); Mary Bobst, Joseph Bobst, Sarah A. Bobst Appearances: 8 Sep 18??, Lycoming County residents; 16 Oct 1885, Ellis County, KS David & Mary Bobst appeared; 26 Oct 1885, Franklin County, IA Alfred & Catherine Bobst appeared. Lycoming County Deed Book 105:592

25 Apr 1890: Daniel Bobst, Sr., Estate to Isaac Bixler, Washington Township; 125:58
