If you care to, you may list my name and email for free look-ups in my index.  It's especially useful to find women who are cited by their married names, often locating them within their previously unknown birth families.

Generously contributed by Elizabeth Petty Bentley epbentley@hotmail.com.


missing Jabez Sill A-3

John Wooley A-7 is John Woodley on the typescript

missing Ebenezer Marcy A-8

Abraham Westbrook A-19 should be A-10

Daniel Coon A-23 is Daniel Cook on the typescript

missing Micah Scott Sr. A-26

missing Jonathan or Johathan Marcy A-29

missing John Montanye A-44

missing Joseph Stalford A-46

missing Lewis Molleson A-50

missing Uriah Terry A-51

Matthias Van Loon A-52 is A-62 on the typescript

Barnum, Theron A-53 should be A-55

missing Sebastian Strope A-66

Conrad Luts 1818-1816 A-75 should be Conrad Lutz 1806

missing James Sturdevant A-77

missing John Scott A-80

Lasarus Ellie should be Lazarus Ellis A-82

Christian Saha should be Christian Sahm or Sohm A-91

missing James Stewart A-93

Abel Kins should be Abel Kent A-96

Lucas Isaiah Sr. A-98 and Lucas Josiah Sr. A-98 is actually only Josiah Sr.

missing Jonathan Miles A-110

missing Valentine Santee Sr. A-112

missing Sebastian Seybert or Seyber A-117

missing Oliver Sisson or Sessin A-119

Christopher Kelintob A-138 should be Christopher Kleintob or Kleintub or Leintob

missing Reuben Molleson A-144

Benjamin Overfield A-147 should be 1813, not 1913

missing John Mill Sr. A-155

missing Joseph Sprague or Spraig A-159

missing William Seinrell A-161

missing William Hooker Smith A-168

Conrad Lins A-172 should be Conrad Line

missing James Swallow A-175

Benjamin Smith A-179 should be A-176

missing Jacob Shaver A-181

Alyck Ross A-193 should be Aleyck Ross

missing John Molleson A-196

Stephen Bishop 1816 A-203 was written 28 Aug 1816 but no probate date is listed, only Aregistered between Jan. 19 & April 6th 1818@

Tibballs Baldwin A-207 should be Tibbals Baldwin

missing Isaac Montanye A-212

missing John Shaver A-222

Thomas Wright 1880 A-238 should be 1820

Jesse Hopkins 1821 A-241 may be missing from the film, but 241 comes between 18 Apr 1820 & 23 Jun 1820; and Jesse Hopkins 1821 A-250 is visible and in the correct order

Frederick Bargman A-244 should by Bergman or Borgman

missing Joseph Swetland A-248

John Lutz 1820 A-251 should be 1821

Elisha Courtright 1820 A-255 should be 1821

Jacob Kulp A-257 should be A-258

Enos Browns A-264 should be Brown

Abraham Goodwin A-268 1832 should be 1822

Joseph Budd A-270 should be Joseph Bud

Christian Wenner A-274 1832 should be 1822

missing Junia Preston A-278

John Fairchild A-281 1823 should be 1824

Daniel Hoyt A-287 1832 should be 1824

Susanna Klinker A-289 should be Susana

missing John Miller A-291

missing James Sutton A-292

missing Samuel Maffet A-295

Cassemer Fetterman A-298 is Casamers Feterman or Casamer Fetherman in the typescript (with bequest to Casemer or Casemers Fetherman and mention of land of Casamer Fetherman)

missing Solon Trescott A-300

Asa Whitney A-201 should be 1827 A-301

Ira Holly A-305 Lausane Township should probably be Lausanne Township (now Carbon County), even though the typescript says Lansane, Northamton County [sic]

Elias Long A-311 1928 should be 1828

missing Samuel Sturdevant A-313

missing Obadiah or Obediah Scott A-314

missing Simon Tubbs A-318

William Jackson A-323 should be A-322

missing Lenard or Leonard Sentee A-326

Aaron Taylor A-351 should be A-331

delete the duplicate reference to Elijah Shoemaker A-337, A-333 is correct

Thomas Lamoreaux 1834 A-341 should be 1829, and the typescript says Lamoreuse or Lameoruse or Lamoruse or Lamoreuise

missing Josiah Squire A-343

Phillip Fenstermaker 1834 A-348 should be Philip 1830

missing Richard Metcalf A-352

Richard Hunniwell A-356 is Hunewell in the typescript

missing Thadeus Taylor A-362

missing Sabra Tubbs A-363

missing Samuel Shoemaker A-364

Thomas Prestonpua should be Thomas Prestompua or Prostumpua or Prestompna A-366

missing Jacob Sickler A-369

missing Zurh Smith A-372

Patience Javett A-377 is Jewett in the typescript

James Laird A-380 Wilkes-Barre City mentions a "house and lot in the Borough of Wilkes-Barre," but the will signed and sealed in Kingston

Isaac Sims A-387 is Sine in the typescript

missing John Stewart or Stewarts A-389

John Balliett 1831 A-395 should probably be Balliet 24 Jan 1832 (typed probate 24 Jun 1822, but written 31 Oct 1831, and filed between 30 Nov 1831 & 9 Jan 1832 [typed date of 9 Jan is crossed out and replaced with 9 Jan, possibly meant to be 29? Jan), and it’s probably identical with Balliett, John (Newport Township-1832) A-398, which is missing from film of typescript, and is not listed in the film index

Jonathan Whitney A-404 should be A-405

Benjamin Slocum A-413 should be dated Tunkhannock Township 1832

Joseph Jackson A-416 Horthmoreland should be Northmoreland

missing John Steiht A-417

Jonah McClanan 1835 A-420 is probably the same as Jonah McLellon 1835 A-422, since no A-420 appears on the film of the typescript, and even though the typescript confirms 18 Jun 1835, it comes between two wills (A-417 and A-423) probated in 1833, and the testator says he is sick as of 16 Mar 1833, so the date should probably be 1833

missing Joseph Knapp A-424

Albin Russell A-427 should be Albin Russel

Abial Fellows A-434 Kalamazoo Co., Michigan Territory should probably be both Huntingdon Township and Michigan Territory, since the will initially says "Abial Fellows of the County of Huntington Pa." and later leaves "my real and personal property in the township of Huntington Luzerne County Pa." to be sold and the proceeds given to his wife, but she also to have "one third part of the farm which I now occupy and of the personal property (not debts due me) which is now in my possession--and after her death the same to revert to my heirs Generally which were born of her" and "when my Pennsylvania--shall be sold and the above mentioned legacies be paid off the residue thereof if any shall be paid by my executors hereafter named in Pennsylvania. to my executors hereafter named in Michigan and to be made use of as herein directed after deducting and taken out of one third part of all my real property there in before bequeathed to my wife Doreas"; he later refers to his "landed and real property together with my farming utensils in Michigan Territory" (and nowhere, that I can see, to Kalaazoo County) only in bequests to his children, not to his wife

Phillip Myers A-446 should be Philip Myers

Abraham Miller 1834 A-453 should be 1835

missing Peter Sheide A-457

Jasper Abbott A-462 should be Abbet or Abbey

Micaha Vail 1833 A-468 should be Micha or Miah 1835 (the will is dated 1833 but probated in 1835)

missing Zebulon Marcy A-473

John Gardner 1833 A-478 should be 1836, although the will was written in 1833

missing John Seiwell A-482

Isaac Sherman A-484 is Shearman in the typescript, with sons surnamed Sharman

Lewis Griffin 1837 A-485 should be 1836

Elizabeth Drake 1837 A-290 should be A-490

Darius Williams A-498 is Danas Sr. in the typescript

missing Nathan Stark A-501

Samuel Brees A-508 (I don’t see any mention of Kingston)

missing Jacob Sinton A-517

Thomas Camp (listed as Camp Thomas - - - A 524) is of Tunkhannock Township, and the will was probated in 1838

William Kashback A-528 is Keshbeck or Kesbeck in the typescript

Peter Ryman 1839 A-536 should be 1838

missing James Stewart or Stewarts A-538

missing Wescot Stone A-539

Peter Klingman A-545 is Klingamon or Klingemon in the typescript

John Kinnard, Sugarloaf Township, 1839, A-547 isn’t on the film of the typescript

John Kinnard, Nazareth Township, 1839, A-550 is Kinnand or Kennand on the film, and of Lower Nazareth Township

Margaret Potter 1829 A-552 should be 1839

missing Lasarus Stewart B-19

Thomas Williams 1841 B-24 should be 1839

Ebenezer Stevens, Nicholason, 1839 B-25 is Stephens, Nicholson, 1840 in the typescript

Jabe Briggs B-31 is Jobe in the typescript

Marian Cobb B-33 is Merian in the typescript

Nicholas Miller 1842 B-35 should be 1840

Isaac H. Walsh B-36 is Welch in the typescript

missing Zerviah Smith B-38

Horatio N. Champin 1841 B-39 should be 1840

missing Miles Sutliff B-51

Nathan Whitlock B-56 is Whitlack in the typescript

James Griffin 1840 B-61 should be 1841

missing John Stone B-75

missing John Marcy B-83

missing Stephen Tripp B-86

Desdamonia Wadsworth B-94 is Desdamona in the typescript

Adah Labar B-110 is either missing from the film or is a duplicate of Adah Labar B-103

missing Andrew Hunlock B-111

Henry C. Anhauser B-116 is Anhaeuser in the typescript

missing Abraham Holmes B-119

Phillip Horn A-121 is Philip Hovn in the typescript

missing Stephen Mantanye B-133

Samuel H. Williams B-135 is not visible on the film, only B-137

missing Newton Smith B-144

Thomas Cadwalader 1842 B-155 should be 1843

Benjamin Danning B-156 is Dunning in the typescript

Samuel Jameson 1842 B-158 is 1843

David Jewitt B-164 is Jewett in the typescript

Frederick Miller B-154 is B-184

Lewis D’Poue or Depew B-231 is Lewis D Peue or Lewis Depew or Lewis D. Pew in the typescript

Joseph Goury B-168 is Gowry in the typescript

missing Andrew Hans B-172

missing Jacob Sharps B-180

John Ogin Sr. 1843 D or B-181 is B-181

missing Michael Steinmetz B-183

Jane Rymer B-169 is B-189

William Huneywell B-200 is Hunnywell or Hounnywell in the typescript, with a son named Thomas Honneywell

missing Thankful Scovell B-205

Jacob Thomas B-206 Wilkes-Barre Boro is Township in the typescript

missing Mary Linton B-206 & 207 (according to the typescript), but since there’s already a 206, this should probably be 207

Edward Retheram B-209 is B-208 and is Ratheram in the typescript, but his wife is named Mary Rotheram in one place and Mary Ratheram in another

John Hannis B-213 is Harris in the typescript

Michael Rielly B-217 is Reilley or Reilly or Reiley, but nowhere Rielly in the typescript

Abraham Dewitt 1844 B-216 is 1845 B-218

John Thompson 1844 B-227 is 1845

missing John Smith Sr. B-229

Lewis D. Pene B-231 and Lewis D’Poue or Depew B-231 is Lewis D. Peue or Lewis D. Pew or Lewis Depew in the typescript

Vanbuskirk, Christopher (Kingston 1845) B-237 and Buskirk, C. Van (Kingston Township 1845) B-237 are clearly the same, and the typescript says "C VAN BUSKIRK—"I Christopher Van Buskirk of Kingston Township."

Elisha Blackman B-241 doesn’t make any explicit reference to Hanover Township

William Harris 1847 B-242 should be 1846

Egbert C. Wilcox 1946 B-244 should be 1846

Philip Woodring or Whothering B-245 is Worthring or Wothring or Whothring (no e) in the typescript, with bequest to sons Philip Wadering and John Wodering

missing Roseanna Morss B-247

John Phillips 1845 B-249 is 1846

John Michael Kunslee or Kentzle B-250 is Kunzlee in the film, with bequest to brother George Benedict Kunzlee or Kinzell

William C. Hoyt 1847 B-258 should be 1846

delete duplicate Henry P. Yost, Sugar Loaf Twp., 1847 B-267

Comer Phillips B-272 is Gomer in the typescript

Edward Wardell B-236 is B-286

Cornelius Nephe or Nephus B-292 is Nephew or Nephus

Amzi Fuller, Betharey, B-295 is Bethany

Mary Mott 1847 V-301 should be B-301

David Emigh, Uniondale, Dutchess County, New York, 1844 B-313 is Union Vale 1848 (Uniondale is in Nassau County, and the typescript is clear)

Henry Kern or Kerns B-325 is B-323

missing Thomas Taylor B-324

William Lonnegan, Providence Township 1859 B-326 is Lonnergan, village of Providence, 1849

Gould, Jacob (Plymouth Township 1849) B-328 and Gould, Jacob (Plymouth Township 1849) B-331 are either duplicates, or else B-331 is missing from the film.

Christain C. Shultze, Aucram, Col. Co., 1844 B-338 is Christian C. Shultzw, Ancram, Columbia County, 1849, in the typescript

Benjamin Knapp B-364 is B-366 in the typescript

Christian Kunckle 1849 B-373 is 1850

missing John Myers, Kingston Township 1850 B-378

Jacob Bedford 1849 B-381 is 1850

David Wint B-384 is Wyant in the typescript, although mention is made of his father Peter Wiant

Frederick Atherholt B-587 is B-387

missing Sebastian Seybert, Salem Township 1850 B-390

Robert Porter, Wilkes-Barre City is Wilkes-Barre Borough in the typescript

missing John Shallenberger or Shellerberger B-416

missing Abel Hall (Franklin Township 1850) B-419

missing Jacob I. Shoemaker (Kingston Township 1851) B-437

Hannah Jamison 1881 B-440 is Hannah Jameson 1851 in the typescript

missing Jacob Shaffer (Nescopeck Township 1851) B-443

missing Titus Seaward or Seward (Fairmount Township 1851) B-450

missing Valentine Seiwell or Sewell (Sugarloaf Township 1851) B-451

John T. Robinson 1849 B-457 is 1851 in the typescript

missing Samuel Slocum (Providence Township 1851) B-463

missing James Seymour (Blakely 1851) B-465

William House 1857 B-467 is 1851

missing Peter Seamon or Seamons (Dallas Township 1852) B-471

missing Miles Spencer (Dallas 1852) B-476

missing Abraham Heller (Hanover Township 1852) B-478

missing Seth Trescott (Huntington Township 1852) B-479

missing John Santee 1852 B-480

N. S. Hundwell B-484 is Hunewill or Hunewell in the typescript, with bequests to Hunnawell

missing John Smith (Kingston Township 1852) B-487

missing William Shaver or Shavers or Shaurs (Dallas Township 1852) B-498

missing James Shiner (Sugarloaf Township 1852) B-500

missing John Malone 1852 B-504

missing, John Seamon (Abington Township 1852) B-508

Isaac Tillingfast B-509 is Tillinghast

Solomon R. Clark 1852 B-512 is 1853 in the typescript

Jacob Rambach B-511 is Ramback in the typescript

missing Joshua Smith 1853 B-514

Margaret D. Lewis 1852 B-516 is Margaret Delaney Lewis Feb 1853 (although the will was written in Apr 1852)

John Coons 1852 B-525 is Coon in the body of the will but Coons in the header and 1853 in the typescript

Christian Billheimer B-529 is Billhumer in the typescript (but Billheimer seems more likely)

Jacob Rivenburgh 1854 is Riverburgh 1853 in the typescript

Jacob Linder 1853 B-541 is Lindner in the typescript

George Shilfees B-549 is Selfees in the typescript

E. P. Tillingfast B-540 is Tillinghast

missing David Perkins, Kingston Township 1854, B-550

missing Margaret K. Seybert (Salem Township 1854) B-552

Abraham Arnold B-564 is Abram in the typescript

Anthony Schlifanbaum B-571 is Schilfanbaum in the typescript

missing Samuel Milton 1854 B-573

John McNeal Sr. 1844 B-574 is 1854

Regarding Oil, Lance (Pittston Township 1854) B-578 and Ail, Lance (Pittston Township 1854) B-578, Oil is crossed out in favor of Ail in the typescript

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 Mary Ann Lubinsky
County Coordinator

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