Wills of Luzerne County

These are a partial Listing of Wills from Luzerne County. They were donated by the generous people researching in Luzerne county. If you have something you would like to donate send it to Mary Ann Lubinsky

Richard Hunewell

Hannah E. Pringle

Thomas Davenport

Phebe (Davenport) Pringle

Jesper Billings

Bridget Langan Gillespie

Moss Estate

John Henry Estate

John Henry Estate 2

John Henry Estate 3

Charlotte D Davis

Elisha Courtright

Frederick Croup

Daniel Gordner

Sarah Shupp

Abraham Courtright

Christopher Klinetop

John Arnold

Isaac Tripp



Gad Marfhall

Peter Roth

Daniel Roth

Conrad Lutz

Sarah Matilda Lutes

Elias Acker

Susana Smith

Emanuel Shellhammer

George Shellhammer

Administration of Jacob Smethers

John Hunneywell

Richard Hunewell

Amos Parks

Jonathon Linn

Mattias Van Loon

William Shiber

Conrad Drasher

George Dresher

Jacob Dresher

John Dresher

Henry S Kunkle

Julia E Miner

Additional Old Wills

©1997-2016 by Mary Ann Lubinsky for the PAGenWeb Project, and by Individual Contributors

 County Coordinator
Mary Ann Lubinsky