

These are a partial Listing of Census from Luzerne County. They were donated by the generous people researching in Luzerne county for the Luzerne County Genweb Project. If you have something you would like to donate send it to Mary Ann Lubinsky

Entries for the surnames Eagan, Lahey, Morrissey, Tobin and Wall are listed below. Taken from records found in the Luzerne County Court House, Wilkes-Barre, PA. All occupations were miner or laborer, unless otherwise noted. When ages ("subject to military duty") are given they appear in parentheses. Neighborhoods ("street address") are noted when found in the records. Spelling is as appears in the records.


Lahy, Patrick

Lahy, John

Morrisey, Daniel

Morrisey, John

Morrisey, Michael

Toban, Matthew

Toban, Richard

Toban, John

Wall, John


Lahy, Patrick

Lahy, John

Lahy, Timothy

Lahy, William

Morrisey, John

Morrisey, Michael

Toban, Matthew,

Toban, Richard

Toban, Thomas

Wall, Peter

Wall, John


Lahy, Patrick

Lahy, John

Lahy, Timothy

Lahy, Wm

Lahy, Patrick 1st

Morrisey, Michael

Toban, Matthew

Toban, Richard

Toban, Thomas

Wall, Peter


Lahy, Patrick

Lahy, Timothy

Lahy, Patrick 1st

Lahy, Michael

Morrisey, Michael

Morrisey, Daniel

Tobin, James

Tobin, Matthew

Tobin, Richard

Tobin, Patrick

Toban, Thomas

Wall, Peter

Wall, Michael




Lahy, Michael

Lahy, Wm

Lahy, John

Morrisey, John

Morrisey, James

Morrisey, Michael

Morrisey, Daniel

Tobin, John

Tobin, James

Tobin, Richard

Tobin, Patrick

Tobin, Thomas

Tobin, Matthew

Wall, Peter

Wall, Michael

Wall, John


Lahy, Patrick

Lahy, Timothy

Lahy, Patrick 1st

Lahy, John

Morrissey, Michael

Morrisey, Daniel

Tobin, Matthew

Tobin, John

Tobin, Richard

Tobin, Patrick (Sr.)

Tobin, James

Tobin, Thomas

Tobin, John

Wall, Peter

Wall, John


Eagan, Daniel

Egan, Christopher

Lahy, Patrick 1st

Lahy, Timothy

Lahy, Michael

Lahy, John

Lahy, William

Lahy, Patrick

Morrisy, Michael

Morrisey, Daniel

Tobin, Matthew

Tobin, John

Tobin, James

Tobin, Richard

Tobin, Thomas

Tobin, John

Tobin, Mattias

Wall, Peter

Wall, John


Egan, John

Egan, Timothy

Lahee, Jno

Lahee, Wm

Lahee, Michael

Lahee, Timothy

Lahee, Pat Jr

Lahee, Pat Sr

Morrissey, Michael

Toban, Jas

Toban, Jno

Toban, Matt

Toban, Richard

Toban, Thos

Wall, Peter


Egan, Jno

Egan, Timothy

Eagan, Daniel – blacksmith

Lahee, Jno

Lahee, Wm

Lahee, Michael

Lahee, Timothy

Lahee, Patk Sr – sick

Morrissey, Michael

Toban, Jno

Toban, Matt

Toban, Richard

Toban, Thomas – breaker boy

Toban, Jas

Wall, John

Wall, Peter


Egan, John

Egan, Timothy

Eagan, Christy

Eagan, Daniel – blacksmith

Lahee, Michael

Lahee, Wm

Lahee, Timothy

Lahee, Patrick Sr. – sick

Morrissey, Michael

Toban, John

Toban, Matt

Toban, Richard

Toban, John

Wall, John

Wall, Peter


Eagan, Timothy

Eagan, Thomas

Eagan, John

Eagan, Timothy

Lahey, John

Lahey, John

Lahey, Patrick

Lahey, Patrick

Morrissy, Michael

Morrissy, Daniel

Toban, John J.

Toban, Mrs. Richard

Tobin, John

Wall, John

Wall, Peter


Eagan, Timothy 1st

Eagan, John J.

Eagan, Timothy

Eagan, Thomas

Lahey, John 1st

Lahey, John 2nd

Lahey, Michael

Lahey, Patrick – sickly

Morrissey, Michael – saloon k.

Morrissy, Daniel

Morrissy, John

NOTE: tape ends with surnames starting with "P"


Eagan, Timothy 1st

Eagan, Jno

Eagan, Timothy

Eagan, Thos

Lahey, Michael

Lahey Patk – invalid

Lahey, Jno – 1st

Lahey, Jno – 2nd

Morrissey, Michael – saloon kp.

Morrissey, Michael

Morrissey, Daniel

Toban, Jno J. – carpenter (?)

Toban, Mrs. Richard

Tobin, Jno

Tobin, Thos

Tobin, Patk

Tobin, Patrick

Toban, Matthias

Wall, Jno



Eagan, Timothy 1st

Eagan, John J.

Eagan, Timothy

Eagan, Thomas

Eagan, John

Lahey, John 1st

Lahey, John 2nd

Lahey, Mich

Lahey, Patrick

Lahey, Patk – old man

Morrissey, Mich Sr. – saloon keeper

Morrisey, Daniel

Morrissey, Mich Jr – contracter (?)

Morrissey, James

Tobin, Mrs. Richard

Tobin, James

Tobin, Thomas

Tobin, John

Tobin, Patk

Tobin, Matthias

Wall, John


Eagan, Timothy 1st

Eagan, John J.

Eagan, Timothy

Eagan, Thomas

Eagan, John

Lahey, Michael

Lahey, Patrick

Lahey, Patrick – old man

Morrissey, Michael Sr. – saloon keeper

Morrissey, Daniel

Tobin, Mrs. Richard

Tobin, John

Tobin, Thomas

Tobin, Patrick

Tobin, Patrick

Tobin, John

Tobin, John (42)


Eagan, Timothy (24)

Eagan, Timothy 2nd

Eagan, Thos

Eagan, John

Lahey, John 1st

Lahey, John 2nd

Lahey, Michael (37)

Lahey, Patrick

Lahey, Patrick – old man

Morrissey, Michael Sr. – saloon

Morrissey, Daniel

Morrissey, Michael Jr. – contracter

Tobin, Thomas

Tobin, Patk (25)

Tobin, Matthias (32 or 39)

Wall, John (40)


Eagan, Timothy (68), Smith’s Row

Eagan, John, Pierce Hill

Eagan, Patrick, Whitewash

Eagen, Timothy, Whitewash

Lahey, Michael, - old man, Poke Hollow

Lahey, Patrick 1st, - old man, Poke Hollow

Lahey, John (40),

Morrissey, Daniel, Avondale

Morrissey, Michael 1st

Morrissey, Michael 2nd

Tobin, Thomas, Poke Hollow

Tobin, Matthew

Tobin, John

Tobin, Patrick

Wall, Thomas, Smith Row

Wall, John (48), Larksville


Eagan, Timothy – old man

Eagan, John, Pierce Hill

Eagan, Timothy

Eagan, Patrick

Eagan, John (24)

Eagan, Timothy (22)

Lahey, Patrick 1st – old man, Poke Hollow

Lahey, Michael, Poke Hollow

Lahey, Patk

Lahey, John

Morrissey, Daniel (37), Avondale

Morrissey, Michael 1st - saloon keeper, Poke Hollow

Morrissey, Michael (27), Pierce Hill

Tobin, Patick

Tobin, Thomas – old man, Poke Hollow

Tobin, Matthew (28)

Wall, John, Larksville

Wall, Thomas, Smith Row

Wall, John


Eagan, Timothy, - old, Curry Hill

Eagan, John, Pierce Hill

Eagan, Timothy, Avondale

Eagan, Patrick, Avondale

Eggan, John, Avondale

Eagan, Timothy, Curry Hill

Lahey, Patrick – old, Poke Hollow

Lahey, Michael, Poke Hollow

Lahey, Patrick, Poke Hollow

Lahey, John, Poke Hollow

Morrissey, Daniel, Avondale

Morrissey, Michael 1st, Poke Hollow

Morrissey, Michael 2nd, Pierce Hill

Tobin, Matthew

Wall, John, Larksville

Wall, Thomas, Smith Row

Wall, John, Smith Row

Wall, John, Larksville



Eagan, Timothy 1st, Avondale

Eagan, John 1st (40), Pierce Hill

Eagan, Timothy 2nd (25), Poke Hollow

Eagan, John 2nd (28), Poke Hollow

Lahey, Patrick 1st – old man, Poke Hollow

Lahey, Patrick 2nd, Poke Hollow

Morrissey, Daniel, Avondale

Tobin, Matthew, Poke Hollow

Tobin, Patrick, Mountain Road

Tobin, Thomas Sr. – old man, Mountain Road

Tobin, Thomas Jr. Mountain Road

Wall, John (42), Boston Mines


Eagan, Timothy, White Wash

Eagan, John 1st, Pierce Hill

Lahey, Michael, Poke Hollow

Lahey, Michael, Poke Hollow

Lahey, Patrick 1st – old man, Poke Hollow

Lahey, Patrick 2nd, Poke Hollow

Morrissey, Daniel, Avondale

Tobin, Patick, Mountain Road

Tobin, Thomas Sr. – old man, Mountain Road

Tobin, Thomas, Mountain Road

Tobin, Thomas Jr., Mountain Road

Wall, John, Boston Mines

The above information was donated by: Dan McCallus
© 1997-2010 by Mary Ann Lubinsky for the PAGenWeb Project, and by Individual Contributors

 Mary Ann Lubinsky, County Coordinator

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