Dr. Sprague, president of Wyoming Seminary sends the Gazette the following complete list of students from this vicinity who have entered the Seminary for the Fall term. Those marked with an asterisk are taking the commerical course:
Percy W. Andrews
Wm. F. Dodge*
John V. Dempsey*
Willard D. Howe
Fred. Kromelbein*
John M. Monie
Dunham Lamb
George P. Morris
I. M. Simpson
C. S. Stark
C. H. Seward
C. K. Smith
Misses J. M. Benedict
Esther Davenport
Helen M. Holden
Edith Kyte
Anna Mainwaring
Lillian Mahon
Alice Moran
Nellie Rutledge
Eleanor Stark
Stella E. Shaff
Luella V. Seward
Many of the Pittston students are taking the college-preparatory course.
This page contributed by Jane Fabrio.
E-mail to Jane
1997-2010 by Mary Ann Lubinsky for the PAGenWeb Project, and by Individual
Ann Lubinsky
County Coordinator
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