1940 JANUS Hazleton High
School yearbook
Mom loaned me her
1940 JANUS Hazleton High School yearbook. I thought I would post the various
people in it. There are pictures and as time allows I would be willing to make copies
if anyone wants one. I would have to snail mail it, so include your address if
you request it. I will send these in installments as it's a rather large
school. I have an x after deceased members names.
In Memory of Dr.
A.D. Thomas
Superintendent: Thomas
L. Hinkle
Dedication: Mr.
Miss Alber, Miss
Bachman, Miss Bergstresser, Miss Boyle, Miss Brown, Miss Buckalew, Miss
Ernestine Grosch (secretary), Dr. S.P. Turnbach (principal), Mr. Chamberlain, Miss
Chamberlin, Miss Crowe, Mr. Deitch, Mr. Donald, Miss Drake, Miss Dryfoos, Mr.,
Evangelista, Miss Fager, Miss Fescina, Mr. Fedullo, Mr., Fegley, Miss
Gabrielis, Miss Gettinger, Miss Edith Singley secretary), Miss Gilbert, Mr.
Bruce F. Lamont (vice-principal) Miss Goldsworthy, Mr. Gross, Miss Harrison,
Miss Harry, Mrs. Hekler, Miss Hill, Miss Hoffman, Mr. Hotalen,Mr. Katchmer, Mr.
Klapper, Mr. Koch, Miss Krapf, Mr. Lewis, Miss Lanyon, Miss Lesser, Mr. D.J.
Lewis (supervisor of music), Mr. H.V. McGeehan (director of athletics, coach),
Mr. Drumheller (head of mathematics department), Mr. Harry Schmidt (director of
Band), Mr. Maurer, Miss Matty, Miss Monahan, Mor. Oleniczak, Miss McGee, Mr.
McQuaid, Mr. Parente, Miss Pengelly, Miss Rich, Mr. Saueracker, Mr. Ringleben,
Miss Schwartz, Mr. Schwartz, Mr. Senko, Mr. Serany, Mr. Edward E. Robinson
(head of social studies), Mr. Alfred B. Wagner (head of commerce), Mr. Geroge
E. Shanno (head of science dept.), Mr. Shaw, Miss Swettman, Mr. Taylor, Mr.
Tschudy, Mr. Waite, Miss Walser, Miss Will, Mr. Weston, Miss Veneroso.
Mary Agresta
Evelyn Alden x
Frank Andes
Nicholas Andraski
Joseph Andrejco
Jean Angelo
Carmella Antinozzi
Margaret Antolick x
Joseph Apichella x
Catherine Aselt
Mary Avillion
Nancy Avillion x
James Bahrt
Henry Baker
Richard Balash
Alvin Ballier
Edward Balotsky
William Barager
Mildred Baran x
Michael Barkocy
Helen Barna
Harry Barnhart
Stella Barnosky
Josephine Barron
Leo Bartel x
John Basile
Mildred Basile
Clifford Bastuscheck
Edwin Beck
Neil Beezer
Marie Belletieri
Peter Belletieri x
Michael Bellizia x
Dorothy Benedict
John Benjamin
Viloet Bera (mom)
Mary Bergamo
Kathryn Bernadino
Robert Betterly
Louis Bianco
Dana Blas x
Michael Bodyl x
Arlene Boehmler
Lorraine Boehmler
Peirce Bommer x
Rita Bonetti x
Harry Bonkowsky x
Lucille Bonoma
Carmella Bottley
Vito Bove
Theron Bower x
Anna Boyle
Catherine Boyle
Edward Boyle x
Thomas Boyle
Dixon Boyle x
Steven Brankovich x
Anita Brennan x
Ario Brennan
Irene Bresnock x
Anna Breza
Geroge Briese
Lois Brisiel x
Harold Broady
Violet Brobst
Dawn Bronson
Robert Brooks x
Joseph Brosky
John Brown
Bruce Burgess x
James Burke
Frank Burns
June Butterwick
Frank Buzanowicz
Robert Byorick
Rose Caccese x
Genevieve Calarco
Marie Calibey
Rose Canaan
Jeanne Cannon
Pauline Capece
Frank Carelli
Garfield Carlin
Nellli Carrato
Bosco Cavalier x
Dominck Centobene
Dominic Cerullo
Ernest Chabalk0
Norman Charest
Leon Chaskin x
Marcella Chaya
Marie Cherilla
Neil Cherite
George Cheverko x
John Chippie x
Lena Chirico
Marie Chirico x
Neil Chirico x
Joseph Chupella
John Ciotolo
Helen Cipriano x
Mary Conour
James Connor
John Cook
Mafalda Corra
Marie Ann Correll
Joseph Cortez x
Betty Cressman
Elizabeth Culp
Roland Culp
Elmer Confer
Ida Mae Curcia
Stephen Curry x
Dora Cusatis
Joseph Cusatis
James Damico
Rocco Damico
Salvador Danzi
George Debatto
Angeline DeBelles
Mary Deblasi
Mary DeFazio
Adeline Defina
Joseph DeForman x
Nicholas DeJoseph x
Susan Dellisant
Grayce Demarco
Jennie DeMatt x
Michael DeMatt
Florence DeMalfi
George Demjanish
Minnie Demopulos
Michael Demshock x
Anella DeNicholas
Rose Denick
John DePierro x
Edward Deshishky
Angeline DeStafano
Rosemary Devere
Hazel Dickinson x
Jean Diefenderfer
Julia Diehl
Walter Diksa
Jean Dinkelocker x
Matthew DiSabella
Catherine Ditzel
Anthony Doddo
Robert Dodson
Mary Donahue
Richar Donald
Mildred Dorneman
Mary Ann Dorso
Francis Dougherty
John Dremock x
Marie Dronetti
Eleanor Drum x
Joseph Duda x
Mary Dulina
James Dunn
Jack Durishin x
Joseph Dutzer
Joseph Ecker x
John Erla
Carl Eroh
Catherine Esposito
Michael Esposito
Michael Evanko
Homer Everett
Theres Fanelli
Mary Fanninf
Rose Fazio
Edward Fedor
Jacqueline Feeley x
Robert Feist x
Daniel Fellin
Antonio Ferdinand x
Gloria Ferdinand
Helene Ferdinand
James Fescina x
Anne Ficcione
Calvin Fisher
Guido Flaim
Dorothy Fletcher
Joseph Flurie
Ethel Fortuna
Geneva Franzosa
Genaro Frask
June Frey
Ethel Fritz
Harold Fritzinger
Hazel Fritzinger
Elvera Fry x
Thomas Frye
Lewis Fuddy
Catherine Gallagher
Mary Gallup
Charles Galow x
Mildred Galski
Beulah Gandel
Elizabeth Gangwer
Robert Gebhardt x
Alma Gelako
Adeline Genetti x
Anthony Gennaro
Emma Gentilini
Dorothy Gerber
Marcella Gerenza x
Robert Berhardt
William B. Gibson x
Margaret Gicking
Oliver Gicking x
John Gido x
Andrew Geffert
James Gildea x
Anna Glace
Eugene Glace x
Mary Goffa x
Theresa Goida x
Harry Goldberg
Marie Goldsworthy
Alden Good Andrew Good x
George Gorda x
Alfred Gordick x
Joseph Grazio
Alvin Grebey
Maureen Greco
Michael Greco
James Gregor
Geneva Grohoski
Marie Grosch x
Nevin Grosch x
Andrew Gugliemini
Anna Gulla
Ida Gundry x
William Gutosky
Frank Iero
Martha Iffert x
Gertrude Itter
Gilda Jacketti
Helen Jacobs
Robert Jacoby
Joseph Jamelli
Matthew Jenco x
Ellen Jenkins
Edward Jones x'
Lorraine Jone
Marie Joseph
Joseph Jurus
Margaret Kachmar x
Anna Kadelak x
Harold Kahn x
Norman Kapko
Verna Karatkiewicz
Daniel Karvounis
Francis Kasarda x
Anthony Katona
William Katrishen x
Jack Kaufman x
Mary Keba
William Kelly x
Robert Kellner
Edith Kelshaw
Frank Kender x
Ann Kennedy
Robert Kennedy
Fred Kepping
Doris Kimmel
Rose Kisilitchak
Anna Kleminsky
Doris Klotz
Arthur Koch
Betty Koch
Mary Louis Koch
Mary Kokinda
Nicholar Kolesar
Margaret Koposhy
Magdalene Kostiuck
John Kovac
John Koval
Elizabeth Kraynick
Ida Kress x
Martha Krivitis
Emily Kriznoski
William Krommes (have his obit.)x
Alice Kuchar
Mae Kugler
Susan Kulla x
Gertrude Kurdziel
Raymond Kurdziel x
Blanche Kuritz x
Elizabeth Kushick
Marjorie Kutchi
Edith Kynor
Mary Lakata
Elizabeth Lamanna
Mauro Lamonica
Carmella Lamont
Joe Lapinsky
Louis LaRegina
Dominic Latella
John Lauer
Marie Lawrence
Joseph Lazarsky
Anna Lazo
Martha Leechak
Richar Leitner
Rita Leitner
Doris Lenhardt
Mary Louise Leonard
William Levkulic
Ellsworth Lewis
Marion Lewis x
Marie Libener
Molly Liebowitz
Mary Lipko
Carmella Lio
Albert Lokesak x
John Lorince x
Ralph Loschialpo
Gene Loskill x
Gene Lucadamo (wwII article)
Joseph Lundy
John Lutsky
Leo McAlarney x
Thomas McAloose
John McElwee
Jean McGarry
Kathryn McGarry
James McGeehan
James McKelvey x
William McNelis x
William McNelis
Andrew Macejcko
Jack Maher x
Regina Malloy
Joseph Malto x
Angelo Mangialetto
Margaret Maraccani
Anthony Mariano
Anthony Marillo x
Ida Marino
Catherine Markione
Louis Marnell
Dominic Marrone
Peter Marsciano x
Helen Martin
Salvatore Martini
Vincent Marusak
Margaret Marushin
Michael Matsko
Michael Mattie
Vincent Matyas
David Maue x'
Donald Maue
Phyllis Maue
Peggy Maxwell
Louise Mayer
Edward Mayernich
Anna Maylath
Dorothy Maylath
Kathryn Mazak
Margaret Mazzola
Cathryn Medvitz
Thelma Mehallow
Paul Meikrantz
Thomas Merriman
William Meyrick
Edward Mezallick
Loretta Mhley
Sophia Mikolajczyk
Magdalene Miula
Robert Mikula
Abbie Millier
Harold Miller x
Milton Miller x
Daniel Milore
Marie Minger
Margaret Minnick
Peter Miraldo x
Thomas Molinaro
Robert Molinp
Marie Mope x
Rose Mott
Eleanor Mowrey
Marita Mulhall
William Mulligan x
Jacqueline Munley
Philip Nastasee x
June Nelmes
Doris Nelson
Michael Novak
Helen Novitsky'
Glenn Oberman
Angeline Obert
Bernard Osmanski
Alex Pacelli
Dorothy Painton
Margaret Paleno
Maragret Palermo x
George Panko x
John Panzetta
Anna Papada
Frank Pape
Anna Parlatore x
Anna Parnell
Vincent Parnell
Anthony Parrell x
Michael Parrell
Donald Parsels
Thomas Paskevich
Chester Paskoski
Rose Pastorell
Joseph Patnovich
Leona Patchak
Anthony Paternoster
Frederick Paul
Helen Paveick
Eleanor Pavlinsky
Lillian Payne
Thomas Payne
Joseph Pence
Joseph Perillo x
Anna Perline
Catherine Petock
Leo Petrill x
Mary Petruska
Rosanna Petruska
James Petruzzi
Catherine Pfaff x'
Helen Pieskie
Robert Pieskie x
Donald Piskel
Leonard Piskel
Anthony Plesce
Lawrence Plesh
Claire Plocinik
Carl Podlesny
Elizabeth Pongratz
Michael Popso
Albert Portland
Marie Pozzessere
Joseph Prehatny
Gladys Price
Anna Psar
Anna Puhak
Catherine Puhak
Emil Puhak
Alice Puza
Walter Radishofski
Mary Ragan
Frances Razanoski
George Reese
Harold Reese x
Helen Regrut
Byron Reimiller
Florence Rentz
Lawrence Repanshek
Helen Richards
William Rigotti
Corinne Rinehimer
Alvin Rinkus x
Alphonsus Rizzo
Robert Robertson x
Herman Rockman x
Daniel Rogers
Richard Robus
Lucille Rohde
Edward Rokus
Theresa Roman
Anna Rosato
Hilda Rosen
Jacqueline Rosenblatt
Celeste Rossi
Day Roth x
John Rudowski x
Donald Russell x
Margaret Ryba
Dorothy Rymsza x
John Sanko x
Michael Sanko
Anna Sateach
Doris Sauers
William Savidge
Mary Scalise x
Donald Scatton
Frank Scatton
Louise Scatton
Walter Schan x
Thomas Schattie
Donald Schaub
Gertrude Schilling
Roy Schneider
Arnold Schnorr x
William Schofield
{auline Schott
Martha Schrader x
Thelma Schran
Willard Schugardt x
Anna Scripko
John Sedon
Elvira Sell
Anna Semuta x
Marjorie Senko
Anna Seo x
Irene Sesarak
Eugenia Shafer
Hugh Sharpe
Michael Sharwarko
Joseph Sheer x
Betty Jean Shelhamer
Aloysius Shemansky
Stanley Shemansky
Vincent Shenosky
Nancy Sidari
Charlotte Siegel
Steve Silock x
Helen Simko
Altheda Singer
Leila Singer
Joseph Sist
Edward Slebodnick
Donald Slessler
Agnes Smelster
Barton Smith x
Cletus Smith x
James Smith
Jeannette Smith x
Robert Smith
Elizabeth A. Snyder
Betty Jane Snyder
Wesley Snyder
John Sobon
Michael Sotack
Eleanor Spallone
Robert Stackhouse x
Robert Stahr x
Carmen Stanziola
Thomas Stanziola
Donald Stauffenberg
Marjorie Stauffenberg
Albert Steibing
Walter Steinman
Edward Stetz x
Marie Stetz
Paul Stich x
Nicholas Stitchalk x
Helen Strack
John Streit x
Lex Strock x
William Strohl
Edmund Sulkevitch x
Mary Surmick
Helen Swatch
Josephine Swatch x
Joseph Swett x
Joseph Swintek
Helen Tawel
Clara Thomas
John Thomas
William Thomas
Dorothy Tito
Enrico Todaro
Roland Tomai x
John Tomasheshky
Alfred Tombasco
Cecilia Tonshick
Virginia Topolski
Theodore Toslosky x
Henry Toth
Benny Tranguch
Faber Tschudy
Albert Turick
Rita Turse x
Rose Turse
Nunico Tuscano
Anthony Urillo
Miriam VanDke
Jack Veet x
Edward Veglia
Margaret Velchko
Catherine Verano
Mildred Villanelli
Andrew Vinchur
Anthony Vitro x
Carl Wagner
Catherine Wagner
Jean Wagner
Marion Wagner
Robert C. Wagner
Robert T. Wagner x
Alfred Walck
Doris Walck
Kenneth Walk
Dominic Walker
Ida Walker
Lillian Walker
Rodney Walser
Emily Walters
Ruth Walton x
Mary Wanco
Thomas Wandishin
Gail Warren
Walter Watkins
Mary Watro
John Waslefsky
Donal Wech x
Beatrice Weed
Calbert Welliver
Joseph Wersinger
Reynold Wiherle x
Catherine Williams
Jean Williams
Stirling Williams
Catherine Wren x
Claire Wydock
Frances Wydock
Catherine Wynne
Mildred Yaccino
Barbara Yanick
Walter Yankoski
Anthony Yannarell
Florian Yanoski
Alvera Yanuzzi
Joseph Yanuzzi
This Listing was donated by Carol Queen.
© Mary Ann Lubinsky for the PAGenWeb Project, and by
Individual Contributors