The first settler was a man named Boggs who located on the Abram Van Horn
place, built a log cabin, cleared a small patch and lived there some years.
Boggs joined the Revolutionary Army and it is supposed he was away from home
when his family were driven away or massacred by the Indians.It is a ledgen
that the friendly Indians who were neighbors of the Boggs family shared
Jonathan Hunlock, from whom the Twp. gets it's name, and Edwards Blanchard
settled prior to 1778 at the mouth of the creek. they were without families
and returned to CT about 1790.
Soon after Frederick Croop settled near the river and opened the I.
farm. About the same time came John Croop and the numerous families of
and settled back of the mountain and up the creek, a mile or more from it's
mouth, where Hiram Croop's mill was built. Philip Sorber, son of Jacob,
his improvements a mile still further up the creek. These two families -
Sorbers and Croops were mill men and sawed out much of the lumber from their
own tracks.
Other German families followed the Sorbers and Croops, coming accross from
the Upper Deleware, namley, the Miller, Cases, Davenports, Cragles, Deits
Braders. These made good and thrifty citizens , noted for their industry and
sobriety. In 1797, Joseph Dodson moved into the settlement from the
Plymouth settlement. He had married Susanna Bennett, daughter of Joshua
Bennett. His son Joseph B. Dodson was born in the old place where he
all his long life; an aged and respected citizen and the survivor of his
family. Samuel Dodson and his brother- in- law, Isaac Van Horn were pioneers
and good citizens.
A smelting furnace was built in 1857 near the mouth of the creek, by William
Koons. that industry passed away when the canal came, bringing iron casts
the iron ore points. For some years the foundation walls of the old iron
were visible . Now we believe nothing marks the spot.
Frederick Hartman built his flouring mill in 1843, three miles up the creek.
Ransom Monroe and successors operated it for many years.Leonard Richie built
the feed mill and saw mill about a mile above the Hartman mill.
George Gregory, in 1857, bought Prichards feed mill and rebuilt and
it in the following year with his brother, Benjamine Gregory. In 1869, Jacob
Rice built a feed and chopping mill about one mile from the mouth of the
Ransom Pringle became the leading merchant near the D. L. & W. Railroad
station. Hiram Croop had a store near Croop's mills, other merchants bring
; Darius Whitsell and Alexander Dodson.
Decendants of Croop are still merchants near the RR station, At one time
were two hotels, now one.
Roaring Brook was once a Post Office , as was also Gregory, which had a toll
gate on the turnpike, a grist mill and stone quarry.
While the Post Office is maintained near the train station, the growing
village is 1/2 mile back, where several hundred people reside There are many
beautiful homes in the village and it has a beautiful Methodist church and a
large social hall.
This article was donated by Rose