The following RED LETTER DAYS dating from 12,000 B.C. to 1990 the
Hazleton Area were posted in the September 6, 1991 article in the Hazleton
Standard Speaker. You can scroll down to the date that interests you.
Until 1799, that New England state had claimed territory extending as far south as
Milnesville, where planes now fly in and out of Hazleton Municipal Airport. That year a court
decision established the land as Pennsylvania's territory, leading to the establishment of
Luzerne County, which was carved out of sprawling Northampton County a few years later.
For the Hazleton area, 1809 was pivotal. Sugarloaf Township, named for the famous
mound rising from its center, was organized that year. By that time, a few hardy settlers
already had been living in nearby St. Johns and Drums in present day Butler Township.
Up the mountain, on a plateau that Northampton County's Moravian missionaries called
"Hazle Swamp," a pioneer named JACOB DRUMHELLER had built an inn at the crossroads of
two trading routes. Over the next two decades, lumberers (sic) and other traders traveling the
roads stopped at Drumheller's State House on trips between Mauch Chunk (now Jim Thorpe)
and Columbia County between Wilkes-Barre and points south.
Aside from the forests that attracted a few loggers and led to the construction of a
sawmill in present-day Hazleton, there was nothing to draw pioneers to this cool, green but
riverless(sic) plateau. Then someone realized what lie(sic) beneath the earth.
Anthracite coal, the black rock that would fuel an industrial revolution, brought
prospectors, first to Beaver Meadows and later to Hazleton.
By the 1830's an industry had been born. Its offspring would bear names like Weatherly,
Freeland, and Drifton. Their stories "written" by their founding fathers and the thousands who
settled in the coal region's patch towns, formed the foundation for more than a century of
The first building in Hazleton, a tavern operated by JACOB DRUMHELLER, is
completed on Broad Street.
*According to legend, hunter JOHN CHARLES finds coal while digging for a
groundhog in woods that are part of present-day Hazleton.
*HENRY SEYBERT opens a general store, helping to spur growth of what now is
known as Seybertsville.
*Oct. 9 Hazleton's Methodist Episcopal Society, forerunner of St. Paul's
Methodist Church on West Green Street, is incorporated. Early Protestant
congregations worship in the town's schoolhouse.
*Oct. 9 The first birth of a child in Hazleton is reported. That same autumn
the body of Mrs. THOMAS B. WORTHINGTON becomes the first to be interred in
a Hazleton graveyard.
*The Lehigh Navigation and Coal Co. cuts a road from Mauch Chunk (Jim Thorpe),
through Denisen Township near White Haven and on to Wilkes-Barre.
*April 7 The Beaver Meadows Railroad and Coal Co. is chartered.
*March 13 Carbon county is carved out of sections of Northampton and Monroe
*The Beaver Meadows Railroad build a track stretching from 1« miles from Hazle Creek Junction to its grade at the top of the Weatherly Plane. The North Star, the first engine built in the Weatherly shops, is completed.
*St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church of Beaver Meadows established St. Gabriel's
as a mission Church in Hazleton.
*Fifty-four people take up residence in the new Carbon County Home for the poor at Lowrytown.
*Hazleton Liberty Band is founded as JOHN GLIEM's Band.
*April 9 The Hazleton Liberty Band plays after ceremonies marking the sur- render of Robert E. Lee to Gen. Ullysses S. Grant at Appomatox Courthouse, VA.
*The Lehigh Valley Railroad erects a 16-stall roundhouse on the east side
of the creek across from lower Hudsondale Street. The roundhouse was torn
down in June of 1929.
*The Hazleton Sentinel prints its first edition.
*Dec. 26 The Hazleton Post Grand Army of the Republic chartered by local Civil War veterans.
*May 23 Markle Banking and Trust Co. is founded as PARDEE, MARKLE, and GRIER.
*Dec. 18 A mine cave-in at Stockton Swallows two houses killing 10 people. The event led to the passage of new mining laws.
*June 25 the cornerstone for St. Luke's Lutheran Church in Freeland is laid.
*Oct. 10 RUDOLPH LUDWIG is elected the first burgess of the borough of Freeland. WILLIAM JOHNSON, who built the first home within the borough limits in 1858 on Walnut Street, was named high constable.
*March 16 The Weatherly Herald, formerly the Carbon Herald, is published for the first time.
*Feb. 6 JOHN H. DERSHOCK and J. WARREN LEWIS begin publishing the Plain Speaker, an afternoon daily.
*Sept. 17 The Freeland Citizens Hose Co. is established by men who, until
1922, continued to use bucket brigades, hand pumpers and hand-drawn hose
carts to fight fires.
*Nov. 12 The worst fire in the history of the anthracite region destroys nearly one-fourth of the borough of Shenandoah. Damage was estimated in the millions of dollars, but no lives were lost.
*Jan. 24 Electric lights for the first time illuminate the interior of the
Edison Electric Illuminating plant on North Wyoming Street in Hazleton.
The new plant was dedicated 11th of Feb.
*Oct. 18 CASSLER's Roller Skating Rink opens in Weatherly. Five years later
Edison's new gramophone was demonstrated there.
*The first Lehigh Valley Railroad train passes through the 1400-foot-long
Rockport Tunnel near Weatherly. A crew of 125 men worked almost two years
to complete the tunnel.
*Nov. 11 Street lights are turned on for the first time in Weatherly.
*Dec. 10 The "Diamond Addition" land north of Diamond Avenue, is annexed by the Borough of Hazleton.
*Dec. 4 Holy Trinity R.C. Church dedicates its new house of worship on North Laurel Street.
*July 1 The Buck Mountain Post Office opens. The facility closed 14 years
*Oct. 10 A speeding train carrying passengers home from a festival at Hazleton crashes into the rear of another, killing 66 people near White Haven. The Mud Run disaster was one of the nation's worst train wrecks.
*May 3 Hazleton celebrates the centennial of George Washington's inauguration with a parade and meeting in Hazle Hall.
*May 15 Barnum & Bailey's "Greatest Show on Earth" comes to town with a big
street parade and two performances.
*Sept. 5 The Diamond Fire Co., Hazleton's second oldest, is founded.
*Dec. 4 Hazleton is chartered as a third-class city and N.L.GAVITT becomes
the first mayor.
*Dec.22 Fire destroys the Brill block on East Broad Street in Hazleton, burning out the PLATT & CO. general store, the First National Bank and several apartments and other rooms.
*June 2 Thomas Edison stops at Hazleton's Central hotel on the way to Audenried to experiment with his latest invention, the electric drill. While in town, he suggested the establishment of an electric trolley system which was begun the next year.
*April 3 A mine flood at Laurel Hill kills three miners.
*July 1 McGREADY's Dance Pavillion opens in the village of Pleasant Hill,
later renamed McAdoo.
*July 3 The Lehigh Traction Electric Railway, the first trolley service in
Hazleton, begins service in Hazle Park.
*Aug. 9 Hazleton area bicycle racer HARRY MEYERS rides ten miles in 54 minutes, setting a record for the speed.
*Oct. 19 The new Williamsport Bicycle Co. at Weatherly applies for a charter. The plant went into production the next January, but it was forced to close in 1895.
*Zion Evangelical church is organized.
*Aug. 30 The first post office opens in McAdoo.
*Six men are killed in a dynamite explosion at the Silver Brook Colliery
south of McAdoo.
*Mar. 11 The engine of the D.S.&S. Railroad train blows up at Gum Run, between Tomhicken and Derringer, killing four crewmen, all of whom were from Freeland.
*Our Lady of Mt. Carmel parish, the only Tyrolean church in the United States, is founded in Hazleton.
*Apr. 21 Presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan, known for his
oratory skills, makes a speech at the Grand Opera House.
*May 13 JOHN J. MORAN & Sons Bottling Works opens for business.
*July 29 ALVIN MARKLE and SAM PRICE try out their new Winston Motor Carriage.
The car, the first automobile to appear on Hazleton streets, was capable
of going 20 miles per hour.
*July 30 The Hazleton YMCA opens.
*May 21 St. Paul's United Methodist Church dedicates its new church on West Green Street in Hazleton.
*The Jehovah's Witnesses begin a church in Hazleton.
*The 10-room brick Poplar Street School building opens.
*Two people are killed when a Lehigh Valley Railroad engine goes down with
the White Haven bridge.
*In Weatherly a store is swept away by flood waters.
*May 13 the greatest strike in local history begins after a historic vote in the Grand Opera house on Broad Street. A total of 147,000 miners and 357 collieries were idled for 151 days.
*Sept. 19th -- Weatherly's SCHWAB School is dedicated.
*Oct. 29-- Famous orator and lawyer Clarence Darrow delivers an address at Hazle Hall.
*A 16-room brick building is built to replace the old Walnut Street School.
*Aug 23 John Mitchell, founder o the United Mine Workers of America, speaks
at the Lehigh Valley Railroad Station at Freeland.
*Sept. 18 The Family Theater opens in Hazle Hall at Broad and Wyoming Streets.
*July 29 Hazleton begins observance of Old Home Week.
*Sept. 17-19 Freeland marks its 12th anniversary with Old Home Week.
*Nov. 3--Weatherly dedicates its 21-foot-high Civil War monument.
*Mar. 7--Excavation begins on Hazleton's Lehigh Valley Railroad Station on
south Church Street. It was completed the next fall at a cost of $95000.
*Mar. 14 Hazleton's mysterious "Woman in Black" makes another appearance
when she points a revolver at ALLEN WEIR at Hazle and Mine Streets and then
disappears into the night.
*July 11 Nine men are asphyxiated by "white damp" (carbon dioxide gas) while
fighting a mine fire at the Honey Brook workings of the Lehigh and Wilkes-
Barre Coal Co.
*Oct. 1 Hazleton Public Library, with a collection of 4,111 books, opens in rooms in the Junior Mechanics Hall on West Broad Street.
*Mar. 8 The lavish new Palace Theatre opens on the east side of North Wyo-
ming Street, just south of Green Street. It would be destroyed by fire
just three years later.
*Mar. 15 J.G. EADIE opens Weatherly's Star Theatre in an addition to his store.
*May 22 Halley's Comet, which has been attracting attention throughout the
country, brings out a crowd of 600 spectators on Blaine Street in McAdoo.
*June 21 The Hazleton Motor Club is organized.
*Aug. 11 The PATTERSON Hotel opens in Weatherly.
*HENRY WALSER and GEORGE T. KIRKENDALL purchase the Hazleton Sentinel.
*Hazleton's new high school, later to become GREEBY Jr. High, opens on
Vine Street.
*Oct. 1 Fire destroys the opulent Palace Theatre, less than three years
after it opened at Wyoming and Green Streets.
*July 17 West Hazleton displays its new steam-driven fire engine.
*Aug. 12 Capacity crowds visit Hazle Park for Hazleton Day. Balloon races
and a specialty fireworks display are featured. The next day John Phillip
Sousa and his marching band gave two concerts.
*Oct. 3 The new Hazleton Public Library building, donated by JOHN MARKLE
in memory of his parents, is dedicated at Church and Green Streets.
*Oct. 12 The Temperance Society stages a huge anti-alcohol parade in
*Nov. 12 Vine Street School is dedicated. It served as Hazleton's high school and later became H.F.GREEBEY Junior High School.
*Dec. 1 Hazleton changes to a commission form of government.
*Feb. 15 A blizzard hits Hazleton area, bringing 15-foot snow drifts to
the Freeland area and knocking out trolley lines. On March 1rst the worst
blizzard since 1888 isolates Hazleton State hospital and leads to the deaths
of a young couple whose horse-drawn sleigh got caught in a gigantic snow
drift near Drifton.
*Feb. 16 The REFOWICH Theatre opens on Center Street in Freeland.
*March 3 BLAKESLEE's Grove at Weatherly is renamed Eurana Park in memory
of Mrs. CHARLES (EURANA) SCHWAB who donated the 23.5-acre tract to the borough.
*Apr. 6 Hazleton's first bus line, The Motor Transit Co., is incorporated.
*Dec. 6 The Savoy Theater opens on Diamond Avenue. It operated under several names until the 1940's.
*Mar. 29 Fire guts the Diamond Theater on Alter Street. It was later
*Nov. 16 Six miners die when the rain-swollen Black Creek roared into
the mines at Tomhicken. Five others survived eight days underground with-
out water, food, heat, or light.
*Holy Rosary R.C. Church and Beth Israel Temple, Hazleton are established.
*Sept. 14 The Hazleton Steam Heating Co. begins excavation for laying the pipes under West Broad Street. The system furnished steam heat to homes and businesses.
*April 16 The Palace Theatre, Wyoming and Green Streets is destroyed by
*June 5 With the Great War in progress, the Hazleton Draft Board goes into operation.
*Sept. 3 The Arthur Street Elementary School is dedicated in Hazleton.
*Sept. 14 The Hazleton Heights Fire Co. is organized.
*Sept. 17 After a parade from City Hall to the Lehigh Valley Train station, members of Company G and Battery A ship out for Europe.
*Mar. 23 The Church Street School, on the site of the present D.A.HARMON
Junior High School building, is dedicated.
*Sept. 10 Weatherly residents report spotting an airplane that carried mail from Chicago to New York City. It was the first plane seen in the Hazleton area.
*Construction of the $105,000 Heights School is completed.
*Nov. 11 D.A. HARMAN School is dedicated.
*Feb. 22 The former Grand Opera house on Broad Street, Hazleton is
converted into a motion picture theater seating 896 patrons.
*St. John the Baptist Polish National Church is founded in Hazleton.
*Sept. 3 -- The new Freeland High School is dedicated.
*Oct 22 Babe Ruth, playing with his Big League Stars before a crowd of 4,000 at the Cranberry Ballpark, goes hitless in a game against Hazleton area players.
*July 5 -- The 175-room Altamont opens at Broad and Church Streets in Hazleton. Rates range from $2.50 to $5.00 per day.
*Mar. 1 SOPHIA COXE the "Angel of the Coalfields" dies at age 67.
*June 12 The Crystal Pool containing 600,000 gallons of pure water opens
for swimming in Weatherly.
*Sept. St. Patrick's Catholic School in McAdoo is dedicated.
*Sept. 6 Grand opening ceremonies are held at Hazleton's Capitol Theater,
the city's largest and most luxurious.
*HARMAN-GEIST Stadium opens.
*Nov. 16 Six men are trapped by water in a mine at Tomhicken. Five were rescued eight days later.
*Workers complete St. Kunigunda's School in McAdoo to replace quarters in
the church basement, where students began attending classes in 1916.
*May 12 Fred Waring and His Pennsylvanians provide music at Lakewood Ball-
room opens for its third season.
*June 13 "Talkies" come to Hazleton as the first talking motion pictures to
appear in the city open at the Grand Theater. The program included Vitaphone
short subjects and featured MARJORY HOWE presiding at the theater organ.
*DEC. 8 The new St. Gabriel's Church building is dedicated.
*Motorman HARRY CUNIUS is killed in a headon crash of two cars of the Wilkes
-Barre and Hazleton Railway near the powerhouse at St. John's.
*Sept. 8 Hazleton Senior High school, the district's first million-dollar
building, opens.
*Oct. Drs. JOHN, JAMES, and LAWRENCE CORRIGAN open the Corrigan Maternity Hospital on North Church Street at the present site of the Hazleton-St.Joseph Medical Center.
*Conyngham's new elementary school opens. It would be extensively renovated
30 years later.
*Jan. 11 ANNA POSTUPACK becomes the first postmistress of McAdoo.
*Apr. 27 The first radio broadcast originating in Hazleton is aired by
WBRE of wilkes-Barre from the Hotel Altamont.
*Aug. 7 There were major traffic jams near Barnesville as Rudy Valley and his Connecticut Yankees appear at the Lakewood Ballroom, making his national broadcast from DAVID GUINAN's bungalow at the park.
*Feb. 19 Six members of the ROMANELLI family die when fire sweeps through
their Tresckow home.
*May 14 WILLIAM DEISROTH, a pioneering Hazleton businessman dies at the
age of 32 (sic) 82?. DEISROTH started his grocery store in 1870 and switched to the clothing business in 1878 and later opened a department store.
*May 26 The first public commencement is held by graduating nurses at the Hazleton state
Hospital School of Nursing, which began in 1908.
*July 2 A small cyclone tears through Freeland causing considerable property damage.
*Dec. 19 Radio Station WAZL begins broadcasting.
*Dec. 5 More than 1,000 crowd the Hazleton's Masonic Temple at Church and Green Streets to hear Helen Keller speak. Miss Keller, blind and deaf since birth, "heard" a concert by the Hazleton Conservatory of Music by placing her fingers on the instruments.
*Apr. 21 The A&P Store at 26 West Broad Street displays 0 and later sells
a tub of butter weighing 1,730 pounds that was the product of 15,800 quarts
of milk.
*June 23 Hazleton gets its first Chinese Restaurant, which opened inside
the Club Crystal.
*Nov. 8 The Green Gables nightclub opens on the Hazleton-Wilkes-Barre highway as 700 guests dance to the music of two big bands, Cato's Vagabonds and Austin Wylies NBC orchestra.
*Apr. 9 A 15-day dance marathon begins at the FEELEY Hall in the Feeley
Theater Building.
CHARLES VERANO, a 59-year-old grandfather was still going strong after 264
hours of continuous dancing.
*Apr. 21 The Roxy Theater opens on Diamnd Avenue. It formerly was known
as the Savoy, Pleasure Parlor, Temple, Liberty, and Mayfair.
*Aug. The Pennsylvania State Undergraduate Center is established.
*Nov. Snipers fire at a groupof Democrats holding a political rally on
Center Street in Kilayres . Two people were killed and more than 20 others
wounded in the Kilayres Massacre.
*Political leader JOSEPH BRUNO, from whose home the shots came, eventually was given three life sentences. Four others received lesser jail sentences.
*Feb. 4 A fire forces the Capitol Theater to close for two days. The blaze
destroyed the Betsy Ross Confectionary and Helene's Hat Shoppe.
*Apr. 29 Radio Comedians Amos 'n' Andy appear on stage at the Capitol Theater.
*Nov. 20 The number 1 song on the Hit Parade was "Once in a While," written by MICHAEL EDWARDS (MICHAEL EDWARD SLOWITZKY) who was born in Hazleton September 29, 1893.
*Feb. 17 One miner was killed and 8 other trapped men were rescued in a
flood at Jeanesville.
*Apr. 18 The 500-seat Alton theater opens on Alter Street. In 1959 the
building became the Alton Bowling Alley. It was destroyed by fire in 1967.
*Dec. 15 Former heavyweight boxing champ Joe Louis referees a boxing match in the Feeley Hall on Wyoming Street.
*Apr. 27 Genetti's opens a modern market on North Laurel Street. The first Genetti Market opened in 1901.
*Seniors at Hazleton High school graduate with the best sports record in
the school's history. During the Class of 1940's three years, the basketball
and football teams posted a combined record of 87 wins, 8 losses and 1 tie.
*Aug. 7 Hazleton installs its first 300 parking meters.
*Sept 4 Major Bowes Original Amateur Hour troupe appears at Hazleton's
Capitol Theater.
*Oct. 19 Heavyweight boxing champ Jack Dempsey appears in Hazleton.
* Nov. 2 -- Sunset Diner is opened by PAUL and MICHAEL MAHOLICK at 21st and Church Streets.
*Feb. 21 The new Crystal Inn opens in Weatherly.
*Apr. 13 A relatively unknown comedian named Red Buttons appear on the
Feeley Theater's vaudeville bill.
*Nov. 12 Mrs. JOHN R. DERSHUCK becomes half-owner of the Standard Sentinel and the Plain Speaker on the death of her husband.
*Apr. 9 A fire at Beaver Brook leaves 29 homeless.
*June 17 An airliner crashes into a mountain near Mt. Carmel killing 43 people, including Earl Carroll.
*June 5 Fire kills five children of the STEVEN GAIZICK Family in West Hazleton. A sixth child died the next morning.
*Sept 21 Lattimer native Jack Palance (WALTER PALANUIK) appears at the
Capitol Theater in conjunction with the showing of his film "Sudden Fear,"
co-starring Joan Crawford.
*Oct. 28 Democratic presidential candidate Adlai Stevens speaks in Hazleton.
*Jan. 1 WBRE-TV, Northeastern Pennsylvania's first television station,
takes to the air.
*June 11 Superior Sleeprite Corporation dedicates its new factory in
*June 14 the Jewish Community Center is dedicated.
*Aug. 31 A nine-week strike begins at the Hotel Altamont.
*Valmont Industrial Park is purchased by the Hazleton Industrial Development
*May 22 Hazleton Municipal Airport is dedicated.
Aug. 17-18 Hurricane Diane ravages Northeastern Pennsylvania, causing
unprecidented floods in Hazleton and the Pocono Mountains. Two men drowned
in the swollen Nescopeck Creek near Conyngham.
*Two men RICHARD MOORE and FRANCIS O'DONNELL escape serious injury when their plane slams into the roof of St. Gabriel's R.C. Church.
*July 4-13 Hazleton holds its centennial celebration.
*May 7 Woody Herman and his band appear at St. Joseph's Gymnasium on North Laurel Street.
*Mar. 5 Five people die when the Hotel Gary on east Broad Street is destroyed
by fire.
*July 29 Thousands of children jam Angela Park to see the Howdy Doody show.
*Nov. 6 Actor-dancer Ray Bolger delivers a campaign speech for presidential candidate Richard Nixon during an appearance at Genetti's nightclub on North Laurel Street.
*July 16 A new post office is dedicated in McAdoo, with STEVEN GERLACH acting as postmaster.
*July 19 Schools in Hazleton, McAdoo, Kline Township and Butler Township merge.
*Mar. 1 A $1-million fire destroys St. Joseph's R.C. Church at 6th and Laurel
*May 11 Hazleton's spacious and luxurious Capitol Theater closes its doors
for the last time following the spring concert of the Philharmonic Society.
*Aug.13 Three miners trapped in a cave-in at Sheppton. HENRY THRONE and
DAVID FELLIN emerge alive after a two-week rescue that attracted world-wide
attention. The body of a third miner, LOUIS BOVA was never recovered.
*Dec. 11 Carmen's Italian-American Restaurant, formerly located in the basement of the Northeastern Bank Building, opens at 44 E. Broad St.
*Mar. 14 Hazleton's new post office on North Wyoming Street is dedicated.
*May 1 Allan's Shoe Store moves from the Hazle Hall annex at Wyoming and
Spruce Streets to 28 W. Broad Street, prior to the razing of Hazle Hall.
*July 31 The B.F.DAVIS and Sons Feed Mill in Freeland is destroyed by fire.
*Sept. Marian High school's building at Hometown opens, consolidating schools that had been operating in Tamaqua, Coaldale, and Lansford.
*Oct. 18 Hazleton's new Y.M.C.A.- Y.W.C.A. id dedicated.
*Nov. 28 Retail stores and offices open in the former Capitol Theater building on Thanksgiving weekend.
*May 18 An explosion kills MICHAEL RUGGIERRO, 17, of 626 Harrison St., when he starts his father's car on Cleveland Street between Diamond Avenue and First Street.
*Aug. 22 The junction of Interstates 80 and 81 is dedicated.
*Oct. 18 -- PP&L switches on its new mercury street lamps illuminating 7 blocks in central city.
*Sept. -- Hazleton Area Vocational-Technical School opens.
*Apr. 5 The Church Hill Cinema opens as a one-screen movie house.
*Jan. 26 The Village of Eckley is presented to the state as a living anthra-
cite museum.
*Jan. 27 "The Molly Maguires" premiers at the Feeley Theater.
*Construction of the new Laurel Mall begins.
*June Days of heavy rain associated with hurricane Agnes flood Pennsylvania Creeks and
rivers, causing millions of dollars in damage at Wilkes-Barre and other towns
along the Susquehanna River.
*Sept 1st -- DANIEL C. FARRELL replaces JULIUS SCHNEIDER as superintendent of Hazleton Public Schools.
*The Hazleton City authority decides to use the Jeddo Tunnel as a source of water providing that the state provides 75 % of the project's $8-$10 million dollar cost.
*July 17 A suspicious fire at the Hazleton Area School District's administration building destroys records that had been subpoenaed in connection with a federal grand jury investigation into alleged political corruption in the district.
*June 17 The new seven-story Hazleton state General Hospital opens.
*Oct. 10 Hazleton Area School District teachers accept a $1000 across-the-board raise and end a five-week strike.
*Sept. 23 JAMES MASTROTA of Hazleton and JAMES V. SANDUTCH of Drums are
charged with five counts of murder in connection with the BOYARSKI deaths.
*May 30 Fire destroys the cafeteria-gymnasium annex at Hazle Junior High
School on North Church Street. The 66-year-old school would never reopen
its doors to students.
*Sept. 23 The Feeley Theater closes its doors for the last time with the showing of Clint Eastwood's "The Outlaw-Josey Wales."
*May 9 A record spring snowstorm leaves nearly 3 inches of snow in Hazleton.
*July 4 Scheduled airline service comes to an end at Hazleton Municipal
*Aug. 28 An ordinance banning non-essential use of water takes effect in
Hazleton at the height of a water shortage that had its origin in the
frozen pipes of an unusually cold winter.
*Sept. The $3.8- million Heights-Terrace Elementary School and the $3.2-mil-
lion Freeland Elementary schools open.
*Oct. 16- 17 A surprise autumn storm leaves over a foot of snow and fells
trees and power lines.
*Sept. 6 The doors of the Grand Theater close for the last time.
*Feb. 20 Some 160 residents jammed the Sugarloaf Firehouse to talk about
Lansdale resident JAMES JUSTOFIN's claims on more than 60 properties in
Black Creek Township.
*May Construction of the McAdoo-Kilayres Elementary school begins and the
Hazleton Area Schoold District spends more than a million to repair the
leaky roof at the nine-year-old vocational-technical school.
*Dec. 1 Hazleton's new downtown parking garage opens on South Wyoming Street.
*July 13th Hazleton was abuzz after rumors circulate that President Jimmy
Carter was on his way from Camp David for a visit to the Capri Motel on
Alter Street. After local television stations broadcast the story, a
crowd of 300 gathered outside the Capri to await the arrival that never
took place.
*November 7th Rep. Daniel J. FLOOD, accused of accepting bribes, resigns from Congress after serving northeastern Pennsylvania for 30 years.
*October Albert Boscov, owner of the Reading-based department store chain,
purchases Boston Store at the Laurel Street Mall and reopens it with a
brand-new look.
*October 20th Bus drivers and cafeteria workers go on strike in the Hazleton-Area School District.
*May 19th The Standard Speaker enters the computer age of news gathering and
advertizing as it begins using 24 video display terminals in its newsroom
and classified advertizing department.
*September 13th Hazleton holds its first Funfest.
* Fire destroys the Capitol Theater Building on Broad Street in Hazleton.
The loss is estimated at $1.5 million.
*September 25th Ex-convict-turned-prison-guard GEORGE BANKS kills 13 people
during a shooting spree in Wilkes-Barre .
*November 12th Hazleton City Council lays off 27 employees to deal with $197,000 budget deficit.
*April 19th A spring storm socks the Hazleton Area with 15 inches of snow.
*September 9th Approximately 70 licensed practical nurses begin a five-week strike against St. Joseph Hospital.
*November 6th Voters of the 11th District elect Paul Kanjorski, a 47-year- old lawyer from Nanticoke. He became the 5th man to represent the district since Rep.Daniel FLOOD at the beginning of the decade.
*October Joseph Scheidler, director of the Pro-Life Action League in Chicago,
holds a mock trial in Nuremberg to dramatize the abortion issue.
*April 28th The Sugarloaf Landfill closes on state orders, leaving the Hazle-
ton Area without a waste disposal site.
*June 26th FRANK "FROGGY" PALERMO of Drums becomes one of the Hazleton Area's few heart transplant recipients when he undergoes a "piggyback" transplant operation at Presbyterian Hospital in Pittsburgh.
*September 29th Hills Department Store opens at Valmont Plaza.
*September 27th The state government turns over Hazleton State General Hospital to a community-based board of directors.
*June 12th Fire destroys the Discountland USA supermarket, built in the 1960's
to house the Auto Bowl Lanes, at 22nd and Vine Streets.
*August 25th The school board hires Dr. EUGENE GATTY, who headed a small district in western Pennsylvania, to succeed DANIEL J.PARRELL as superintendent.
*April The Reverend JOSEPH FERRARA opens the Greater Hazleton Philharmonic
Cultural Center in the former Skateland Rink on West Broad Street.
*August 4th Fire destroys the GENETTI Dinner Playhouse.
*December --Deisroth's Department Store closes on West Broad Street, ending
the firm's 118-year presence in the downtown Hazleton.
*June -- St. Stanislaus School in Hazleton closes its doors.
*March 2nd Fire destroys a building at 15-19 E. Diamond Avenue. A second
fire on March 4th guts an adjacent building. Several businesses were affected
and 37 people left homeless.
*March 22nd Fire guts two Wyoming Street buildings housing apartments and the
Coloial Restaurant and Uniforms by Marty.
*October 18th Senapes Bakery, a landmark business on 17th Street in Hazleton,
is destroyed by fire.
*November 21st CAN DO opens its new 30,000-square-foot Renaissance Center
office building at Broad and Church Streets.
*November 21st Former Luzerne County Judge ARTHUR DALESSANDRO is released from Allenwood Federal Prison Camp after serving nine months for attempted income tax evasion.
NOTE: We are aware that the events of November 16, 1916 and November 16, 1926 appear suspiciously similar. It was indeed printed as noted above. Please take this as a reminder that not all things found in "black and white" should be taken at face value.
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