Children of Winfield & Margaret Keenan Scott - birth order


The obituary of Charles A. Scott - 1889-1970:

From "The Scranton Times," Scranton, PA- Wed., December 16, 1970


Charles A. Scott, 20 Welsh Street, Sebastopol, Jenkins Twp., died Tuesday night [December 15, 1970] at his home [the residence of his late grandparents, Thomas and Agnes McGinley Scott, immigrants of Scotland] after an illness.

A lifelong resident of the Sebastopol [born July 24, 1889], he was a son of the late Winfield and Margaret Keenan Scott. His wife, Mary Kelly, died in 1968.

Prior to his retirement, he was employed as a pump runner by Pennsylvania Coal Co.

Mr. Scott was a member of St. John the Evangelist Church, Pittston, its Holy Name Society and the United Mine Workers of America.

Surviving are seven daughters, Mrs. John Remaly (Marita),Harrisburg; Mrs. Robert Dougherty (Marcella), Sebastopol; Mrs. Frank Lyons (Helen), Pittston; Mrs. Frank Coyle (Peggy), Philadelphia; Mrs. Leo Jordan (Ann), Bloomington, Ill.; Mrs. James Ruane (Carol), Elizabeth, N. J., and Miss Grace Scott, at home; a son, Charles, Heyward, Calif.; 28 grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; five sisters, Mrs. Thomas King [Agnes], Sebastopol; Mrs. James Conaty [Elizabeth], RN., Inkerman; Mrs. Andrew McGowan (Teresa), a teacher at St. John the Evangelist School, Pittston; Misses Anna and Margaret Scott, Sebastopol, and a brother, Winfield, Sebastopol.[He was predeceased by two sons John and Robert; one daughter, Mirium ; two sisters, Helen and Mary Scott, and two brothers, John and William Scott.]

The funeral will be held Saturday from the C. F. Burns Funeral home, 4 Kennedy St., Pittston, with a mass at 9:30 a.m. in St. John the Evangelist Church. Interment will be in parish cemetery. Friends may call 2 to 4, 7 to 10 p.m.


The obituary of William F. Scott - 1891-1955 :

From "The Pittston Gazette," Pittston, PA- Friday, December 16, 1955


The joyous Christmas season has been saddened for a large number of Pittston Area people by reason of the death this morning [December 16, 1955] at Pittston Hospital of one of the community's most widely known and highly respected men -- William F. Scott, 32 Swallow St., past commander of John D. Stark Post No. 542, American Legion -- who had been a medical patient at the hospital for the past two weeks. Mr. Scott had been suffering from an asthmatic condition for some time and it was readily apparent to members of his devoted family, since his admission to the hospital, that his condition was serious.

Deceased was born [March 3, 1891] in the Sebastopol section of Jenkins township, Pa., and was a son of the late Winfield and Margaret Keenan Scott. He attended St. John's High School as a boy and later for a number of years had been employed at the Ewen Colliery, Pennsylvania Coal Company, and its successor, The Pittston Company. He was a member of St. John the Evangelist R.C. Church; its Holy Name Society and for years had been actively interested in Pittston Council, Knights of Columbus. He served in the united States Army during World War I and since had been affiliated with the American Legion, having been honored by his comrades by having been elected commander of Stark Post for the one-year term restricted to all Legionnaires. He was also affiliated with U.M.W.A.

Deceased is survived by his wife, the former Catherine McIntyre; one son, William, Jr., of Fulton Street; and one daughter, Mrs. George Semchak (Joan), at home; two grandchildren, Martin and "Buddy" Semchak; and the following brothers and sisters: Charles, of 20 Welsh Street; Mrs. Thomas A. King [Agnes], of 517 South Main Street, Sebastopol; Mary, a teacher in Jenkins Township Schools; Anna, at home at 25 Welsh Street; Margaret, employed by Sweetheart Candy Co., Old Forge; Mrs. G. James Conaty [Elizabeth], registered nurse, of Newark, N.J.; Mrs. Andrew C. McGowan (Teresa), wife of the principal of Avoca High School; Winfield, at home at 25 Welsh Street, Sebastopol.[He was predeceased by a sister, Helen and a brother, John.]

The funeral will be held Saturday from the Charles F. Burns and Sons Funeral home, 4 Kennedy St., Pittston, Monday at 9 a.m., with a requiem mass at 9:30 a.m. in St. John the Evangelist RC Church.

Interment, parish cemetery. Friends may call 2 to 5, and 7 to 10 beginning tomorrow afternoon.

The obituary of John Scott - 1892-1918:

From "The Pittston Gazette," Pittston, PA - Sat., April 20, 1918


Death came very suddenly this morning as nine o'clock to John J. Scott, aged 25 years [born December 2, 1892], son of Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Scott [nee Margaret Keenan], at the family home, No. 25 Welsh Street, Sebastopol. Like the numerous other deaths that have occurred in Pittston recently, his death is attributed to pneumonia [note: death occurred during the great Flu Epidemic of 1918]. Apparently in the best of health, he was able to attend to his duties until last Monday, when he complained of feeling ill. The following day a doctor was summoned.

While his condition was serious for a few days there was no indication that death was near at hand and his passing came as a shock to family members, relatives and friends throughout Pittston.

Mr. Scott was a member of one of Sebastopol's leading families. He was an outside employee at No. 7 shaft, Pennsylvania Coal Company. He was a young man of sterling character and attractive personality. He was a member of the St. Aloysius society and the C. T. A. U. regiment.

He is survived by his parents and the following brothers and sisters: Charles, of Sebastopol; William, Agnes, Helen, a teacher in Jenkins Township schools; Mary, Anna, Margaret, Elizabeth, Teresa and Winfield Scott, all at home.

The funeral will take place Tuesday morning. A requiem mass will be sung in St. John's the Evangelist R. C. Church at 10:15. Interment will be in St. John's cemetery, Pittston.

These Obits were donated by A. Scott McGowan

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