Obituary of Mary (Reese) James

unknown publication name (Luzerne County, Pennsylvania)

unknown publication date (1905);


COMMENT: The descendants of Mary (Reese) James were unable to locate this obituary although historical societies and newspapers were contacted on multiple occasions, by multiple generations. Probably unable to locate obituary since the name in headline at the top of the obituary (Mrs. Manual James) is incorrect. Her husband's name was William P. James;



After a long illness of more than a year Mrs. Mary James died peacefully at her home at Edwardsville at 10 o'clock Thursday night, May 25, 1905.

Mrs. James was born at Blackwood, Monmouthsire (sic), Wales, Oct. 22, 1828. Her parents' names were Thomas and Ann Rees (sic). When she was 3 years old she was brought to America with her parents and landed in New York on Halloween 1830.

After their arrival in America, they settled in Carbondale. From Carbondale they moved to Grand Tunnel, Nanticoke. Thomas Rees, her father, had the contract to open the Grand Tunnel, which is claimed to be the first opening in the hard coal in the Wyoming Valley. From Grand Tunnel they went to St. Clair. In her young womanhood she spent some of her time at Minersville, Pa., with her aunt, Mrs. Ruth Jones., and during this period she was baptized into the fellowship of the Welsh Baptist Church of Minersvile by the late Rev. John P. Harris, whose memory was always blessed to her. This occurred nearly sixty years ago. Mr. Harris came to Minersville in 1844, and she was one of his first candidates.

Dec. 23, 1844, she was united in holy matrimony to Wm. P. James, at Pottsville, Pa., by the late Rev. William Morgans. Shortly after their marriage they moved to Pittston. She was one of the founders of the Welsh Baptist Church of Pittston. It is said that the Welsh Baptist Church of Pittston was organized at her home. In 1866, they moved to Edwardsville, where she spent the remained (sic) of her days, and in all these years had been one of the prominent woment of the neighborhood on account of her remarkably honorable, active and useful life and readiness to serve all regardless of creed or nationality, and at any hour of the night, as well as the day. Mother James was a midwife and attended during her life to more than 5,000 births. She was an honored member of the Welsh Baptist Church of Edwardsville and one of its founders. She was the mother of fifteen, eleven of whom have preceded her, and four are living. Her husband died April 14, 1891. She leaves to mourn her loss three sons--Philip, Eli and Gomer; one daughter, Sarah, who with her granddaughter, Miss Jessie Castner, lived with her and tenderly cared for her through all her sickness, and several other grandchildren. Also two brothers, Samuel Rees (sic), in Scranton, and Jacob, in California; one sister, Mrs. Augie (sic) Smith, of Dorranceton, and hundreds of friends. She lived a noble, useful Christian life; hence she died triumphantly in the Lord. The last time she attended public service was on the last Sunday of May, 1904, at the Immanuel Baptist Church, Edwardsville.

The funeral services will be held on . . . "

(end of article in possession).

COMMENT-CONFLICT-SPOUSE-DEATH: Headstone of spouse, William P. James, per 1949 letter from cemetery sexton at Forty Fort Cemtery, says he died 13 April 1891; discrepancy of one day.

IMMIGRATION-CONFLICT-ERROR: Date of immigration to USA (Halloween 1830) appears to be in error.

This Obit was donated by Ruth Ann Bagley.

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