The Daily Standard, Hazleton, Pa., Wednesday, March 21, 1900.
Death of William Monroe, Sr.
He Passes Quietly Away After Weeks of Suffering.
William Monroe, Sr., one of the city’s oldest residents, died at his home on East Second Street, Diamond Addition, yesterday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock, from ailments incidental to old age. Mr. Monroe was born in Cromarty, Roshire (sic), Scotland, February 23, 1817. His father was a gallant soldier in the British army. He was a direct pensioner of the Duke of Wellington, under whom he fought in many battles. Tiring of Europe, he gave up the pension in lieu of a tract of three hundred acres of land in Nova Scotia. In 1832 the family traveled to that place and remained there for many years.
In 1849, the subject of our sketch left his Canadian home to try his fortune in the United States. He came to this city in 1849 and has resided here and in several of the nearby towns ever since. In 1850 the family was removed to their new home. In the same year the deceased joined the Presbyterian Church, in this city, and has been constant member ever since. Mr. Monroe is of old ancestry, with grand lineage in the land of his forefathers. A wife and ten children survive him, viz: Mrs. Robert Watson, of Butler; Thomas and Robert and Mrs. Munn of this city; John, of Delaney; William, of Milnesville; Mrs. B. F. Davis of Freeland; Mrs. Geo. Hoch and David, of South Bend, Ind.; Alexander S., of Philadelphia.
The funeral will take place on Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock. The religion services will be held at the home of his son, Thomas, 133 N. Pine St. Deceased was a member of the Odd Fellows of this city since 1854. This society will have charge of his funeral.
Newspaper obituary, (Hazleton, Pa.?), Wednesday, March 21, 1900.
William Monroe, Sr. Dead.
Aged and Well Known Citizen Passes to the Great Beyond
.After an illness of several months duration with diseases incident to old age, William Monroe, Sr., aged 83 years, one of Hazleton’s best known citizens died at 2:30 o’clock yesterday afternoon at his home, No. 42 Second Street, rear Alter. Besides a wife he is survived by ten children. They are Mrs. Robert Watson, Butler; Thomas and Robert this city; A.S. of Philadelphia; James of Delaney, Pa.; William, of Milnesville; Mrs. Munn of this city; Mrs. B. F. Davis of Freeland; Mrs. George Hoch and David, of South Bend, Ind. The funeral will take place Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock in the residence of his son Thomas, 123 N. Pine St.
While not in the best of health for the past year Mr. Monroe gave no evidence of alarming symptoms until several months ago when he was compelled to take to his bed. The best medical aid was called into consultation and everything was done to prolong life. Three weeks ago the attending physicians gave up all hope, but his wonderful vitality and cheerful disposition served to keep him alive until yesterday when dissolution set in. He was a member of Odd Fellows since 1864, and that lodge will have charge of his funeral.
William Monroe was born in Kromarty (sic), Roshire (sic), Scotland, February 23, 1817. His father, a British soldier, was a pensioner of the Duke of Wellington. He gave up his pension for a strip of land of 300 acres in Nova Scotia and immigrated to his new home when the subject of our sketch was 15 years old. In 1849, deceased left Nova Scotia, and upon arriving in America located in Hazleton, bringing his family to this city a year later. In the same year, he joined the Presbyterian Church and had been a devoted member and a constant attendee at all services until his health prevented him from leaving his home.
Death of Abraham Minich
Hazleton Sentinel, Thursday April 16, 1885
This morning Abraham Minich died after a short illness at his home in Milnesville. He was well known throughout the region and had been employed at the colliery at Milnesville for a period of twenty-five years. At the time of his death he was aged fifty seven years, six months and eleven days. He leaves a family and six children. The funeral will take place at one o’clock, sharp on Sunday afternoon from his late residence. Interment in the Conyngham cemetery.
Hazleton Sentinel, Monday April 20, 1885
Yesterday afternoon at two o’clock the funeral of the late Abraham Minnich, of Milnesville, took place. Services at the house were conducted by Rev. Boone, after which the remains were taken to Conyngham where services were held by Rev. Derr. The funeral was attended by the P.O.S. of A., of Ebervale, of which the deceased was a member, in a body. Interment in the Conyngham cemetery.
Hazleton Sentinel, Monday April 20, 1885
Derr - At Milnesville, April 19, 1885, Sarah Derr, mother of Mrs. Abraham Minnich, age 79 years, 3 months and 22 days. Funeral Tuesday afternoon at 1 o’clock. Interment in Conyngham cemetery.
Hazleton Sentinel, Saturday, December 4, 1897
Mrs. Hutton Dead
Mrs. Elizabeth Hutton, and (sic) aged and highly esteemed resident of Conyngham died at her home there yesterday of heart disease. Deceased was 78 years of age. She is survived by two sons and two daughters, John and Frank Hutton and Mrs. Frank Snyder of Conyngham and Mrs. C.D. Straw of Ashley. The funeral will take place at 1-30 o’clock Monday afternoon.
Hazleton Sentinel, Tuesday, December 7, 1897
Burial in Conyngham
The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Hutton, relict of Mordica Hutton, took place in Conyngham yesterday and was largely attended. Services were conducted at the Reformed church by Rev. Kerschner, of Freeland, after which burial was in the church graveyard. The pallbearers were: Messrs. G.W. Drumheller, W.P. Hunter, Stephen Rittenhouse, August Reisenweaver, John Shaffer and George Osborne. Mrs. Hutton was 78 years old.
Hazleton Sentinel, Monday, June 10, 1901 (front page)
Death of Conrad Crouse
Conrad Crouse, a former resident of Milnesville, died on Saturday evening at 5 o’clock at his home in Riegelsville, Bucks county. On April 1st he moved from Milnesville to his late home, where he expected to spend the remainder of his life in farming. Several weeks ago he was taken ill with heart trouble, and for a time was considered to be in a critical state, but he rallied, and it was thought he would recover, but he suffered a second attack, which caused his death.
In 1877 he came to Milnesville and accepted a position as machinist at the colliery. In recent years he was the foreman of the colliery machinists and directed the placing of the machinery in the breaker.
He was born in Bucks county, 74 years ago, and besides a wife he leaves the following children: John, a motorman on the Traction road, and Mrs. Harry Bullock of this city; Carrie, a teacher in Hazle township; Mrs. John Minnich, of Milnesville, and Mrs Wm. White, of Vancouver, British Columbia.
No date has as yet been set for the funeral, although it will take place in Riegelsville.
Hazleton Plain Speaker, May 27, 1925
Mrs. Caroline Crouse
Mrs. Caroline Crouse died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John East, 586 Grant Street, last night, after an illness of several weeks. She was the widow of Conrad Crouse, who preceded her in death some years ago. Mrs. Crouse is survived by the following children: John Crouse, Ms. John East, Mrs. Elizabeth Minnich, Mrs. Ella (sic) Jacobs, of this city and Mrs. Alice White of Vancouver, B.C. A stepson, Warren Crouse, also survives.
Funeral services will be arranged for Thursday evening and burial will take place at Riegelsville Friday morning.
Hazleton Plain Speaker, May 27, 1925
At Hazleton, Tuesday, May 26, Caroline, relict of Conrad Crouse. Services private at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. John East, 586 Grant Street. Thursday at 8 p.m. Funeral will leave Friday morning at 9 a.m. for Riegelsville where interment will be made. Please omit flowers. Body may be viewed until 7:30 Thursday evening. Bachman Bros. funeral director.
Daily Standard, Hazleton, Pa. October 8, 1910 (Saturday)
Death of Mrs. Jane Lewis
After an illness of several years, Mrs. Jane Lewis, aged about 55 years, died at her home in Milnesville, shortly after noon yesterday. Death was due to cancer. She is survived by the following children: William, of Philadelphia; John, of Milnesville; Edward, of this city; Thomas, of Pittsburgh; Mrs. Samuel Watkins, of Milnesville; and Mrs. Monroe, of this city; Mrs. Geo. S. Boyle, of Kingston, is a sister of the deceased. Her surviving brothers are: Joseph, William and Wesley Hall. No arrangements have as yet been made for the funeral.
Daily Standard, Hazleton, Pa. October 10, 1910 (Monday)
At Milnesville, Friday Oct. 7th, Mrs. Jane, relict of John Lewis, aged 70 years, 5 months, and 14 days. Funeral this (Monday) afternoon at 2 o’clock. Services at the house. Interment in Vine street cemetery. Bachman Bros., funeral directors.----------------------------------------
Daily Standard, Hazleton, Pa. October 11, 1910 (Tuesday)
Yesterday’s Funerals
The funeral of Mrs. Jane Lewis, of Milnesville, took place yesterday afternoon. Services were held at the house and interment followed in the Vine street cemetery here. Mrs. Lewis died from paralysis and not from cancer as reported.
Daily Standard, Hazleton, January 11, 1915
Edward Minnich
After three weeks of most intense suffering, death last evening shortly after six o’clock, claimed Edward Minnich, of North Church street, one of the most widely known men on this mountain top.
Deceased was first stricken with bronchitis, and then pneumonia developed and then followed an abcess on the lung, which finally bursted and he actually succumbed to anti-sceptic poisioning. The end was peaceful and he was surrounded by his wife and daughter and other members of his family.
Deceased was born in Jeansville 57 years ago, he having reached his natal day on Monday of last week. He was reared in Jeansville and later the family moved to Milnesville. At the age of six years he lost an arm through the act of his brother William, who, not knowing a gun was loaded, fired and blew off his arm. From Milnesville the family moved to Mt. Scenery, where for twenty-two years he was tax collector for Butler township and during that time became known to every man, woman and child in the farming district. For the past twenty years he was employed as an insurance agent for the Prudential Insurance Company ans was among the most valued and hustling agents in the employ of this company. He was a good citizen and was honored and respected by all who knew him. He was a member of the Butler Lodge of Odd Fellows, the P.O.S. of A., and the Junior Order of American Mechanics. He was also a member of the Diamond M.E. church.
Besides his wife and daughter, Mrs. Albert Croll, he is also survived by the following brothers and sisters: William of North Laurel street, who is stable boss at Coleraine; Mrs. Thomas Bailey, Audenried; Mrs. John Krause, Hazleton; John, of Milnesville, and Ambrose, of Harleigh.
No arrangements have as yet been made for the funeral.
Daily Standard, Hazleton, Tuesday, January 12, 1915
-- In Hazleton, Sunday, January 10, Edwin Minnich, aged 57 years. Funeral Thursday at 1 p.m. from his late residence 552 North Church street. Services in the Diamond M.E. church. Interment in the Union cemetery, Conyngham. Bachman Bros., funeral directors.
Newburgh Daily Journal, N.Y., January 12, 1912
Had Arm Crushed And Blood
Poisoning Followed and
Proves Fatal
Marco Santoro, of Montgomery, who was brought to this city last week with a badly crushed right arm, the result of an accident in the Crabtree woolen factory, died this morning at ten o’clock. The arm was badly lacerated by being caught in a wringing machine and Dr. Townsend counselled amputation but the family of the injured man protested [in] the hopes that the member could be saved. Accordingly, blood poisoning set in from which Mr. Santoro died this morning.
He was one of the best known citizens of Montgomery where he has been a resident for many years and an active member of the Presbyterian Church. He was brought here in an automobile by Edward Puff, of Montgomery, who came again with his car this afternoon to bring the body home.
Mr. Santoro is survived by a widow and seven children, three daughters and four sons.
Editor’s note: The Santoros were members of the Catholic Church, and the seven children were five daughters and two sons.
Hazleton Standard -Sentinel, Friday August 26, 1921
Miss Stella Hall
Miss Stella Hall, age 39 years, a trained nurse, a former resident of Milnesville, died very suddenly at her home in Saratoga, N.Y., yesterday. She had been suffering with heart trouble for some time
The deceased was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hall, of Milnesville and spent her girlhood days there.
She took up nursing as a profession. During the world war she served with credit in the ranks of the Red Cross nurses in the various hospitals in France. She also sereved in Serbian hospitals. After the war she served in a hospital for disabled soldiers at Newark, N.J. She was employed at her profession until about a month ago, when she was stricken ill.
She is survived by two sisters, Miss Laura Hall, of Saratoga, N.Y., and Mrs. Gower, of Philadelphia. C.W. Hall, of Lattimer is an uncle of the deceased.
The body will be brought to this city for burial. Word was received here last night that it would leave Saratoga at 3:30 p.m. Arrangements will be made to meet the body here. Burial will likely take place in the Vine street cemetery.
Hazleton Standard-Sentinel, Saturday August 27, 1921
--- At Saratoga, N.Y., August 24, Stella M. Hall, aged 38 years. Funeral will arrive Sunday. Services at residence of William Monroe, 594 N. Locust Street, Monday at 1:30 p.m. Interment in Vine street cemetery. Bachman Bros. funeral directors.
Hazleton Standard-Sentinel, Wednesday July 15, 1925
John Lewis
John Lewis, age 57 years, a native and life long resident of Milnesville, died at the State Hospital at 5:05 o’clock last evening following a two month’s illness of complications
Mr. Lewis was employed at the Lattimer colliery, where he operated an air compressor.
He is survived by his wife and the following children, all at home: John, Paul, Mary, Ruth, Thomas, and William. Two sisters, Mrs. Samual Watkins, of Milnesville, and Mrs. William Munroe, of this city, and two brothers, Thomas Lewis, of Pittsburgh, and Edward Lewis, of Hazleton, also survive.
Hazleton Standard-Sentinel, Tuesday, December 21, 1943
Mrs. Bertha Munro
Mrs. Bertha Munro, 81, of 810 James Street, died at her home at 7:45 o’clock last night, following a lingering illness of complications.
She was born in Milnesville and spent her entire life in this region.
Her husband, William Munro, died in 1932.
She was a member of the Diamond Methodist Church and the Steadfast Class of the Church School.
Surviving are the following children: Robert Munro, Mrs. Simon Fichter, Mrs. Bessie Rhoades, Mrs. William Cloke, Mrs. Horace Welliver, all of Hazleton; Lewis Munro, of Philadelphia, and Mrs. Paul Ravert, of Berwick. Mrs. Samuel Watkins, of Milnesville, is a surviving sister. There are 17 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Seven of the grandsons are serving in the armed forces of the U.S.
Funeral arrangements will be announced later.
These Obits were typed by Peter Guattery
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