Obituary of Dean C. Robbins

Wilkes-Barre Record, Wednesday, May 8, 1946

Cambra Farmer Dies In Berwick Hospital

Dean C. Robbins, 64, a highly respected farmer in the cambra section, died yesterday morning at 11:15 in Berwick Hospital where he had been admitted an hour before in a critical condition. Mr. Robbins had been ill since January.

He was a lifelong resident of that section and a member of the Register Methodist Church.

Surviving are his wife, a son, Homer; brother, Harry of Cambra; also two grandchildren.

Funeral services will be hald Friday morning at 10:30 fromthe home in charge of Rev. John Baxter Howes, of Town Hill Methodist Charge. Burial will be in New Columbus Cemetery.

These records were donated by: Tina Fiorani

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 Mary Ann Lubinsky
County Coordinator

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