Obit of Fred Adrian Jr.

Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Record Wednesday, April 26, 1911

Death of Fred Adrian, Yesterday morning at 4:30 Frederick Adrian, Jr., passed away at his home, 136 Mill Street, after a brief illness. Though suffering for some time with asthma he kept up his work as engineer at Heidelberg colliery, No. 2, of the Lehigh Valley until a week ago.

He had been confined to his bed most of the time and his condition grew worse until the end came. The deceased was born in Pittston and resided here all his life. He was in his 53rd year.

His parents were Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Adrian, Sr., among the earliest German residents of Pittston. The dead man enjoyed the esteem of a large circle of friends.

He possessed an excellent character, his intergrity was not questioned and he was a most valuable citizen to the community. His loss will be a severe one to the parishoners of St. John's Lutheran Church. He always took an active part in carrying out the details of the church work and the younger members will greatly miss him for his Christian character and manly ways.

Mrs. Adrian was married 27 years ago to Miss Maria Heineman, who survives, as also do three children: Mary, George, and Freida. Mr. Adrian is also survived by his parents and the following brothers and sisters: William and Edward Adrian and Mrs. John Kern, all of this place.

Mr. Adrian was a member of Luzerne Lodge, I.O.O.F. The funeral will be held on Friday afternoon. Brief services will be conducted at the home at 2 o'clock and the regular funeral services will be held in St. John's Lutheran Church at 2:30.

The funeral of Frederick Adrian, Jr. was held yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home on Mill Street and was attended by a large gathering of friends and relatives and a representation from Luzerne Lodge No. 721, I.O.O.F., with which the deceased was affilitated.

A short service was conducted at the home, following which a further service was held in St. John's Lutheran Church, conducted by Rev. George A.E. Reschke.

The pall bearers were: Henry Huber, Charles Eckert, Max Ludwig, George Schweitzer, F.L. Weiskerger and Martin Hinderlee.

There was a profusion of floral tributes and the carriers were: Joseph Lutz, Leander Ludwig and Carl Petz.

I would Like to thanks Dalice For the Generous Donation to Luzerne Genweb.

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