Reap Family

W-B Record May 13, 1878

The funeral of the late Michael Reap will take place to-morrow morning at half past nine o'clock. Mass will be celebrated at 10, and Rev. Father Finnen will preach the funeral sermon. Mr. Reap gave all the necessary directions for his burial several months ago, and his wishes in this respect have been carried out to the very letter. He named his pall bearers--all old friends and business associates--long ago. Before the depreciation of real estate he was reputed to be worth about $200,000, but it is quite probable that he has left at least $150,000 worth of property to his wife and children. He had about $75,000 in the Miners' Savings Bank and owned gas and water stock worth nearly as much more. His late residence is the handsomest and most elegantly appointed mansion in Pittston and cost a fortune in itself. Mrs. Reap will continue to reside there with the younger children.

W-B Record March 21, 1907

Mrs Mary Bolen Reap died at her home, corner of Church and William Streets, yesterday afternoon at 4:30, of general disability. She was aged 77 years, her last birthday being on March 6. Deceased was the widow of the late Michael Reap. Mrs. Reap was born in Ireland and when quite young emigrated to this country, having lived in Pittston all this time. Mrs. Reap has been ill since last December, and her condition had been serious since Friday. The nurse and family physician had given up hopes several days ago. Mrs Reap was entirely devoted to her children and a model mother. She was also a devoted worker in the church when younger in years and was loved by all. Her charities, to which her ample means enabled her to devote much time and money, were entirely unostentatious, and known only to her beneficiaries. She was a devout Catholic and was a member of the societies connected with St. John's Church, namely--the Holy Rosary and the Altar and Scapular. She possessed a charming disposition, and in her death Pittston loses a most generous woman, whose place will be hard to fill. Her late husband was the founder of the Miners' Savings Bank of Pittston.

The family moved from Upper Pittston in 1871, and have since resided in the beautiful mansion, corner of Church and William streets. Among the surviving children are: Mrs B. A. O'Malley, Thomas M. of Tacoma, Washington; George, Dr. Joseph C. Reap, Mrs. G. F. Bohan. She was also survived by one brother, M. Bolen of Upper Pittston. There are also several grandchildren and two great-great- grandchildren. The funeral will take place on Saturday morning, with a solemn requiem mass in St. John's Church, and interment will be made in the family vault in St. John's Cemetary beside the remains of her late husband.

CJ Kennedy []

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