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Luzerne County PAGenWeb Pittston Gazette, April-July, 1904 Extracted by Jeannette Phethean
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27 APRIL 1904
A daughter was born a few days ago to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Dailey, of Cherry St., Pittston. Mary, aged 4 months, daughter of Mr.& Mrs. John Cooney, died yesterday. Funeral will be tomorrow, with burial in Market St. Cemetery. Joseph Furit, an Italian resident of Pittston, died yesterday at Pittston Hospital of pneumonia. * The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Williams of North Main Street was held today, with burial in West Pittston Cemetery. Anthony Dougherty of Port Griffith and Miss Mary O'Brien of Wyoming Avenue, Exeter, were married at St. Cecelia's R. C. Church today. Mrs. William Ziegenfuss, 32, died yesterday in Wilkes Barre, of pneumonia. She was the organist at St. John's Lutheran Church. Rachel, the two-year old daughter of Mr & Mrs. Guiss of Plymoiuth, fell into a tub of boiling water, and was scalded so badly that she died. * James Ayres, Sr. of Miners Mills died Monday (25 April 1904). He was born in England, immigrated in 1877, and was a fire boss at Pine Ridge. His son, James Ayres, Jr. is principal of Mineers Mills Schools. Richard O'Brien of Lambert St., and Miss Catherine Lalley of Mill St., were married on 26 April 1904 at St. John's R. C. Church.
28 APRIL 1904
Patrick McPeak, Old Forge, and Miss Kate Barrett, Avoca, were married 27 April 1904 at St. Mary's R. C. Church in Avoca. George Parry, Avoca, and Miss Jessie Clark, a Hughestown teacher, announced their marriage which occurred some time ago. They are living in Avoca. Lawrence Winters, 49, of Yatesville, was killed by falling iron in a Wilkes Barre colliery. He was not married, and once lived in Pittston. Charles St. John, whose grocery is on South Main St., is closing his store. James D. Scrimgeour and Kathryn L, Sigman were married on 28 April 1904 in the West Pittston Presbyterian Church. Karl Laufer, an aged resident of WilkesBarre, died last evening of pneumonia.
29 APRIL 1904
* The obituary of Albert R. Dietrick, 24, of Falls, Wyoming County, aoppears in today's paper. He died in a Scranton hospital of pneumonia. Antonia (Mrs. Edward) Pahl, 37, of Prospect St., died of blood poisoning. Emmanuel Seak, of Hughestown, and Miss Margaret Sweeney, of Broad St., were married at St. Mary's German Catholic Church on 28 April 1904. Merl Evans and Jessie Fenner were married on 28 April 1904, at her home. David W. Scholl Sr. and Nettie F. White, both of Race St., West Pittston, were married yesterday in WIlkesBarre. John H. Kridler, of WilkesBarre, died yesterday of pneumonia. Anthony Tigue, one of the oldest and most respected residents of Pringle HIll, died yesterday. Charles Robinson, 2, of Jersey City, was visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Mary Hayes, of Scranton, when he fell into boiling water and was scalded to death. *Carl Laufer, aged resident of WilkesBarre, was buried yesterday. He fought in the Franco-Prussian War. He came here in 1881. Albert G. Shepherd, 74, of WilkesBarre, died aboard ship, while returning from Florida. He was a cigar manufacturer.
30 APRIL 1904
A son was born to Mr. & Mrs. William Root, of Sebastopol, on 29 April 1904. A daughter was born to Mr. & Mrs. Tracy Sellers, of Moosic, on 26 April 1904. * Thomas Hanlon, 70, of West Avoca, died 0n 29 April. He was born in Ireland. Steven Watson, 75, of Mt. Zion, died on 27 April. George Hunt, 26, a former resident of West Pittston, died in a fall from a bridge in Paterson, NJ. Ralph Bell, 19, Plains Twp., died of tuberculosis on 29 April. James Berkey, 37, Ashley, died of pneumopnia on 29 April. John Evans, 72, Nanticoke, died on 29 April. He was born in Breconshire, South Wales. Earl Vosburg committed suicide in a bar in WilkesBarre in December. The bartender was convicted of selling liquor to him. and sentenced to 90 days, and a $200 fine.
2 MAY 1904
Homer LILLIE and Miss Margaret PATTERSON of Laflin were married on 27 April 1904 in Yatesville Methodist Episcopal Church. Mrs. Martha RUGER of Wilkes Barre died last evening after a long illness. She was the mother of William SITES of West Pittston. * Benjamin B. ANTRIM of West Scranton died Sunday of apoplexy. He was a nephew of B. F. ANTRIM of West Pittston, and had charge of the dry goods department of McCANN's store. A son was born to Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph HOWARTH of Duryea, yesterday. Bertha, the 2 year old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph KAVILCHEK, of Duryea, died Saturday, (30 April) and will be buried Monday. Lewis JOHNSON, 58, of Wilkes Barre, died today of consumption. Mr. James MARTIN, born in Cornwall, England nearly 60 years ago, died on 30 April 1904 in Nanticoke, of apoplexy. *William McDONALD, general manager of Oliver Powder Works at Laurel Run, died on 30 April at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Sylvester ENGLE, of Hazleton. Dalton TAYLOR, 29, single, was run down by a Lackawanna train in Taylor. His parents were Mr. & Mrs. Patton TAYLOR, of Lackawanna. Funeral will be from the P M Church, with burial in Marcy Cemetery. Hon. John J. SHONK, of Plymouth, died. He was born in 1813, and was a member of the PA House.
3 MAY 1904
* Oscar HEINZLEMAN, 14, of Hughestown, son of Mrs. Christopher HEINZLEMAN, of Rock St., was killed when he was dragged by a Lehigh Valley train. *An obit for Patrick HOPKINS, who died on 2 May, appears today. Josi DELAY, 22, a single Italian, was killed in Lawrence breaker of the LV Coal Co. He lived in Counseltown. A son was born today to Mr. & Mrs. W. E. SAX, of Slatington, at the home of his grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. W. R. SAX, of Montgomery St., West Pittston. The mother was Gertrude ROMMEL, of West Pittston. George HUNT, son of Mr. & Mrs. Milton H. HUNT, of Maple St. West Pittston, was buried today. Peter MCGOWAN, of Carbondale, was killed May 2, in Forest City while switching train cars. He was a brakeman on the Ontario & Western Railroad.
4 MAY 1904
A son was born on 3 May to Mr. & Mrs M. E. GOLDEN, of Market St., Pittston. Thomas TOLNICK, Avoca, died 3 May, and was buried today in St. Mary's Cemetery. Byron PETERSON, 29, died of typhoid at the home of his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Lewis PETERSON, of Montgomery St., West Pittston. Floyd NULTON and Miss WETHERBEE of Orange waere married on 5 April in Cenetermoreland Methodist Church. Patrick S. O'NEILL, 49, Stanton St., Wilkes Barre, died 3 May. He was a stonecutter and prominent in labor circles. Walter REARDON, formerly of Carbondale, was killed in Brooklyn. Mrs. Christina HARTMAN, 92, of Union Twp., died Sunday, 1 May. Anthony LEPTOCK, 23, of Hazel Brook, was killed in Hazel Brook breaker. Mrs. PRUNER, of Mount Cobb, near Scranton, was burned to death. Arthur VAIL, of Waverly, was killed by a train at Clakrs Summit on 3 May. Mrs. Mary Jane WHITTEY, 62 died in Jermyn. N. S. TINGLEY, a merchant tailor and an old resident of Bloomsburg, died on 3 May. Joseph NEARI, 33, a miner, was killed by a rock fall in the Hillside Coal & Iron Co. Fernwood mine. He is susrvived by two brothers, one in Boston settlement and one in Cork Lane. (both part of Pittston)
5 MAY 1904
A son was born to Mr. & Mrs. W. P. GIBBY , of Washington St., West Pittston. Owen FORD, of Luzerne Borough, died on 4 May, of general debility. He was a native of Cumberland, England Richard BUCHANAN, Parsons grocer, died 4 May of pneumonia. He was 38. Alois LEFFLER, 76, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A. R. BONN, in Wilkes Barre.
6 MAY 1904
* Obit for Mrs. Phoebe LAMPMAN of Parsonage St., Pittston. Mrs. LAMPMAN was 90 years old. * Obit for Mrs. Agnes ROAT, 23, of Sebastopol. A son was born on May 5, to Mr. & Mrs. Patrick MITCHELL of Oregon Heights, Pittston. Edward MCCANNA, aged resident of the Ransom Home, died yesterday. The funeral will be held from the home of John DONOHOE of Chapel St., Pittston. Interment will be in Church Hill Cemetery. *Four men were killed in the lance mine in Plymouth - Edward B. Gallagher, 49, of Plymoutn, John PHILLIPS, 30, Plymouth, Edward THOMAS, 18, Plymouth Twp., and Edward CUMMINGS, Plymouth. The funeral of Mrs. Arch GAY is scheduled for May 7, from the home of Fisher GAY on 8th St., Wyoming. Burial will be in Forty Fort Cemetery. * The funeral of Burton L. Peterson took place today from the home on Montgomery St., West Pittston. Mrs. Peter ZIMMER, 21 of WilkesBarre, died of pneumonia. C. D. WHITE, of WIlkesBArre, died on 5 May. He was formerly the publisher of the Ashley Observer.
7 MAY 1904
* Obit for Mrs. John E. JONES, of Old Forge. * Obit for Mrs. Harriet FRENCH, 81, of West Pittston. (LONG obit) Andrew GEBHARDT, 36, of Wilkes-Barre, died yesterday; he was a Brewery Workers Union member. Miss Marion MSCDOUGALL, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. W. L. MACDOUGALL of West Pittston is touring with an acting company. [Marion is better known as Marion LORNE, who played in the old TV show "Mr. Peepers".] Mrs. John FRANK, an aged resident of West Scranton, died Thursday, Her husband died last Saturday. They were married in Hazleton 46 years ago. * William HOPKINS, 60 of Green St., Scranton, was killed in the mines, as was Thomas THOMAS, both miners in the Cayuga Mine. Mrs. Francis FABLE, 35, was killed by a train at Cranberry. * Mrs. Chlorinda Wadham STEARNS, wife of Major Irving A. STEARNS, of Wilkes-Barre, died last evening.
9 MAY 1904
*S. A. HADSALL, 40, was killed in Coxton Yards. He was a resident of Ransom. VERY long article. *Mrs. ROAT's funeral was held today, and the death of her brother, John HOPKINS was announced. *Obit for Mrs. Joseph MORRIS, 36 of Ann St., West Pittston. *Funeral of Mrs. Archie GAY. *Harriet FRENCH funeral. *Phoebe LAMPMAN funeral. Burial in Marcy Cemetery. Thomas W. WATKINS, an Olyphant druggist, died yesterday at the age of 48. Mrs. Peter YOUNGBLOOD, 80 (?) years old, of Shavertown, died yesterday. Margaret LAKE and Abram MARTIN, both of Harveys Lake was married in Wilkes-Barre. He is 79, she is 78. Alexander ROWLANDS, 87, died Saturday at home in Plymouth Twp. Felix SMITH, of Plymouth, who was injured in the Lance mine on Thursday, died on 7 May. John J. MCDONALD, 32, of Kingston, died yesterday.
10 MAY 1904
Joseph GEARY was killed at Maltby colliery today. He leaves a wife and 4 children. John, aged 6 months, son of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gilchrist of Oregon Heights, Pittston, died yesterday afternoon; the funeral took place this afternoon, interment being made in Pittston Cemetery. Peter WALUKAS, of Duryea, employed as a miner in Avoca mine was instantly killed by the premature explosion of a blast. The deceased was a brother of Andrew WALUKAS, the North Main St. hotel keeper. (Pittston) * Obit for Dr. Cyrus T. MEAKER of Carbondale. He was a dentist, and had lived his early life in Pittston. * Obit for Alexander CONKEY, 44 of Avoca. * Obit for Charles W. JENKINS, 64, born in Pittston, died in Wilkes-Barre. Lewis ROBERTS, president of the Freshman class of Bucknell University, died at home in Frackville. The stork brought a double gift to Mr. & Mrs. Herbert SMITH at Englewood, NJ recently, twin daughters being born to them. Prior to marriage, Mrs. SMITH was Selma JOHNSON, daughter of Street Commissioner and Mrs. Otto JOHNSON of Tunkhannock Ave., Exeter Borough. H. J. HARTMAN has gone to Bloomsburg to attend the funeral of his uncle, Charles MAYER. James KING, Priceburg, died in Lackawanna Hospital, Scranton, from injuries received in a D & H mine. M. F. BOLAND, well-known Dunmore merchant, died yesterday from the effects of an operation. He was 43 and is survived by his wife and 7 children. Mrs. Christina F. POLT, Honesdale, died from the effects of a fall from a porch at her home. She broke several ribs and suffered internal injuries. She was 84. Genevieve KLINE, 5, daughter of Charles KLINE, of Scranton, played with matches in a coal shed near her home, set her dress on fire, and died of burns. Louis GOERLITZ, a bartender in Charles STOVER's saloon, received injuries while wrestling with a friend one week ago, which resulted in his death yesterday. He was thrown with considerable force on the iron foot rest in the bar room. Internal injuries resulted, the liver being torn into the abdominal cavity. Col. John F. ROBINS, one of the best-known residents of Sugarloaf and Butler valleys, died a few days ago at his home in Conyngham. Born in 1830, during the Civil War, he served 4 years in the Union Army, and made a most honorable record.
10 MAY 1904
David L. THOMAS, of Plymouth, who was employed for many years as an engineer at the Nottingham Colliery, died of Brights' disease. He leaves a wife and 2 children. 11 May 1904 Jacob H. BURKHARTand Miss Maud I. PICKENS, both of Pittston, were married in Binghamton on April 4, by Rev. G. Parsons NICHOLS. (NOTE: At the time, New York didn't require licenses, while Pennsylvania did, and many couples crossed into NY to be married. ) A son was born to Mr. & Mrs. Frank SWINGLE of Market St., Pittston, yesterday. * Obit for Mrs. Robeert MCCORMACK, of Upper Exeter Borough. She was about 35 years old, and is survived by her husband and two duaghters, Gertrude and Hannah. * Obit for M. J. BURNS, 45 of Kingston, a building contractor. Announcement is made of the coming marriage of Charles BAKER of Carroll Street, Pittston and Miss Mary F. HELM, of West Pittston, which will take place on Wednesday, June 1. The death of Miss Lizzie WILLIAMS, of Hazleton, is attributed to the eating of an orange peel, which produce blood poisoning.
12 MAY 1904
* Mrs. Margaret O'BRIEN, widow of Squire Patrick O"BRIEN, former teacher and Justice of the Peace in Pittston, died in West Philadelphia. Miss Anna RICHARDS, 17, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Evan Richards of Franklin St., West Pittston, died yesterday. She was the organist at the Congregational Church. (A lot of information in later papers about this death. ) Mrs. Joseph NOSS, 37, of Nescopeck, died after a brief illness. Mrs. John KIRBY, an estimable woman of Plains, died yesterday. Her husband and son survive her. Mrs. Cletus KELLER, of Luzerne Borough, died Tuesday after a few days' illness. She was 34, and is survived by her husband and 7 month old babe. Mrs. Edward JENKINS, 60, of Plymouth, died of a hemorrhage of the lungs. Eckley WOMELSDORF died at his home in Wanamie, of typhoid. He was 25. He was a motorman on the street railway. Dr. John H. PEACOCK, a druggist, died at the home of John M. CRANE in WilkesBarre.
13 MAY 1904
There is a long article about a mysterious disappearance of Brydges WILLIAMS, whose wife was living at 109 Luzerne Avenue, West Pittston at the time. Apparently he had drowned in a lake near Granite, Montana. Joseph, five year old son of August W. WYCZISKI, of Plymouth, was killed when crossing the street on an errand for his parents. He was hit by a street car. His father ran a hotel in Plymouth. Nathan SNYDER, oldest and wealthiest resident of Conyngham, died on Tuesday of the infirmities of old age. He was 87, and had lived in the Conyngham valley all his life. George BARRETT, 11, son of mrs. Mary BARRETT, died of heart trouble at the Father Baker Industrial School in Buffalo, NY. Dr. O. S. SIEBER of Altoona and Miss Bessie M. GERHART of WIlkesBarre were united in marriage yesteray by Rev. Father MCANDREW. They will reside in Altoona. The bride has been a teacher in the West Wyoming Schools for a number of years. C. Frank HAINES, editor and proprietor of the Allentown Democrat, a weekly newspaper, died yesterday at the age of 72.
14 MAY 1904
Mrs. Ellen SURKEY, Archbald, was killed by an Ontario & Western coal train as she walked home on the tracks from a shopping trip. Raymond KEPPLER, 19, of Simpson, near Carbondale, was injured by a D & H train, and died. He worked at a silk mill in Simpson. He was very deaf and didn't hear the train approach. Harry FRANK, 70, senior member of H. FRANK & Son of Carbondale, was killed when he was thrown from a wagon when the horse became frightened. Wesley FRITZ, who died in Columbia County on Wednesday, at the age of 56, was the son of Mrs. William H. SUTLIFF, of Yatesville. William CONNOLLY, aged 11, son of Mrs. Joseph CONNOLLY, oc Chapel St., Upper Pittston, died this morning at 10 o'clock, after a week's illness of pneumonis. The boy's father was killed about 2 years ago by falling down a twin shaft. A son was born to Mr. & Mrs. Charles DOBBIE, of Pittston. An infant child of Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bruno, of Damon Alley, West Pittston, was fatally scalded when the legs of the stove gve way. He was a year old. Miss Ruth HEPBURN, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. HEPBURN, will be married on 15 June at noon, from her home on Washington Street, West Pittston, to Charles B. FOX, of White Haven. Announcement is made of the engagement of Dr. Walter C. SCOFIELD of Dorranceton, formerly of West Pittston, to Miss Eva I. YEAGER, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Yager of Forty Fort. The wedding will take place in June. Mrs. Henry SECKLER of WilkesBarre died in city hospital of stomach trouble, from which she had suffered a long time. Mrs. C. J. NEIS, 23 of Washington D. C. died at th home of her sister, Mrs. George OWENS in WilkesBarre last evenig, of consumption. She was the former Miss Kate LOVE, of WIlkesBarre. Mr. & Mrs. Charles HUNT, WilkesBarre, havve issued invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Miss Grace Lea SHOEMAKER and Dr. Charles H. MINER, also fo WilkesBarre. The wedding will take place on June 1. E. B. MYERS, a much respected farmer of Fairmount Twp., died suddenly while visiting a neighbor. He complained of being ill, and passed away an hour later. He was 70, and an enthusiastic Republican, who had held many township offices.
16 MAY 1904
A daughter was born to Mr. & Mrs. John GAFFNEY of Elizabeth Street, Oregon. (Pittston) Mr. & Mrs. James WILSON, Broad St., Pittston, buried their 12 year old son Frank, today. He died of scarlet fever. The wife of Philip BUTZBACH, a WilkesBarre tailor, died yesterday of consumption. George KINGHT, 65, of Parsons, died Sunday, with paralysis. His wife and 2 sons survive. George LONG, 80, Ross Twp. farmer, died Saturday of paralysis. He had lived in Ross Twp. all his life. Mrs. Samuel LIVINGSTON, 80, was fatally burned at her home in Nanticoke. Mrs. Martha Culver LINE, widow of Samuel LINE who died several years ago, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Col. J. D. LACLAR in WilkesBarre. John A BURTON, Sr. 69 a Kingston grocer, died Saturday. His son, John, has malaria. Mrs. Samuel F. WHITE, 76, one of the oldest residents of Peckville, died Saturday. Charles WEBBER, 17, an elevator boy at the Sterling Hotel, was crushed to death by the elevator.
17 MAY 1904
* Obit for Mrs. Peter WARD, nee Catherine DELANEY, a Hughestown native, who died at home in Forty Fort, at the age of 36. Francis, infant son of Mr. & Mrs. James LONG, died last evening; the funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon. John Henry, infant son of John DAWE of Avoca, died on Sunday, and the remains were buried in Langcliffe Cemetery yesterday. Catherine, two-week old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. William QUINN, passed away at the family home on William St., Pittston, this morning. Funeral will be held tomorrow morning. Mrs. Patrick CURLEY, formerly Miss Mary HUGHES, of West Avoca, died a few days ago at her home in Maryland, to which state she removed after her marriage. The funeral for the infant son of Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Posten was held yesterday at the family home in Ransom. The Rev. C. M. SURDAM officiated. The remains were buried in Pittston Cemetery. Neil FERRY, prominent resident of McAdoo in Hazleton section, died Sunday. David H. DAVIS, about 50, died of pneumonia at his home in Plymouth; his wife and six children survive. Michael GORMAN, 50, one of Ashley's best known residents, died suddenly yesterday afternoon. A Few hours before his death, he was walking on the streets. When he passed away as a result of a heart attack, he was sitting in a chair at his home. Frank HALL, 21, who lived with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. John HALL, near West Nanticoke, died Monday of congestion of the heart. He was a much respected young man and ambitious to get along in the world. He worked in a quarry and studied hard at night. Mrs. Annie WESSON and her infant child were buried in the same coffin at Scranton. The mother was only 22. Tony KILVITUS, 14, was promoted yesterday to the position of driver at the Holden mine, Taylor, but a few hours later he fell under a trip of cars and was injured so badly that he died last night in Moses Taylor hospital, Scranton. When Stephen GOUGHER, a painter, of Scranton, was mixing paint in a barn near the house he was painting, he was stricken with apoplexy. His comrades investigated when he didn't return, and they found him lying apparently lifeless. He died 2 hours later without regaining consciousness. Invitations announce the marriage of Milbourne G. URQUHART and Helen Potter CUTLER. The event will transpire at 8 P.M. on Wednesday, June 1, at the home of the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Jemima S. GRIFFITH, corner of Susquehanna and Spring Sts. West Pittston.
18 MAY 1904
* Obit for Mrs. Catherine CLARK, of Browntown. Her husband, Patrick CLARK died last month. A son, the first-born to Mr. & Mrs. Richard DEWEY, of Peckville was born recently. The mother is the former Anna JORDAN of West Pittston. * A peculiar mine accident claimed the life of Thomas CONWAY, 57, and widowed, and injured Anthony FLANNERY. David WILLIAM, 44, Plymouth, died; he is survived by his wife and his parents, Mr. & Mrs. William WILLIAMS. F. G. SMITH, North Main St. tinsmith, married Mrs. Theresa GOHAM, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. JACOBS of Mill St. The marriage took place at St. Mary's German Catholic Church in Pittston. Miss Nettie TYRELL, chief operator at the WilkesBarre exchange of the Peoples' Telephone Company, was married to Albert BRONG, of the same company. Catherine QUINN, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. William QUINN, Upper William St., Pittston, was buried today at the Market St. Cemetery.
19 MAY 1904
* The body of Patrick RUANE, of West Pittston, who had been missing for several days, was recovered from the river today. He apparently fell from a railroad bridge and drowned. The remains of Mrs. William SHERER, who died at her home in Taylor, were buried in Hamtown Lutheran Cemetery today. John Dewitt, infant son of Mr. & Mrs. Frank FITCH, passed away this morning at the family home on Butler St. Pittston. Private services will be held tomorrow with burial in Pittston Cemetery. * A serious wreck on the D & H line resulted in the death of Arthur MCLANE, a fireman. James HONEY, conductor and Engineer George Gillis were injured. John CONAHAN, alderman of the 7th ward Hazleton, died on Tuesday, the 17th, of kidney trouble. he was 37. Henry WATKINS, and aged man, died at home in Hanover Green near Nanticoke. For a number of years he was the proprietor of the Halfway House.( Bar, hotel, or restaurant?) Miss Ann COLVIN has resigned her position as teacher in Parsons schools. She will be married to Rev. Edward LOUX next month. Her successor will be Miss Hazle MOORE. Charles N. BRONSON, manager of Carbondale Milling Company was married Monday, 16 May, at Cobbleskill, NY, to Mrs. Ann HUTTON of that place. John CAMPBELL died on Tuesday night. Some 3 months ago, Mr. CAMPBELL was crushed between a trip of cars in Briggs mine, West Scranton. Seemingly he had partially, if not entirely, recovered from his injuries but recently his strength began failing, until ten or 12 days ago he began to sink rapidly owing to what doctors diagnosed as a blood clot on the liver. A. J. MURRAY, well known coal operator, died at home in Dunmore last night of pneumonia. He was one of the original owners of Carney & Brown colliery. Mrs. Rachel WELLS, widow of William N. WELLS, died at home at Homet's Ferry, Bradford County, on Monday. She was 48, a daughter of the late Francis HOMET, whose grandfather came from France to build an asylum for Louis XVI, if he should escape from the reign of terror in Farnace in 1793. [Asylum is located near Wyalusing, I think.]
20 MAY 1904
A son was born to Mr. & Mrs. Carl COUNCILMAN,of Camptown, Bradford County,on Sunday. They are former Pittston residents. The funeral of Thomas MCCANN of Hughestown will be held at 2 P. M> at St. John's R.C. Church, with burial in Market St. Cemetery. The funeral of Mrs. William CLARKE of Browntown was held yesterday at St. John's R.C. Church, with burial in Market St. Cemetery. Cards have been issued for the marriage of John GRAVELL of Luzerne Ave., West Pittston and Miss Hannah J. DAVIS of Edwardsville, which will take place at the hom of the bride's parents on Wednesday, June 1. * Obit for Hon. G. M. HARDING, 74, ex-judge of Luzerne County Court. He lived on S. Franklin St. in WilkesBarre. Harry E. GOOD died last night at his home in Watertown, 5 miles south of Shichshinny. He had been a merchant as was his late father Chalrles GOOD, but had retired because of ill health. Dr. & Mrs. H. G. COLLEY of WilkesBarre announce the coming marriage of their son Albert COLLEY to Miss Louella M. SAVAGE of Benton, which will occur on June 1. David STEIN and Miss Margaret MCDOWELL were wed in the Presbyterian Church on William St. Pittston, but no celebration of the wedding was held on account of the recent death of the groom's father, Robert STEIN of Montgomery St. West Pittston. The bride is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Thomnas MCDOWELL, of Frothingham St. Pittston.
21 MAY 1904
A son was born yesterday to Mr. & Mrs. Thomas HASTINGS, of Browntown. * Obit for Mrs. Mary WALSH, formerly of Avoca, who died in WilkesBarre. * Obit for Michale O'HARA, 43, Washington Terrace, Pittston. * Obit for Mrs. Patrick SAMMON of Sabastopol. * Obit for Charles MONIE, 67, of Moosic, born in Scotland. * Obit for Mrs. Robert HOLMES, Butler St., Pittston, wife of the Baptist pastor. Mrs. Henry BIRKENSTOCK, 43, WilkesBarre, died yesterday of a complication of diseases.She is survived by her husband and 2 children. Frank SMITH, 54, Carbondale, died of Bright's disease. Edward THOMAS fired a blast in Alden mine on Thursday. On Friday morning, as he was checking for safety, a rock fall killed him. He was 52, and is survived by his wife, 4 daughters and 3 sons.
23 MAY 1904
A son was born recently to Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas MANGAN of Port Griffith. A son was born today to Mr. & Mrs. Harry JORDAN of Oregon Heights. (Pittston) A daughter was born to Mr. & Mrs. Harry G. WEAVER of WilkesBarre, former Pittston residents. The obituary of Andrew O FARNHAM, formerly of Exeter borough, is in today's paper. He died in Elk COunty, PA. Thomas MCDERMOTT, 39, of Plains, died Saturday of pneumonia. Mrs. Mary CALLAHAN, of Blakcman St., WilkesBarre died Saturday. Frank HEBERT, of North River St.,WilklesBArre died after a long illness. Mrs. Alfred SMILEY of WilkesBarre died at 64. Patrick DILLON, 27, died Saturday at Plains. He was born in Ireland. A son was born to Mr. & Mrs. Thomas ARMSTRONG of Railroad St., Pittston. Mr. & Mrs. Charles LAMPMAN of WIlliam St. Pittston, had a son who weighs 11 pounds, born today. Robert JOHNS of John St. WIlkesBarre received a telegram saying that his son, Edward JOHNS, had been killed in St. Louis. And undertaker has gone to bring home his body. James MURPHY, 28, of WilkesBarre, died of consumption. Mrs. Thomas R. JONES, formerly of Taylor, died May 1 at her home in Lucor, Iowa. Miss Mary MCHUGH, 16, of North Scranton, died of spinal meningitis on Monday.
24 MAY1904
* Alex BAIRD, of Inkerman, died tragically by drowning, while in West Virginia. * Obit for Miss Catherine COOLICAN, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. James COOLICAN of Carroll St., Pittston, who died at 22 appears in today's paper. John GUAP (?) a miner, was killed in Exeter mine today.
25 MAY 1904
Frederick REYNOLDS, 64, of Plymouth, died ysterday at home. Mrs. John CASSATT, 39, of Plymouth, died in Mercy Hospital, WilkesBArre, following an operation. Oliver T. DAVENPORT died at home oon Coal St., Plymouth of herat trouble. * Long obit for Charles MONIE, of MOOSIC. There is much genealogical information in this one. * Obit for Mrs. Henry L. HUGHES of Plymouth. Elihu S. CARR and Miss Mame WILLIAMS, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. WILLIAMS of Frothingham St., Pittston, were married at the Baptist parsonage yesterday. Joseph MUNSON and Miss Blanche WINTERS, daughter of Samuel WINTERS of Ransom were married yesterday.
26 MAY 1904
* An obit for Mrs. Mary B. SCOTT, former Pitston resident, is printed. Mrs. SCOTT died in Philadelphia. * Further informtion on the deathof Alexander BAIRD is published. A long list of veterans of the Civil War who are buried in local cemeteries is published today.
27 MAY 1904
Joseph WOLFERT, of Archbald was drowned on Tuesday while fishing in Benjamin's Pond in Wayne County. The boat which he and 2 other men were occupying, capsized. August GABEL of Scranton, a miner in the Archbald mine of the DL&W Comapny, was instantly killed and his son, Emil GABEL was probably fatally injured by a fall of roof yesterday morning. Father and son were working a chamber together, and just as they entered the same, after firing a blast, a great pile of rock and coal fell on them. * More information on the Alex BAIRD story. B. B. MITCHEL, former Bradford County senator, died at his home in Troy. A daughter was born this morning to Mr. & Mrs. Daniel JOHNSON of South Main St., Pittston. * Louis ROTHHAAS committed suicide in WilkesBarre yesterday. He was a former Pittston resident, and was 53 years old. Mrs. William (?) BRADER, 67, died of paralysis yesterday at the home of her son, Hennry E. BRADER in WilkesBarre. The following young people graduated from Forty Fort High School yesterday: L. Pearl WILKINSON, Hulda M LUDWIG, Stanley T. BAKER, Augusta E. BONHAM, Warren F. HADSALL, Maud G. STROH, John B. CAREY and Grace L BONHAM. Mrs. John A. FENSTERMACHER, aged 57, died yesterday at her home in Beech Haven of a complication of diseases. She had been a resident of that town since childhood, and was a faithful worked in the Methodist Church. Brydgess WILLIAMS remains were buried today in West Pittston cemetery. A son was born recently to Mrs. Ida WILLIAMS, widow of Stephen WILLIAMS, in West Pittston. A son was born recently to Mr. & Mrs. William SCHMALTZ, of Duryea.
28 MAY 1904
A son was born today to Mr. & Mrs. John F. CORCORAN of Butler St., Pittston. * The funeral of Louis ROTHHAAS was held today. * The funeral of Miss Catherine COOLICAN of Carroll St. Pittston, was held today. * The obit for Mrs. Ellen DELANEY who died in West Avoca at the homeof her daughter Mrs. JOhn SAMMON appears today. Mrs. William G. SHELLEY, who was married only three months ago, died Wednesday at her home in Carbondale of acute gastritis. The following oyung women have been graduated from Nurses Tarinign at MOses Taylor Hospital in Scranton: Miss Cordelia HOUSE of Bloomsburg, Miss Louisa YOUNG of Plymouth, Miss Maria DECKER of Binghamton, and Miss Lenore STALNAKER of Brooklyn. * Long obit for George HICE, 81, of West Pittston. * Long obit for S. M. PENNIMAN, formerly of West Pittson, who died at Lake Carey. Wyoming High School graduates are: Sadie P. DAVIDSON, Daisy C. SAUNDERS, Alice I. DREISBACH, Thomas M. BAINBRIDGE, Minnie M. AGNEW, Annabelle KITCHEN, Mary E. KITCHEN, Merl D. BREESE and Sallie DAILEY. William BEISEL, and aged resident of WilkesBarre, who died yesterday at 89, was a brother of Mrs. R. C. CUTLER, of Pittston. The funeral will take palce Wednesday afternoon.
8 JUNE 1904
Mrs. Thomas BORTHWICK of William Street, Pittston, received a message today from England announcing the death of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. John HASTON, Jr. of Sherkston, Canada and Mrs. William BUMGARDNER of Bessemer, Alabama, are in town to attend the funeral of their father, John HASTON, Sr. Squire Palmer HARDING married Clark TRANSUE and Miss Julia HORTON, both of Luzerne Avenue, West Pittston. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Wright HORTON. Mr. TRANSUE is a native of Nanticoke. * Today there is a long account og the funeral of Walter J. NAGLE of Washington Street, West Pittston. Frank HUDOCK of Alden died in Mercy Hospital, WilkesBarre from injuries received when he was struck with coal flying from a retarded blast in Alden mine. A daughter was born to Mr. & Mrs. Patrick MANGAN of Port Griffith yesterday. One of the MCHALE triplets died yesterday. Eleven young people graduated from West Pittston High School: Ellen S. MCDERMOTT, Melaine Parke SAMMIS, Anna S. HORTON, Charlotte L. W. LINDSAY, Leona L. STANTON, Ruth H. LAW, Marjorie R. WALL, Vincent E. MITCHELL, Burt B. LEWIS, Edwin COWARD, and James C. HAZLE. * Today there is a long account of the wedding of Charles W. HICKS and Miss Margaret WILLIAMS, which includes a list of the guests. * Wedding notice, Robert MORROW and Miss Gertrude PHETHEAN, in the West Side News. A daughter was born to Mr. & Mrs. Evan Richards, West Pittston, yesterday A son was born to Mr. & Mrs. A. L. DAVENPORT of WilkesBarre. Announcement is made of the marriage on June 1, of Harry CHAPMAN and Miss Stella ALLEN, both of West Pittston. The wedding took place in Binghamton. The marriage of Dr. Howard WINCK, of Reading, and Miss Mary GRIFFITH of Kingston takes place this evening at the home of the bride's uncle, Thomas R. PHILLIPS, in Kingston. Pittston High School graduated these students: Academic course: Laura F. HOOPER, Cora S. TOTTEN, Charles A. MCGUIRE, David Franklin EVANS, George FLEISCHER, Harry T. BOWKLEY, Edward J. HART. Commercial course: William Francis MCHUGH, Martin Vincent LANGAN, WIlliam Joseph GROARK, Virginia MCCORMACk, Rebecca LOFTUS, Alexander SLOAN, and Ella T.BRADY.
9 JUNE 1904
* Claude C. SIMMONS, of Scranton and Miss Martha F. CARTER, duaghter of Mrs. George CARTER, of Parsonage Street, Pittston, were married today. George WARNKE, superintendent of the Warnke Coal Company and Miss Elizabeth HARBACK, daughter of Mrs. Gustave D KRAMER, were married at the home of the bride in Scranton. * A long account of the funeral of Mrs. Mary McGROARTY appears in today's paper, and includes a list of the pallbearers. * The funeral of John HASTON, of Parsonage Street, Pittston, also includes a list of pallbearers. Frederick C. CLARKE, the United States wesather observer in Scranton station, was foound dead at home. 10 JUNE 1904 The remaining two triplets of Mr. & Mrs. John MCHALE died last night. Frank Lester FALKENBURG and Miss Harriet Winifred EATON, both of Port Griffith, will marry at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Hiram EATON, on June 15. * Roger SLATER, of Washington Street, West Pittston, has died. * Mortimer PRATT, of West Pittston, has died. Dr. Walter SCHOFIELD and Miss Eva L. YEAGER, of Forty Fort, will marry next Wednesday evening. Mrs. Thomas J. LEWIS, of Diamond Street, WilkesBarre died at home yesterday of apoplexy. She leaves a husband and 3 children. Roebrt BOETTING, of Mauch Chunk, a brakeman on the Central Railroad, fell under the wheels of his train and as killed in Allentown.
11 JUNE 1904
Announcement is made of the coming marriage of Stephen H. WILSON son of Mrs. Mary E. WILSON, and Miss Olive DAVENPORT, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Hiram DAVENPORT, scheduled for June 15. All live on Parsonage Street, Pittston. * Miss Fannie BUCKWORTH, daugther of Thomas Buckworth of Exeter, and Thomas STEVENSON, of Lackawanna, were amrried at the home of the bride's parents on 8 June. R. K. LAIDLER, of Plains, died yesterday. He was the father of William R. LAIDLER of West Pittston. Mrs. Julia Piatt COPELAND, 62, of Shickshinny, died on Tuesday. She was born in New Columbus, but had lived in Shihckshinny fro more than 30 years. Daniel WILSON, about 24, of Kingston, was killed by rock fall at Woodward mine. He leaves a wife and children. Daniel MCKERNAN, 33, of Ashley, died yesterday in Mauch Chunk. He was crushed by a pusher engine. Joseph FIDIAM, a Scranton letter carrier, died three weeks after being struck by a Green Ridge street car.
13 JUNE 1904
* William O'MALLEY, son of Michael O'MALLEY, of Avoca, was killed by a fall of rock in Low sahft of Pennsylvania Coal COmapny. * Today there is a long obit for William R. SAX, of Montgomery Avenue,West Pittston, in the paper. The wedding of Joseph G. CROWTHER and Miss Christine STARK will take place on June 15. Mrs. Ella G. MEIXELL, 47, wife of Attorney P. A. MEIXELL, died at home on Carey Avenue in WIlkesBarre. She is the former Ella WISE of Peckville. 14 JUNE 1904 Anastasia MELVIN, 2, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Martin F. MELVIN died this morning. The funeral will be tomorrow with burial in Market Street Cemetery. The funeral of Samuel WALL, a Lehigh Valley engineer who was killed in Packerton yard, was held yesterday. He lived on Cliff Street, Upper Pittston. Burial was in Hollenback Cemetery. * The funeral of William O'MALLEY was held today in West Avoca. * Cornelius O'BOYLE, 22, of Moosic, was fatally injured in the Old Forge mine. Mr. & Mrs. Thohmas R. LOVERING have issued invitations for the wedding of theri duaghter, Miss Jennie, to Isaac D. THOMAS. The wedding will be gheld on June 29 at theri homein Greenwood. Isaac THOMAS is the son of Mr. & Mrs. W. G. THOMAS of Pittston. In Duryea, the coming marriage of Jacob ROLAND and Miss Mary SEKOL is announced. Walter MAY, 40, of Plymouth, died after 11 weeks' illness. He leaves a wife and five children. The starred articles are long, and I am willing to make copies of them if you need them. Please remember to give me the date of the paper when you request copies. Those notes which aren't marked with asterisks have no further information.
15 June 1904
Benjamin F. EYNON, son of Mr. & Mrs. A. B. EYNON, of West Scranton and Miss Ina MOORE, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. James MOORE, Clifton House, Lake Winola, were married at the bride's home. * The funeral of William R. Sax is reported on today. * A long article details the wedding of Charles B. FOX and Miss Ruth HEPBURN. Henry RUSH, 60, of WilkesBarre, died last night of heart trouble. Last evening Dr. Frederick C. HOUSER and Miss Elizabeth R. MALVIN, daughter of Mrs. Mary E. BATTS, were married. Harry KNAPP, 28, of Plymouth, the son of Mr. & Mrs. Hiram KNAPP, died yesterday of injuries received when an air compressor exploded at Nottingham mine.
16 JUNE 1904
In Freeland, yesterday, Assistant District Attorney Abram SALSBURG of WilkesBarre and Miss Jeanette NEUBERGER were married. * J. M. PATTERSON and Miss Mary BUCKLEY were married yesterday in West Scranton. Several long accounts of local weddings are in today's paper: * Dr. Mead SCHENCK and Miss Bertha LINTERN were married last night in West Pittston. (Dr. SCHENCK was a dentist in West Pittston for many years.) * Miss Grace DAVENPORT and Charles BERGE, both of Taylor, were married last night. * Stephen WILSON and Miss Olive DAVENPORT of Parsonage Street, Pittston were married yesterday. * The Rev. Ivan L. SNYDER and Miss Lida MACRILL, both of West Wyoming, were married yesterday. * Joseph CROWTHER and Miss Christine STACK, both of West Pittston were married yesterday. * Morgan LEWIS, 19, of Olyphant, was killed at Falls, when his shotgun accidentally exploded. * Mrs Jennie LAIRD, 54, widow of mine foreman, David LAIRD, died at her home on Montgomery Avenue in Wst Pittston. Leona, the young daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Fred Ulrich, of Foundry Street, West Pittston, died this morning of scarlet fever. William PATTERSON, 50, of Adshley, died Tuesday of Brights' disease. The Rev. E. A. LOUX of Plymouth and Miss Anna Colvin of Parsons, will marry on 21 June. * Mrs. Henry MERRITT, of Plains, died yesterday. She was born in England in 1871.
17 JUNE 1904
A son was born yesterday to Mr. & Mrs. Michael MARKOWICZ, Butler Street, Pittston. The mother is the daughter of Stephen LUCAS. * Twp men were killed in Gypsy Grove Colliery of the Erie Company in Dunmore. they were James TIGUE of Drinker Street, Scranton and John MONAHAN of Throop. * George LANDON, 88, of Herrick, Bradford County, died yesterday. Martin T. O'MALLEY, head of the Carbondale department of the Scranton Tribune newspaper, will marry Miss Catherine DeSales GIBBONS, daughter of Mrs. Miles GIBBONS, on June 28 in Scranton. W.M. HUNSINGER, Laceyville, was struck and killed by a Lehigh Valley passenger train last night. The body of Thomas O'MALLEY was found on the D & H tracks in Scranton, probably killed by a freight train. * Contractor George H. TRYON died Wednesday in Carbondale. He was born in 1845 in Albany, New York. * The Rev. Thomas THOMAS, retired Presbyterian clergyman, died at his home in Wyalusing on Thursday. Mrs. Dorothy FRANK, 46, died at her home in WilkesBarre yesterday. Dr. Walter A. HOEBNER, 75, of Drums, died Wednesday of heart trouble. Charles PIERCE, 66, died yesterday in WilkesBarre. He was a machinist, but had worked for Prudential Insurance Company recently. * Harry E, MANDEVILLE of Hazleton, died Thursday. He was 45. He was a contractor with Powell and Mandeville. He leaves a wife and 4 children.
A daughter was born yesterday to Mr. & Mrs. John GANNON of Inkerman. A marriage license has been issued to W. G. MASSENGILL, of Pittston, and Miss Anna G. MURPHY of WilkesBarre. Martin MULDERIG, well up in years, died at the home of his brother Michael in Inkerman. Miss Georgia EVANS, Foote Avenue, Duryea, was granted a professional teaching certificate. (She was my great-aunt.) An eight pound son was born today to Mr. & Mrs. Clarence MONROE of 104 Washington Street, West Pittston. George M. ELLSWORTH and Miss Martha MOORE, both of West Wyoming, were married Wednesday in the Luzerne Presbyterian manse, by Rev. William DAY. One of the 2 infant children of Mr. & Mrs. John GEORGE, of Washington Street, West Pittston, who have been ill with scarlet fever, pased away last evening. The little one had scarcely reached the age of one, being only 11 months, 7 days old. This afternoon, private services were conducted and the remains were interred in West Pittston cemetery. J. C. BELL, cashier of the WilkesBarre Deposit & Savings Bank, was united in marriage to Miss Clara Estelle BREESE at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Mary F. SHARPS. The bride is connected with 2 of the Valley's oldest families, being a great-granddaughter of Col. John JENKINS of Revolutionary War fame. Thomas VYGGS, a miner in the Black Diamond mine, Carbondale, was killed by a fall of rock yesterday. A pathetic incident in connection with his death is the act that ten days ago he sent money to bring his wife and children from Austria to this country. They had already started from home before the cable reporting on his death could reach them. Yesterday afternoon a fall of rock in #18 mine of the Lehigh and WilkesBarre Coal company at Wanamie crushed out the life of William RINEHEIMER, one of the best known miners in that section. His brother, John, who was working with him, escaped injury. The deceased was 32 years old, and is survived by a wife and 5 children. Andrew F. KULP, Nanticoke, was found dead in bed at his home yesterday. He had not worked the day before, because of illness, and when his siter carried his breakfast to him at 7:30 yesterday morning, she found him dead. He was 33, and had lived in Nanticoke for 8 years.
20 JUNE 1904
* Mrs. Martha SEARLE, widow of Henry SEARLE, a former resident of West Pittston, died in Waterbury, Connecticut at the age of 74. She was the former Martha POWELL, a native of Carbondale, and had moved to Carbondale to live with her daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth MERRYMAN. The funeral will be tomorrow, with burial in West Pittston Cemetery. * William BURK, Port Griffith miner, died yesterday. He is survived by his wife and children, Marie, Michael, Gertrude, John, Dora, William and Regina, and 2 brothers, Deputy Sheriff Thomas BURKE and Michael BURKE, both of Port Griffith. John MCDONNELL, Johnson Stret, Oregon, died yesterday of pneumonia. His wife and a brother, Peter, of West Pittston, survive. Funeral services will be held tomorrow at St. John's church, with burial in Market Street cemetery. ** An unexplained death occurred yesterday in West Pittston. Mrs. Catherine MORGAN, wife of Frank MORGAN, was found badly burnedand dead in her home near West Pittston Cemetery. She was the former Cather BOLAN, daughter of Patrick and Mary BOLAN, and had lived in Pittston or West Pittston all her life. He first husband, John KELLEY, whom she married in 1876, died a few years later, and she married Mr. MORGAN in 1883.She is survived by her sons John KELLEY, Jr., and Frank MORGAN, JR., as well as a daughter, Mrs. Frank BULFORD, and brothers John, William and Frank BOLAN of Pittston, and a sister, Mrs. Anna MCDONNELL of West Pittston. The funeral of Martin MULDERIG of Inkerman was held today at St. Mark's Church, with burial in Market Street cemetery. A son was born on June 15 to Mr. & Mrs. William J. MCMULLEN of West Pittston. Park PATTERSON and Teressa DETRICK were united in matrimony last Wednesday by Rev. D. E. LEWIS, in the presence of the immediate relatives at the DETRICK home on Franklin Street, West Pittston. The groom lives with relatives on Race Street, and works as a hostler for Mayor CORCORAN, and the bride is the oldest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Clarence DETRICK. Mrs. George MERRITT, 59, who lived on Mountain Road near Plymouth, died of paralysis. Frank THRASH, 21 was instantly killed when he was caught between cars at the Buck Mountain slope. Mrs. John D. GALLAGHER, of WilkesBarre, died last evening in Mercy Hospital after surgery. Mrs. Ellen S. ROBBINS, 58, of WilkesBarre, died of paralysis on Saturday. The remains were taken to Washington, NJ for burial. Eugene ROBBENS, almost 2, was playing around a burning trash pile, when his clothing caught fire. He died of his burns. Mrs. John GRIFFITH Nanticoke, died Saturday of brain and spinal trouble. She was born in Maestag, South Wales, 31 years ago, and came to this country at the age of 8. Harry, the 12 year old son of John HUGHES, Northampton Street, WilkesBarre, was instantly killed when he tried to jump on a moving coal train. He slipped and fell under the wheels.
21 JUNE 1904
A marriage license has been issued to Jacob ROHLAND and Miss MARY SECOL, both of Duryea. The funeral of William BURKE will be held tomorrow with interment in Market Street cemetery. The 22 month old son of Mr. & Mrs. Willam AUSTIN, Linden Street, Scranton, died Saturday of cholera infantum. The funeral will be at the home of Mr. AUSTIN's mother on Frothingham Street, Pittston, with burial in Pittston Cemetery. Joseph KUHARSKI, 32, of 6th Street, Wyoming, and John KUNOSKEY, 20, who boarded with a family at 29 Lincoln Avenue, Exeter, were killed by a fall of coal in Mt. Lookout mine yesterday. William P. Jennings, superintendent of the Pennsylvania Coal Company collieries in Upper Pittston, was married to Miss Helen INGLIS, daughter of J. Scott INGLIS, Madison Avenue, Scranton. They will live in the EMORY house on Delaware Avenue in Wst Pittston. Robert NEWTON, Jeddo, who had been living with his aunt and uncle, Mr. & Mrs. FREYON, on Frothingham Street, Pittston, was killed in #11 mine, of the Pennsylvania Coal Company today. He was 23 years old. Jason BAIRD, only son of a Luzerne widow, who would have been graduated from WilkesBarre business college in a few days, was drowned in the river at WilkesBarre. * William M. ATWATER, West Pittston grocer, disappeared and returned home. (This isn't a BMD, but I thought it was worth mentioning, in case anyone is following this family.) A pleasant family reunion was held at Beemerville NJ last week when four sisters whose maiden name was WILLIAMS met for the first time in several years. Mrs. T. J. SPENCER, Sr. and Mrs. Laura BEVANS of West Pittston, Mrs. Orin K. AYERS of Beemerville, and Mrs. Annie M. Mettler of Milford, PA, visited several days in their home town of Beemerville, and later spent a few days in Milford. The ladies' brothers are Floyd WILLIAMS of Williams & Company Carpet, Paint & Paper firm of West Pittston, and L. J. WILLIAMS of Williams and MCANULTY, Scranton. Albert ROSE and Edith J. WEAVER, both of Centermoreland, were married in Tunkhannock this morning. They will live on 4th Street in West Pittston. He is the son of Mr. & Mrs. Luther ROSE, and is a teamster for National Biscuit Company in West Pittston. She is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. L. Q.WEAVER of Centermoreland. Michael F. BARBOUR, a Carbondale miner, was found dead on Monday morning. Mrs. Alice NEARY, Scranotn, died after a five week illness. John HAGERMAN, 16, employed in Honesdale cut glass works, drowned Saturday in the Lackawanna river. Dr. Henry A. PLUM, a physician in Wayne County, died Sunday at home in Hawley. John MILLIGAN, Ashley, died Sunday of Bright's disease. He leaves a wife and 2 sons. Frank ENDLER, born in Bavaria 63 years ago, died Sunday in WILKESBarre. He had lived here 18 years. Rev. E. LOUX, Plymouth Presbyterian pastor, will marry Miss Anna C. COLVIN of Parsons, tonight. Michael CATALL, 25, Ashley, was killed by a gas explosion in the Lehigh & WilkesBarre Company mine. Harland FRALEY, 20, WilkesBarre, died while trying to swim across the river.
22 JUNE 1904
Mrs. William L. HONEYWELL, one of the best known residents of Dallas, died this morning of heart trouble. She was 68. Charles SAMES and Miss Kathrina LANDSIEDEL, of Milwaukie, were married this afternoon in the parsonage of St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, by pastor Rev. Theophilus ZUBER. Witnesses were George SCHULER and Miss Catherine SAMES. The remains of Mrs. Martha SEARLE arrived today and were taken to the home of her niece, Mrs. John BALL, of Vine Street, from where the funeral will be held.Interment will be in West Pittston Cemetery. * William WALKER, a Lehigh Valley fireman, and Miss Kate BATTLE, daughter of Patrick BATTLE, were married today in St.John's Catholic Church. * William J. HEALEY, Olyphant, and Miss Jennie CONWAY, Pittston, were married today in St. John's Catholic Church. Mrs. Anthony JONES, of Hampton Street, Scranton, died yesterday from injuries received last Sunday in a runaway accident on the Northern Boulevard. The deceased was one of the most esteemed young women of North Scranton. She was 45, and is survived by one daughter. Mrs. Mary SAMUELS, 62, WilkesBarre, died last night of cancer. She as the widow ofWilliam SAMUELS, long-time superintendent of Lehigh Valley collieries in WilkesBarre.A son, Arthur SAMUELS, survives. Tomorrow evening, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Joseph CURTIS, Miss Annie CURTIS and Matthew MARTIN will be married by Rev. J. C. JACOBS.
23 JUNE 1904
Twin girls were born to Mr. & Mrs. John IRWIN this morning in Pittston. A marriage license has been issued to Jacob SCHMALTZ, Hughestown, and Miss Mary KNAPP, Scranton. Isaac PENN, a resident of Duryea for many years, died Friday in Bridgeton, NJ, where he moved a year ago. John LENAHAN, Duryea, married Miss Bridget CUSACK of Petersburg in St. Peter's Cathedral in Scranton. A double wedding took place at the OLSEN home at 147 Bowman Street, WilkesBarre, when sisters married. Miss Margaret OLSEN married Frank STALEY,of Pittston, and her sister, Miss Hilda OLSEN married a young man who was not named in the article. * George BURDON and Miss Edith W. DAVIES were married at her home on Oak Street, Pittston. The groom is from Moosic. * Peter F. LYNCH, Rock Street, Hughestown, received a telegram with the news that his son, John Francis LYNCH, a private in the United States Marine Corps, attached to the USS Baltimore in Tangier, had been killed. Felicia MISTERIA, 4, North Main Street, Pittston, leaned out an upstairs window, lost her balance, and fell 12 feet to her death. A son was born this morning to Hon. & Mrs. E. A. COREY, of West Pittston. Word has been received her of the death of the week-old son of Mr. & Mrs. J. C. LAW at Chicago. Mrs. LAW is the former Miss Ann LEWIS. A marriage license has been issued in Tunkhannock to Chaster P. WALKER, 37, and Miss Ethel L. PERCY, 14, both of Lathrop, Susquehanna County. Mrs. Henry SEIGER, Luzerne, borough, died yesterday. Her husband and 2 children survive. Mrs. StACKHOUSE, wife of Dr. Charles P. STACKHOUSE, died yesterday of kidney trouble. She was the former Mary SORBER, of Shickshinny, daughter of Charles SORBER. Wilford DUDLEY, Kingston, died yesteray at St. Charles, MO>The family was on the way to Santa Barbara, CA, where he had accepted a position as secretary of the YMCA. He was married in 1902 to Miss Bertha ARMSTRONG of Edwardsville. The couple had one son.
24 JUNE 1904
* The obit for Mrs. Robert T. PETTEBONE appears today. The former Harriet WILLIAMS died after surgery in a WilkesBarre hospital. Her home was in Wyoming. Thomas BROWN, 38, died this morning after a lingering illness. A marriage license was issued for William L. FISCHER and Miss Mary JUDGE of Hughestown. Andrew R. MILLER and Miss Helena BAKER, both of Dupont, were married quietly at St. Peter's Church, Hughestown. St. John's High School graduates: Classical Course: Catherine REDINGTON, Bernard MULLEN, Mary KING, Clara FOY, Catherine DEVERS, Marie GILLESPIE,Bridget MCGUIRE, Mary QUINN, Catherine GALLAGHER, Jeanette BLEWITT, Mary LONG, Anna MURRAY, Anna MCANDREW, Theresa KEATING,. Robert REDDINGTON. Commercial Course: Nettie DOLAN, Charles SHARKEY, James MORRIS, Mary KENNEDY, William BONNER, Florence BRADY, Anna DOLAN, Richard MCGOWAN, John CONNELL, Lovina SPACE, Esther MORAN, Estella COGGINS, Lucy SAMMON, Thomas MCHUGH, James DOUGHERTY Stanley H. KELLAR, Baltimore, and Ida M. SNYDER, Wst Pittston, were married at her home on Washington Street. The groom is a native of Luzerne. A son was born June 20, to Mr. & Mrs. Judson A. GARDNER, Wst Lenox, Susquehanna County. She is the former Minnie E. ROSE, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. C. C. ROSE, formerly of West Pittston, nopw of Carbondale. In Nescopeck on Wednesday, June 22, Henry RILEY, a prosperous farmer of 74, married Mrs. KISHPAUGH, 66. Leonard KERN, an aged resident of Madison Street, WilkesBarre, fell downstairs at his home last night and died. He was 69. He had a dairy business in WIlkesBarre. J. W. ALLEGAR, New Columbus, suffered a stroke while showing his grandson, Robert FAUST, through is barn. He was 80, and is survived by his wife and 6 children.
25 JUNE 1904
The funeral of Thomas BROWN, of Avoca, will be held on Sunday with the remains taken to Dunmore for burial. Death came at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon to relieve the suffering of Anthony HEWARDINE, the Avoca lad whose legs were mangled by being drawn through the rolls in the Central breaker yesterday morning. The unfortunate youth came from England a short time ago to live with his grandmother, and his parents are still in England. It was his ambition to earn a little money to help his grandmother, and he therefore went to work in the breaker during school vacation. William KAVANASK, 30, a miner was instantly killed and his laborer, Thomas CARMES, was serioulsy hurt yesterday by a fall of roof in the VonStorch mine, Scranton. The remains of Mrs. Richard WEAVER and her three children, victims of the General Slocum disaster in New York harbor, were buried in Mauch Chunk, their former home. Mrs. WEAVER's husband, now deceased, was for many years an engineer on the Lehigh Valley railroad. Miss Myrtle VOSE, a prominent young woman of Tunkhannock, died yesterday afternoon after a brief illness of appendicitis. While at Lake Winola, one week ago, she became violently ill and it was necessary for her to submit to a surgical operation, which resulted fatally. She was employed as a clerk in the Tunkhannock post office, and was active in Sunday school and literary society work. Elbert YEAGER, 12, died in the Hazleton hospital yesterday of lockjaw, the first victim this season of the toy pistol. Patrick MUNLEY, a Sugar Notch boy, son of Mrs. Julia LENAHAN, met a shocking death ysterday afternoon by being crushed to death in the scraper line at the colliery where he was employed. Jonas E. REED, a formaer resident of Lake township, this county, died recently at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Thomas WHEELER, in Nebraska, aged 77 years. He served throughout the Civil War, his enlistment having been in Company D, 199the Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. Peter GORDON, a dissipated WilkesBarre miner, was found unconscious in Rutter's Grove near the west end of the Market Street river bridge, and died shortly after being taken to Mercy hospital. He probably died of hemorrhage, as he was bleeding profusely from the mouth. Mrs. Catherine LYNOTT died yesterday afternoon at thehomeof her son, Rev. M. F. LYNOTT, pastor of the Kingston Catholic church. The deceased had been ill since December, when she suffered an attack of pleurisy. She was 81 years old. Funeral services will be held in the Kingston Cathollic church, and the remains will be taken to Dunmore for burial.
27 JUNE 1904
An infant son of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. JOYCE, of New York, died recently. Mrs. JOYCE is former Miss Marie MITCHELL, the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Patrick MITCHELL of PIttston. Obituaries: * Mrs. Anna Cake DAVENPORT, wife of A. L. DAVENPORT. * Mrs. John P. CODDINGTON, of Sayre, the former Jennie ALBRIGHT of Pittston. John SAMMON, about 80, of West Avoca, died yesterday. He is survived byhis wife and 10 children. Mrs. SAMMON is a daughter of Mr. & Mrs. James DELANEY of Hughestown. Mrs. Louisa FELLESY, 33 died yesterday. Burial will be in Market Street Cemetery. Miss Anna CURLEY, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Patrick CURLEY of Avoca, died after appendicitis surgery. She was 14. * A long article deals with the death of Private John Francis LYNCH, a Marine serving in Tangier. Michael SHEMOONISH, Luzerne, died while bathing in the river near the Port Bowkley bridge. He was unmarried. Mrs. Catherine C. BAKER died at the age of 80. Her brother, West Pittston Councilman, John S. JENKINS, is the last surviving member of the family of pioneer Benjamin Jenkins. (She was buried in the small cemetery known as the Jenkins cemetery on Wyoming avenue, just in front of the Linden street school.) A son was born yesterday to Mr. & Mrs. Leon FITCH, of Exeter Street, West Pittson. Mrs. Jeremiah BUSKIRK, of Lehman, died last night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. WARMOUTH, in Larksville. Benjamin VANACKER, 55, of Curry Hill, Plymouth, died of general debility. Martin MCLOUGHLIN, one of the oldest residents of WilkesBarre, died last night of a complication of diseases. Alexander DOUGLASS, 58, died on Sunday at his home in Westmoor of paralysis. He is survived by 8 children. William MONTAGUE lost his life in the river near Sayre. He was employed as a night watchman at a Lehigh Valley steam shovel. He was doing some daring swimming in the stream. After crossing the river twice, he swam into a dangerous current and was carried away. He was 18 years old and had come to Sayre from Kingston.
28 JUNE 1904
A marriage license has been issued to Charles M. FLYTE, of Pittston, and Miss Mary L. WALSH of Avoca. Tomorrow evening, Isaac THOMAS, son of Mr. & Mrs. William G. THOMAS, will be united in marriage with Miss Jennie LOVERING at the latter's home in Greenwood. Mrs. Jacob GOTTARDE, of Sturmerville, died yesterday, aged 23 years. He husband and one child survive. The funeral will take place tomorrow with a mass of requiem in the Italian Catholic church and interment in Market Street Cemetery. Mrs. Mary M. GROSSMAN, WilkesBarre, died yesterday. Two daughters survive. Mrs. Anthony DOUGHER, WilkesBarre, died yesterday of heart trouble, after a brief illness. Mrs. DOUGHER's maiden name was Kate DIEROFF. She is survived by her husband and an 8 year old son. Two drownings occurred on Sunday in the Hazleton section. John MIDLOCH, of Oakdale, fell from a raft in a mine hole where he was bathing and lost his life. Peter MINONVICH, 30, was drowned while swimming in the Sugarloaf reservoir. St. Mark's church in Inkerman was the scene of the wedding of Miss Margaret FAHEY and Patrick J. RUDDY of Scranton. Miss Anna WHALEN, formerly of Avoca, and Joseph MURRAY of WilkesBarre were married there yesterday. Miss Florence RICHMOND and Richard WEISENFLUH, both of Scranton, were married yesterday. Jacob ROLAND and Miss Mary SEKOL were married at Sacred Heart Church, Duryea, yesterday. (Note the differing spellings from the earlier license issuance.) John KEARNEY and Miss Mary MADDEN, both of Pittston, were married at St. John's Church last night. Gilbert WOLFE, who had a business in Tunkhannock for many years, died there on Sunday. William BUSH, 75, and Mrs. Eveline ELLIS, 53, have been issued a marriage license in Tunkhannock. Mrs. Nicholas ROOS, 63, WilkesBarre, died yesterday of tuberculosis. She leaves a large family of children. George KLINGER, a Civil War veteran, died in Freeland on Saturday. He was born in Quakake 82 years ago, but had spent the greater part of his life in the Butler Valley. His father, John KLINGER, conducted a hotel in Seybertsville. Elwood SHIRTZ and LIzzie JOHN, both of Old Forge, were married in Binghamton on May 30, by the Rev. C. M. OLMSTEAD. The funeral of Beadyo OFERA, an Italian miner of Yatesville, who was killed yesterday afternoon by a fall of rock in the Fernwood mine, will be held tomorrow morning. * There were four weddings at St. John's Catholic Church yesterday: Anna WALSH and Andrew OWENS, both of Pittston; William FISHER and Mary JUDGE; Patrick WALSH and Mary REILEY; and Anna DOUGHERTY and Patrick PENDERGAST. * Wedding of Isaac THOMAS and Jennie LOVERING, married in Greenwood. George B. DEAN and Miss Alta BEVANS were married in West Pittston. James WALSH, 17, son of Patrick WALSH, of Nanticoke, died yesterday afternoon after a few hours illness. He had been in the sun several hours, and then drank a lot of ice water. When he reached home, he complained of pain in his head and stomach, which grew worse until death relieve his suffering. His funeral will take place tomorrow at 9 o'clock.
1 JULY 1904
A daughter was born recently to Mr. & Mrs. James GERRITY, of Yonkers, NY Mrs. GERRITY is the former Hannah GALLAGHER of Pittston. George B. DAVIS and Miss Emma EVANS were married in the Welsh Baptist Church last evening by Rev. W. D. THOMAS. Herman SCHWEITZER and Miss Sophia WINDISH were married yesterday afternoon in the parsonage of St. Peter's Lutheran church, Hughestown. They will live in Taylor where he is employed. * Mrs. Margaret SNYDER, 112 Carroll Street, Pittsotn, died suddenly on a street car while on the way to WilkesBarre. * Obit for Daniel MUNDY, about 57, born in Ireland. * Obit for Miss Sarah LEARCH, daughter of Mrs. Robert DRUMMOND, of Center Street, Pittston.
2 JULY 1904
Stephen CONEY, 19, died in Moses Taylor Hospital, Scranton, from injuries received in the Greenwood mine. Mr. & Mrs. T. E. BARNHARDT, and daughters Catherina and Lulu, left this morning for Hazleton, to attend the funeral of Mrs. BARNHARDT's sister, Mrs.I. T. DEREEMER. Leroy HOLLENBACK, Schenectady, formerly of Carbondale, was married on Wednesday to Miss Emma PETRICK of Wyoming. At the advanced age of more than 90 years, William ROGERS, of Mulberry, MO., passed away a few days ago. He was a brother of Mrs. John KASPER of West Pittston, who is the youngest member of that family. Their father lived to see his 112th birthday. A son was born recently to Mr.& Mrs. Gabriel LABINIS, of Duryea. Isaac KRESGE, for years one of Albert LEWIS' foremen at Bear Creek, died at the home of his daughter in WIlkesBarre. William NOWAKOSKI, 15, was caught between a car and the rib in the Pine Brook mine near Parsons, and was injured so badly that he died. Jasper N. JENKINS, Plymouth, died yesterday at WilkesBarre hospital of appendicitis. He was 52, and is survived by a daughter. Hobart OLIVER, 8, trying to catch a frog, was caught in the current of the stream, and drowned. His older brother, who was nearby, recovered his body. Yesterday, a 10 year old son of Michael CHYCHYK, Plymouth, was playing on the railroad tracks near the DL&W station. He was hit and killed by a Lehigh Valley locomotive. On May 13, a 5 year old son of this family was killed by a street car.
5 JULY 1904
Edward LOFTUS and Mrs. Mary KELLY, both of Cork Lane, were married in St. John's church yesterday. * Obit for Mrs. Margaret MOFFATT, Depew Street, Pittston. Mrs. Archibald LOVE, North Avoca, died Saturday in Scranton Hospital. Miss Sarah GARRITY, Hazleton, received word of the death of her brother James GARRITY, 30 , who was serving his sixth year in the Army. He died in a battle in the Philippines on April 13. 7 JULY 1904 A marriage license as issued to Ernest L. AKENS and Annie M. SANDERSON, both of Moosic. The funeral of Richard THOMPSON is scheduled for tomorrow. A son was born to Mr. & Mrs. Harry NAIL, of Brooklyn, NY recently. Mrs. Anna JOYCE died at home on Oak Street, Pittston, yesterday. She is survived by her sister, Mrs. Margaret JOYCE of Railroad Street, and a brother, Andrew CORCORAN of Sepastopol. Nine children all died before her. The funeral will be held from her sister's home, with a mass at St. John's, and burial in the Market street Cemetery. Mrs. Thomas FELL, of WilkesBarre, died in City Hospital after an illness of five weeks duration. Mrs. Charles Riemensnyder died yesterday after an illness of six months. John RYAN, WilkesBarre, who was run over by a Central freight on July 4, died yesterday at the age of 21. in Mercy Hospital. Theresa MULHERIN, 22, daughter of Cornelius MULHERIN, of Scranton, died yesterday. John YOUNG, of Northumberland, a flagman on the Bloomsburg division freight line, fell from his locomotive at West Berwick. He died in Moses Taylor Hospital in Scranton. He leaves a wife and 8 children.
8 JULY 1904
Professor Merritt Lynde HARDING, of Plainsville, and Miss Sadie JOPLING, daughter of Henry JOPLING of Inkerman were married last night at the JOPLING home. He teaches Latin and Greek at Wyoming Seminary. A son was born on July 6 to Mr. & Mrs. RUANE of Market Street, Pittston. Twins, a boy and a girl, were born on July 21 to Mr. & Mrs. M. F. KELLY of Washington Terrace, Pittston. A marriage license has been issued to Samuel PICKRELL, Old Forge, and Sarah COONS, of Duryea. Joseph SEALY, Old Forge, and Miss Mercy REESE was married on Wednesday at her home in Avoca. William, the six-month old son of Mr. & Mrs. William FANNING, Wilford Street, died last evening of cholera infantum. The funeral will be held Saturday with burial in Market Street Cemetery. Philip DREISTOD, Old Forge, and Miss Mary SMALL, Carroll Street, Pittston, were married at St; John's church yesterday. A son was born yesterday to Mr. & Mrs. Elijah WILLIAMS, of Exeter Street, West Pittston. Mr. WILLIAMS is the son of William S. WILLIAMS, of Wanamie. Thomas DOLPHIN, son of William DOLPHIN, of Eynon Street, Scranton, was killed by a baseball. John RICHARDS, of Hazleton, died at the age of 98. Joseph DIXON, 55, of Hazleton, died yesterday. He was a fireman at Lattimer for many years. Mrs. Mortimer VOSBURGH, wife of the well-known carriage builder, died Thursday of general debility. She had been in ill health for the last six months. W. S. RENSHAW died yesterday in Plymouth. He leaves a wife and a son, Chester. Boyd ELLIS, 11, son of William ELLIS of Bloomsburg, died Wednesday of lockjaw, having stepped on a rusty nail.
9 JULY 1904
Patrick LOFTUS, 33, a native of Dunmore, who lived on North Main Street in Pittston, died yesterday. He was employed in the mines. He is survived by his wife and a 2 year old son. The funeral will be held Monday, with a mass at St. Mary's and burial in Market Street Cemetery. Mrs. Michael WALSH, 60, of Plains, died yesterday of diabetes. August FETZER, Plymouth Hill, was struck by a train at Buttonwood crossing on Tuesday. He died in Mercy Hospital. He had lived in Plymouth nearly 50 years. He leaves a wife and 10 children. George SCHAETZEL, WilkesBarre, died Thursday. He was born in Germany, and came here 28 years ago. He was a stone cutter by trade, but also kept a hotel. Mrs. James CURRAN, 36, of WilkesBarre, died of pneumonia yesterday. Her sister, Mrs. Charles GROSSER, died five weeks ago, and the CURRANS had moved in with Mr. GROSSER recently. A sister, Miss Annie CLAPSADDLE, survives.
11 JULY 1904
Stephen L. BERNETT, born 7 December 1841 in Fulton Township, Lancaster County, died yesterday. He served in the Civil War, lost an arm at Antietam. He married Miss Helen A. HOLMES on 23 December 1873. He taught school in Shickshinny for several years. His home in recent years has been in Exeter. Mrs. Elizabeth YOUNG, widow of Sylvester YOUNG, died yesterday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William DUTTER on Marcy Avenue, Duryea. She was born in Columbia County, PA, 71 years ago. Daniel WOLFINGER, 90, died at home in Fairmount Township on Friday. Waldystaw PAPKA, a well-known Polish resident of WilkesBarre, was killed at Stanton mine by a fall of rock. Thomas LITTLE, 72, of Courtdale, died of cancer of the stomach. Mrs. Evelyn FINLEY was milking a cow at her home in Sweet Valley, when she collapsed and died of heart trouble, a few days ago. T. R. HILLARD, associated with Miner-Hillard Company, and Miss Edith FULLER, both of WilkesBarre, announced their engagement yesterday.
12 JULY 1904
James LAFRANCE, 22, of Wyoming, drowned last evening in the Susquehanna River near Sixth Street, while bathing. He was the son of Mr. & Mrs. E. G. LAFRANCE, of 8th Street. His mother was a SCHOOLEY from Wyoming. Mrs. Edward TOOLE, an aged resident of WilkesBarre, died yesterday. She was the mother of Edward TOOLE of West Pittston. Born in Ireland, she had lived in WilkesBarre for 50 years. Her funeral will be held tomorrow. Mrs. Hannah TRIPP, 70, of Forty Fort, the widow of Isaac S. TRIPP, one of the pioneers of the Valley, died yesterday evening. She was born in Eaton, but had lived in Forty Fort since her marriage in 1861. She was a member of the First Baptist Church of WilkesBarre. A 4 month old child of Mr. & Mrs. William BIESECKER, former residents of Duryea, died yesterday. The remains will be buried today in Marcy Cemetery. Yesterday afternoon a Polish resident of Duryea, Joseph SLOMPSKI, of Chittenden Street, was killed by a fall of roof in Barnum #2 shaft, where he was a laborer. His wife and several children survive.
13 JULY 1904
The funeral of Mrs. Thomas YOUNG will take place from the family home in Sepastopol on Friday afternoon at 2 p.m. The services will be conducted by Rev. J.J. K. FLETCHER, with burial in Pittston Cemetery. The funeral of James LAFRANCE will be held tomorrow afternoon from his home on 8th Street, with burial in Wyoming Cemetery. James MCLAUGHLIN, 35, who had been ill with heart trouble, died yesterday at the home of Mrs. BONNIE, Edwardsville, where he boarded. Mrs. Peter J. Gallagher, of South Hancock Street, WilkesBarre, died yesterday after 6 months' illness. Her husband and 10 children survive. Mrs. Mary HUGHES, Hazleton, has received word that her son, Harry HUGHES, a cavalryman in the Philippines, drowned there in May. He went to the Philippines in December. He leaves a wife who also lives in Hazleton. Mrs. Charles FREAS, 90, died Monday from injuries received when she fell down stairs at her home in Lake Winola. She is survived by sons Asa FREAS, postmaster at Lake Winola and Clark FREAS, proprietor of the Winola House.
14 JULY 1904
Robert, one of the 14 month old twins of Mr. & Mrs. Patrick BLEWITT of Port Griffith, passed away yesterday after a week's illness. The funeral will be held this afternoon, with burial in Market Street Cemetery. George BUNNELL, 56, a lifelong resident of Tunkhannock, died Wednesday of consumption. Mrs. A. G. DENNIS, 63, of Moyallen Street, WilkesBarre, died yesterday of heart trouble, leaving her husband and 8 children.
15 JULY 1904
A daughter was born this morning to Mr. & Mrs. Terrence BRADIGAN, of Sebastopol. Peter FLYNN, two month old son of Mr. & Mrs. Peter FLYNN, of Hughestown, died yesterday of convulsions. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 p. m. The 6 month old son of Mr. & Mrs. Herbert PFINFISTERN, of Warren Street, West Pittston, died this morning. The funeral will be held Sunday at 3 p.m., with burial in Hughestown Catholic Cemetery. Mrs. Jane JENKINS died this morning of liver and heart problems. She was 66, born in Llangefed, Anglesea (Anglesey) North Wales in 1839. She married Edward JONES there, and came to this country in 1870. Mr. JONES died here 20 years ago. Some years later, she married Daniel JENKINS, and early Pittston resident who also preceded her in death. She was a niece of the late H. R. and Morris HUGHES of West Pittston. Two daughters survive - Hannah Grace, wife of Thomas GRIFFITHS of Holyhead, North Wales, and Miss Elizabeth JONES who lived with her mother. Two sisters and a brother also survive - R. J. HUGHES of Scranton, Mrs. Anna WILLIAMS and Miss Ann HUGHES, both of Holyhead, North Wales. She will be buried Sunday from the Welsh Baptist Church, Pittston.
16 JULY 1904 Saturday
Mrs. William G. HOLLENBACK, 34, of Greenwood, died yesterday after an illness of five weeks. The funeral will be on Sunday from the family home, with burial in Marcy Cemetery, Duryea. She leaves a husband and 5 children. Miss May PROTHEROE died last night at the home of father, Owen PROTHEROE, in Pittston Twp. She had been ill for 4 months with consumption.She was a member of the Welsh Congregational Church. She is survived by her brother, Asher PROTHEROE, and a sister, Mrs. John MORRIS, both of Pittston Twp. Service will be held at the home, with burial in Pittston Cemetery. Anna J. DEMKO, 16 months old, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. DEMKO of George Street, Pittston, died this morning after a brief illness. The funeral was held this afternoon, with interment on St. Peter's Lutheran Cemetery. Thomas MACMILLAN, a former resident of Pittston, was married on July 7 to Miss Emma STOKELY of Chester, PA. He is employed in Sutton, West Virginia, where they will live. The marriage of Richard Alonzo JONES and Miss Esther POLLARD took place in St. Louis, MO, on July 12. Mr. JONES lived in Pittston 20 years ago. He is the son of Evan R. JONES who once conducted a stoneware factory in Upper Pittston. Mrs. Thomas D. YOUNG was buried in Pittston Cemetery, following services at the family home in Sebastopol. James HOPE, 16 months old, the son of Mr. & Mrs. J. W. HOPE of Scranton, died yesterday after choking on a peanut shell. E. M. WERT, who was born in Berks County in 1834, died yesterday in Dunmore, where he had lived since 1856. He served three years with the 143rd PA. Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War. Mrs. Eber ROTE, Nescopeck, died Thursday in WilkesBarre City Hospital following an operation. She had been ill 5 weeks.
18 JULY 1904 Monday
William E. BOND, of Dallas, died yesterday at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia, after an operation for cancer of the stomach. Services will be held in the Dallas Methodist Episcopal Church on Wednesday, with burial in Pittston Cemetery. Mr. Bond was born in Lancashire, England 74 years ago. He had lived in Pittston for ten years, before moving to Dallas 5 years ago. Mrs. BOND died on April 1 this year. No children survive. J. C. POWELL, one of the editors and proprietor of the WilkesBarre Record, died this morning in Atlantic City, after a long illness. Born in Lansford, Columbia County in 1854, he came to WilkesBarre from Shenandoah in 1883. John TIGUE, of Lincoln Hill, Avoca, died Saturday evening. He had lived in Avoca for many years. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning. He leaves a wife and 7 children. Walter, the 7 month old son of Mr. & Mrs. BOWKLEY of Hughestown, died yesterday. Burial will take place today. Edward, the 7 month old son of Mr. & Mrs. Frank HESTON, died Saturday. The funeral is scheduled for today with burial in Market Street Cemetery. Funeral services were held yesterday in the Welsh Baptist Church for Mrs. Jane JENKINS. Burial was in Pittston Cemetery. Mrs. John GRANAHAN, Upper Pittston, received news of the death of her brother, Rev. John GRANT, who passed away yesterday at the Buffalo Cathedral Parish House, after a short illness. Another brother, Rev. Patrick GRANT, died a few years ago. Funeral services will be held in the family home in Allegany, NY. Mrs. Peter DOLAND, 60, died yesterday at home in Parsons, of hemorrhages. Dennis KEARNEY, lifelong resident of WilkesBarre, died yesterday of cancer. He was 56. John KRONENBURGER, 65, WilkesBarre, died Sunday. He was born in Germany, and had lived here since 1870. He was a carpenter. Michael MORAN, 48, Plains, died yesterday of pneumonia. He had conducted a meat business in Plains for several years and had served as tax collector for three years.
19 JULY 1904 Tuesday
John B. SMITH, Forty Fort, died at noon today. He was born in Plymouth in 1819. His father, a Connecticut native, opened a coal mine in Plymouth in 1807. The deceased had organized the First National Bank of Plymouth, and had other accomplishments to his name. He was twice married, and is survived by his second wife, who is the mother of Judge FERRIS of West Pittston. Joseph KRAWL, 19, died while swimming in the river at Port Griffith. He was employed by the bottling company of J & M GAUGHAN. He spoke little English, having come from Europe only recently. His sister, Mrs. EMORY of Port Griffith, is his only local survivor. Patrick MCGUIRE, Providence, and Miss Josephine OSBORNE, Avoca, will marry in Avoca on August 3. Richard, 14 year old son of Smith PHILLIPS, died this morning at the family home on Eighth Street in Wyoming. He had suffered a long time with consumption. Triplets were born to Mr. & Mrs. Ignatius SCHILINSKI of Hazleton. Joseph KONATCH, Drifton, drowned in a water-filled cave hole, while bathing. (swimming) John P. BRADER, a Hunlock Twp. farmer, died Sunday from injuries received when he fell from a cherry tree ten days ago.
20 JULY 1904 Wednesday
Twins, a son and a daughter, were born to Mr. & Mrs. Thomas JAMES, Oak Street, Pittston. Mrs. George P. HAHN, Washington St., West Pittston, died while visiting her daughter in Long Island. She had been ill for a year. Mr. HAHN works for National Biscuit Company bakery in West Pittston. Mrs. HAHN is survived by her husband and a son in West Pittston, two sons and a daughter in New Haven Connecticut, and a daughter in Long Island. Charles WEBER, Avoca, and Miss Mame HOBAN, WilkesBarre, were married this morning in the South WilkesBarre Catholic Church. The funeral of Guy PHILLIPS, of Wyoming will be tomorrow at the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. & Mrs. Ira DEWITT. Services will be held at Mt. Zion Church. Frederick JACOBS and Miss Dora MOULD will be married tonight at the bride's home on Wyoming Avenue, Exeter Borough. He is the son of Mr. & Mrs. Gottlieb JACOBS, of Luzerne Avenue, West Pittston, and she is a sister of John MOULD, the Exeter borough police chief.
21 JULY 1904 Thursday
Miss B. WILLIAMS and Michael O'SHAUGHNESSY, both of Parsonage Street. Pittston, were married yesterday at St. John's Catholic Church. he is a miner. They will live in Hughestown.. William J,. SCHALL of West Pittston and Miss Lizzie E. EMMEL of Scranton were married yesterday at the Chestnut Avenue German Presbyterian Church in Scranton. They will live on Race Street in West Pittston Dr. Henry BEYEA, formaerly of Dunmore, now of Philadelphia, and Miss Elizabeth Janvier MEREDITH, daughter of Thomas MEREDITH, will be married at the Abington Church in Gloucestr, VA on August 3. He is a nephew of Benjamin Dorrance BEYEA of West Pittston. Thomas EYNON died yesterday at the home of his sister, Mrs. John HAMILTON, in Nanticoke, of consumption. He was born in Drifton 28 years ago.
22 JULY 1904 Friday
William GAUGHAN of Market Street and Miss Maud CONNELL of Center Street were married yesterday at St. John's church. A daughter was born yesterday to Mr. & Mrs. Chester QUINN of Scranton, formaerly of West Pittston. James HAWORTH, formerly a WilkesBarre resident, drowned while bathing at Communipaw, NJ. John W. JONES, 46, of WilkesBarre, died yesterday of asthma. Mrs. Margaret EVANS, aged resident of Parsons, died Wednesday. She had lived in Parsons 55 years. 23 JULY 1904 Saturday Anna, the 4 year old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. James MURPHY, died yesterday of cholera morbus.The funeral will be tomorrow with burial in Market Street Cemetery. Mires ELSTON, 84, for many years a resident of Plains, died yesterday at the home of his son George in Suttee, Wyoming County. Mrs. Emily STRAUSS, widow of Abraham STRAUSS, once a prominent businessman in WilkesBarre., died yesterday at the age of 80. Mr. STRAUSS died in 1874. A son, S. J. STRAUSS, an attorney, is one of her survivors.
25 JULY 1904
A ten pound daughter was born to Mr. & Mrs. William FAY of William Street, Pittston. Mr. FAY is wearing a smile that will not come off and is cheerfully handing out cigars. Dennis MCTIGUE of Browntown died yesterday after a brief illness. Born in Ireland, he had lived in Pittston for many years. He worked around the mines. He is survived by his wife and these children: Patrick, Anthony, Stephen, Margaret, John, Dennis and Michael, all living in the area. The funeral will be held tomorrow with burial in Market Street cemetery. Maria, the six-month old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Frank CRAIG, of Market Street, died yesterday after a brief illness. The funeral will be tomorrow with burial in Market Street cemetery. Ellsworth, the infant son of Mr. & Mrs. Robert MATHEWSON, of Tompkins Street, died yesterday morning. He will be buried in Marcy Cemetery after the funeral tomorrow. Lenny GILLIS, a young colored man about 21 years old, died yesterday at the home of his mother on Stark Street, West Pittston. Besides his mother he is survived by a sister, Mrs. Charlie WHEELER. The funeral will be tomorrow with burial in Pittston Cemetery. Isaac LABAR had received notice of the death of his sister's husband, G. L. KENNARD, of Meshoppen, who did in Philadelphia where he was being treated during the past month. He was 61, and had served in the 52nd Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers during the Civil War. For 20 years he had been the proprietor of the principal[al hotel in Meshoppen. Mrs. John E. BLOMBERG, of WilkesBarre died Saturday of cancer.
26 JULY 1904
Mrs. Sabina THOMAS, widow of William L. THOMAS of Mayfield, near Carbondale, who died in Carbondale hospital, was a sister of Mrs. Hugh PACE of Pittston. She was born in Archbald, the daughter of Peter and Honora HUNT.The funeral will be held tomorrow in Carbondale. Mrs. Alfred HALE died Sunday at Bernice, PA, after a two weeks' illness. She was 34 years old. Her husband, a former resident of Duryea, is general inside foreman for Bernice Coal Company. Mrs. HALE was a native of Bradford, (Brantford?) Canada, the former Miss DENCE.The funeral will be tomorrow from the home of John HALE, South Main Avenue, Scranton. George DAILEY, 66, lifelong resident of Carverton, died yesterday. Services will be at the family home, with burial in the Carverton Cemetery. John BIJAH, 17, Luzerne borough, died from injuries received when he was kicked by a mule at the Raub Colliery. His parents are still in the old country; the boy had lived with an uncle. Mrs. Thomas JOHNSON, 20, died of cancer yesterday at the home of her father, Silas BELLAS, Carey Avenue, WilkesBarre. Her husband and 2 brothers are attending the encampment of the 9th Regiment at Gettysburg.
27 JULY 1904
Frank LIPKA, Duryea, fell 250 feet to his death yesterday in Twin Shaft. He was 32 years old, and unmarried. He had no relatives in this country. Mrs. Mary MANGAN, former Pittston resident, died at the home of her daughter in Kingston. She was 72. She is survived by these children: Thomas and Michael of Pittston, James of Washington, Mrs. Edward Dougherty of Kingston, with whom she lived, Sister M. Leo of Auburn NY and Mrs. John HAGGERTY, of Omaha, Nebraska. Also surviving is her sister, Mrs. Thomas CAWLEY of Pittston.The funeral will be held at the Dougherty home tomorrow with burial in the Market Street Cemetery. Michael WALSH, Pine Street, Pittston, and Miss Frances MARTIN, Cork Lane, were married this morning at St. John's Church. Mrs. Alexander LONG, East Jackson Street, WilkesBarre, died Monday. Charles SHAFFER, died in WilkesBarre City Hospital from injuries received when he was run over by a Lehigh Valley train at Brookside on Monday.
28 JULY 1904
Esther, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Frank BOHAN, died this morning at one month and 6 days. There will be a private funeral this afternoon. The will of Anna SULAK, late of Pittston, has been filed. Written in Slavic language, she left $250 to Rev. Andrew PAVEN, pastor of the Slavic Church on William Street, Pittston. An interest in her father's estate as left to her sisters in Hungary. James LLEWALEY, Scranton, a conductor on the D & H railroad, was killed at Carbon Street, Scranton this afternoon. He was 45, and is survived by his wife. John PATCHENSKY, Smithville miner in Chapman mine, hillside Coal & Iron Company, was killed this morning. A large piece of rock fell on him, and crushed him. He had been a saloon keeper in Smithville until April this year. Paul MESSEMER and Miss Hattie Mae KETCHAM were married last evening at the Methodist Episcopal parsonage. She is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Ensign KETCHAM, of Center Street, Hughestown. The couple will live in New York City. Evan DAY, West Wyoming, 81, died at the home of O. M. ROZELLE in that place on Monday. He had never married and had no relatives in this area. The funeral will be today with burial in Wyoming cemetery. Gomer EVANS, 45, unmarried, was killed instantly by a fall of rock at the Nottingham mine in Plymouth, yesterday. David JAMES, son of Thomas J. JAMES, Shawnee Avenue, Plymouth, was swept off his feet while bathing in the river there, and was drowned. Mrs. Miles HINKLE, Quakake Valley, near Hazleton, was killed by lightning Tuesday, as she sat in her living room. Her daughter, also in the room, was seriously shocked. A barn belonging to Joseph LEINGER, not far away, was also struck and burned.
29 JULY 1904
Mrs. Nora MCDOUGALL, 50, South Scranton, was killed by a D & H train today. Harold FLETSCHER, 4 month old son of Mr. & Mrs. George FLETSCHER of Mill Street, Pittston, died this morning. The funeral will be on Sunday with burial in St. Mary's cemetery, Hughestown. George GRAMAS, 40, a married miner who lived in Butler Alley, went back to check on a slow blast and was killed by coal thrown out by the delayed blast at the Twin Shaft of the Lehigh Valley Coal Company. Mrs. Sarah MILLS, North Main Street, WilkesBarre, died Wednesday of a complication of diseases. Her husband died in Wales several years ago.
30 JULY 1904
A son was born yesterday to Mr. & Mrs. Martin TIERNEY, of Inkerman. The funeral of Esther, the infant daughter of Attorney & Mrs. Frank BOHAN was held yesterday. Patrick MULCAHEY and Miss Sadie KELLY, both of Browntown, were married Thursday evening by Rev. Father O'Malley, pastor of St. John's. They will live in Browntown. A son has arrived at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DOHRER, in West Pittston. A son weighing 12 pounds was born to Mr. & Mrs. Clark HELWIG, Atlantic Avenue, West Pittston, last evening. Joseph J. DONNELLY, 17, son of John J. Donnelly, of East Northampton Street, WilkesBarre, died yesterday after a short illness of paralysis.
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