Business Transacted by the Board of Erin in Session on Saturday
The annual Luzerne County convention of the Ancient Order of Hibernians Board of Erin was held on Saturday at the hall of Division 4 on Northampton street, 163 delegates being present.
The delegates then adjourned to order by county delegate Neal M. Sweeney. The body then adjourned to meet at 1 p.m., when Rev. Father Cannon, of Letterkinny, Ireland, addressed the assembly at some length. Ex-state delegate C. T. Boland of Scranton made a few remarks. The committees made the reports.
A committee consisting of five delegates was appointed to formulate plans for sending a representative to the international convention to be held at Dublin in September, the object of which is to unite the various factions in Ireland and abroad. Lawrence Kilduff of Plains was elected chairman and James J. Shanly secretary of this committee.
The following officers were elected: County delegate, Neal M. Sweeney; vice county delegate, James McAndrews of Plains, county correspondence secretary, John Keelay of Lackawanna; financial secretary, R.J. Burke of Pittston; treasurer M. O'Malley, Avoca.
The borough of Plains was chosen as the place in which the next county concention will be held.
The resolutions were as follows:
Whereas, It has pleased heaven to allow us to reside in this great and enlightened republic, than which a more magnificent has never existed to enjoy blessings of its free institution and to have conferred upon us the the priceless ____ of American citizenship.
Whereas, At this moment there are citizens of the republic suffering untold tortures in British dungeons who have been placed there through the agency of packed juries and perjured witnesses: men who have been guilty of no crime, but whose incarceration is due wholly and solely to their love of freedom and human liberty; therefore be it.
Resolved, That we respectfully call the attention of our government to the circumstances of her citizens and request an early intervention in their behalf.
Resolved, That we, the Ancient Order of Hibernians, desire to express our sympathy for the brave Cubans who are no waging a successful struggle.
Resolved, That we pledge anew our unqualified allegiance to our adopted country, The United States of America.
Resolved, That we use our best efforts in bringing about the complete independence of Ireland.
Resolved, That we unequivocally and emphatically denounce and condemn as traitors and tramps the empty headed pigmies comprising the membership of the A.P.A. and hindered (?) organizations.
The committee was: James J. Shanly, John Moore, John McAndrews, Henry GAllagher, John Lynch.
This List was donated by Anne Marie.
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Ann Lubinsky
County Coordinator
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