There may be between 25,000 and 35,000 descendants of Trentini in Pennsylvania today. These immigrants, from the Dolomite Mountains which are part of the Alps located in Northern Italy, began to arrive in Pennsylvania sometime before 1870. They called themselves Tyroleans and they brought with them their own language and culture. At the time of their emigration, their land was controlled by Austria. That is why these immigrants some of whose names sound Italian listed themselves as Austrian on census records. The Tyrolean dialect, which seems to be disappearing as older people pass on, was not generally understood by those who lived outside of Trentino because Italy was a land of small provinces at that time, each with its own dialect.
Probably the earliest immigrant from Trentino to the United States was Giovanni Yannes of Castelfondo. He settled in Freeland, Pennsylvania. Then followed the Marchettis, Battista and Clementi, their father Lorenzo, as well of their three sisters Caterina, Filomena, and Maria in 1870-73. They settled in Nuremburg, PA. At the same time Giovanni Fellin arrived from Revo and settled in Lattimer. Eventually more Trentini arrived. Most came to work in the coal mines.
The following is a list of some of the earliest immigrants from the Dolo- mites to Northeastern Pennsylvania according to Bonifacio Bolognani's THE COURAGEOUS PEOPLE FROM THE DOLOMITES. While this list is not entirely accurate as to exact dates and as to where each immigrant settled in the area of Northeastern Pennsylvania, it may be of help to those researchers wanting to trace their Trentini roots.*
NAME ORIGIN SETTLED Yannes, Giovanni Castelfondo Freeland c. 1870 Yannes, Battista " " c. 1870/71 Marchetti, Battista " Nuremburg c. 1872 Marchetti, Clementi " " c. 1872 Marchetti, Lorenzo " " c. 1873 Marchetti, Giuseppe " " c. 1873 Marchetti, Caterina " " c. 1873 Marchetti, Filomena " " c. 1873 Marchetti, Maria " " c. 1873 Marchetti, Giovanni " Hazleton c. 1873 Fellin, Giovani Revo Lattimer c. 1873 Ebli, Gregorio Dambel Hazleton c. 1874 Micheli, Francesco " " c. 1874 Marchetti, Aurelio Revo " c. 1875 Marchetti, Fabiano " " c. 1880 Rossi, Annibale " " c. 1881 De Manincor, Epifano Casez " c. 1882 Mengoni, Massimo " " c. 1882 Genetti, Damiano Castelfondo " c. 1882 Genetti, Raffaele " " c. 1882 Braito, Francesco Varena " c. 1882 Flaim, Ferdinando Revo " c. 1882 Corra, Giovanni " " c. 1882 Moscon, Pietro " " c. 1882 Ferrari, Francesco " " c. 1882 Salazer, Bortolo " " c. 1882 Salazer, Tomaso " " c. 1882 Rossi, Daniele " " c. 1882 Martini, Andrea " " c. 1883 Magagna, Pietro Revo c. 1883 Longo, Celeste Varena c. 1883 Flaim, Pietro " " c. 1883 Pedri, Giovanni Revo " c. 1883 Facinelli, Giovanni " ? " c. 1883 Endrizzi, Giovanni " ? "? c. 1883 Pancheri, Battista " ? "? c. 1883 Arnoldi, Andrea " ? "? c. 1883 Ferrari, Santo " ? Mt. Carmel c. 1883 Magagna, Pietro Revo c. 1844 Longo, Celeste Varena c. 1844 Fellin, Fortunato Revo c. 1886 Eccher, Fortunato Tregiovo Hazleton c. 1886 Tait, Domenico Mezzolombardo Hazleton c. 1886 Rossi, Davide Revo " c. 1887 Pancheri, Lorenzo Romallo " c. 1888 Nesler, Giacomo Malosco Upper Lehigh c. 1889
The following Tyrolean immigrants arrived during the Great Depression. They settled in Luzerne and adjoining counties. The town of their origin is above their names. ALDENO - VAL D'ADIGE Beozzo, Candido Hazleton BEDOLLO - DI PINE Celvi, Giacinto Mt. Carmel Savaldi Antonio Mt. Carmel Svaldi, Francesco Atlas Svaldi, Pietro Atlas Turner, Carlo Mt. Carmel Dallapiccola, Matteo Atlas BOLOGNANO - BASSO SARCA Maino, Giovanni Hazleton Miorelli, Joe Hazleton Tambourini, Giovanni Hazleton BORGO - VALSUGANA Simoni, Pietro Weston, PA BOSENTINO DI VATTARO sottopietra, Eduino Atlas, PA CAGNO - VAL DI NON Paternoster, Giuseppe Fern Glen Preti, Giuseppe Weston CAMPODENNO - VAL DI NON Paoli, Enrico Shepton CAMPOSILVANO - VALLARSA Scrinzi, Domenico Nuremberg CASEZ-VAL DI NON Bertoldi, Luigi Mt. Carmel Pellizarri, Davide Mt. Carmel CASTELFONDO - VAL DI NON Arnoldi, Andrea Freeland Genetti, Damiano Hazleton Genetti, Augusto Hazleton Genetti, Dionigio Fern Glen Yannes, Emilio Nuremburg Yannes, Pietro Hazleton Yannes, Roberto Nuremburg Marchetti, Clemente Sheppton Marchetti, Enrico Nuremburg Marchetti, Giuseppe Nuremburg Marchetti, Luigi Drifton Marchetti, Lorenzo Nuremburg Pancheri, Lorenzo Fern Glen Springhetti, Giovanni Weston Turri, Cipriano Freeland Zambotti, Alessandro Weston Marchetti, Maria Nuremburg Marchetti, Filomina Nuremburg Marchetti, Giuseppe Kulpmont CASTELLO - VAL DI SOLE Bortolameolli, Giovanni Mt. Carmel CAVARENO - VAL DI NON Larcher, Viglio Mt. Carmel CAVIZZANA - VAL DI SOLE Rizzi, Emilio Minersville CHIARANO DI ARCO Mancabelli, Silvio Coal Run* Comai, Luigi Coal Run* *There are thre COAL RUNs in PA CLES - VAL DI NON Endrizzi, Basilio Mt. Carmel Fioretta, Giovanni Hazleton COREDO - VAL DI NON Recla, Ida Minersville Rizzari, Emilia, Minersville COVELO DI VEZZANO Andreis, Giuseppe Mt. CArmel Cappelletti, Emanuele Mt. Carmel Cappeletti, Giuseppe Mt. Carmel Cappellettio, Luigi Mt. Carmel Cappelletti, Mansueto Mt. Carmel Casari, Teresina Mt. Carmel Dallasega, Maria(Tasin)Mt. Carmel Fantini, Albino Mt. Carmel Fantini, Primo Mt. Carmel Merlo, Mario Mt. Carmel Tasin, Emanuela Mt. Carmel Tasin, Regina Mt. Carmel Verones, Benjamino Mt. Carmel Verones, Paola Mt. Carmel Zanella, Cornelio Mt. Carmel Zanella, Giuseppe Mt. Carmel Zanella, Guido Mt. Carmel Zanella, Guido Mt. Carmel Zanella, Guerino Mt. Carmel Zanella, Lodovico Mt. Carmel Zanella, Oreste Mt. Carmel Zanella, Pietro Mt. Carmel Zanella, Roberto Mt. Carmel CROVIANA - VAL DI SOL Angeli, Giovanni Hazleton CUNEVO - VAL DI NON Martini, Benvenuto Hazleton DASINDO - GIUDICARIE Trentini, Massimo Mt. Carmel DERCOLO - VAL DI NON Maines, Luigi Mt. Carmel DEGGIANO - VAL DI SOL Belfanti, Antonio Mt. Carmel Belfanti, Attilio Mt. Carmel Belfanti, Egidio Mt. Carmel Belfanti, Giovanni Mt. Carmel Gramola, Giobatta Mt. Carmel Maracani, Frank Hazleton Melchiori, Attilio Mt. Carmel Melchiori, Elvio Mt. Carmel Tabachini, Adolfo Atlas Tabachini, Giuseppe Atlas Zinzarella, Marco Nanticoke Dallavalle, Stefano Atlas Tabachini, Adolfo Atlas Dallavalle, Valentino Atlas Tabachini, Giuseppe Atals DENNO - VAL DI NON Eccher, Celeste Atlas Tolotti, Giuseppe Atlas DRO - BASSO SARCA Angeli, Rodolfo Atlas FLAVON - VAL DI NON Biasi, Vigilio Pottsville Iob, Emanuele Atlas Iob, Vigilio Atlas FONDO - VAL DI NON Calovini, Luigi Oneida Piazzi, Maria Freeland Piz, Luigi Sheppton Stabingher, Giuseppe Hazleton Stabingher, Stefano Hazleton FORNACE DI CIVEZZANO Girardi, Fedele Atlas FRAVEGGIO DI VEZZANO Bressan, Aurelio Mt. Carmel Bressan, Natale Mt. Carmel GARDOLO - VAL D'ADIGE Battistata, Angelo Nuremburg LANZA DI RUMO Bonan, Floriano Hazleton Bonan, Giovanni Hazleton LAVIS - VAL D'ADIGE Celvi, Giacinto Atlas De Manincor, Sisinio Mt. Carmel Zaiotti, Arcangelo Minersville LIVO - VAL DI NON Calovini, Giuseppe Sheppton LONA DI CEMBRA Ramus, Camillo Hazleton MAGRAS - VAL DI SOL Pedrotti, Ottavio Mt. Carmel Tabachini, Maria Mt. Carmel MASTELLINA - VAL DI SOL Largaiolli, Rosa Mt. Carmel Moratelli, Teresa Kulpmont MATTARELLO - VAL D'ADIGE Agostini, Marsilia Mt. Carmel Bridi, Angelo Kulpmont Bridi, Giacomo Mt. Carmel Cappelletti, Egidio Kulpmont Fiamoncini, Giovanni Atlas Fracalossi, Enrico Atlas Fronza, Lino Pottsville Moratelli, Anna Kulpmont Moratelli, Giovanni Kulpmont Pegoretti, Luigi Atlas Perotti, GioBatta Mt. Carmel Perotti, Luigi Mt. Carmel Postal, Vittorio Atlas Postal, Vittorio Kulpmont Scoz, Domenico Mt. Carmel Tafner, Albino Mt. Carmel Tamanini, Lorenzo Mt. Carmel Tomedi, Angelo Mt. Carmel Zanella, Domenico Mt. Carmel MEZZOLOMBARDO - VAL D'ADIGE Berlanda, Mario Ebervale Bettin, Emilio Hazleton Bettin, Fortunato Hazleton Cainelli, Adamo Ebervale Cainelli, Eugenio Ebervale Dalfovo, Maria Hazleton Dalfovo, Giuseppe Hazleton De Prentis, Annibale Atlas De Prentis, Cristina Hazleton Devigli, Adamo Hazleton Devigli, Guido Hazleton Fellin, Maria Drifton Ghezzi, Maria(Tait) Hazleton Matuela, Albino Hazleton Matuella, Luigia Ebervale Pallanch, Pietro Hazleton Piazzini, Maria Pottsville Tait, Giuseppe Hazleton Viola, Felice Hazleton Viola, Ottone Hazleton Zambiasi, Guido Hazleton MOCENIGO DI RUMO Ferrari, Alessandro Hazleton Leita, Andrea Oneida MOLINA DI FIEMME Delmarco, Giovanni Pottsville NANNO - VAL DI NON Bergamo, Ernesto Nuremburg Federizzi, Raimondo Weston ORTISE - VAL DI SOLE Bresadola, Giuseppe Mt. Carmel Pedergnana, Mario Mt. Carmel Pedergnana, Pietro Hazleton PELLIZZANO - VaAL DI SOLE Cortellini, Domenico Mt. Carmel Cortellini, Francesco Mt. Carmel Cortellini, Giacomo Mt. Carmel Cortellini, Oreste Mt. Carmel Dellagiovanna, Domenico Atlas PRACORNO DI RABBI Cicolini, Giacomo Nuremburg Marinelli, Cornelio Mt. Carmel Pancrazi, David Fern Glen Zinzarella, Augusto Mt. Carmel PREGHENA VAL DI NON Datres, Antonio Tamaqua RALLO - VAL DI NON Corradini, Domenico Hazleton REVO - VAL DI NON Arnoldin, Giovanni Mt. Carmel Arnoldin, Giocondo Kulpmont Arnoldin, Giuseppe Kulpmont Arnoldin, Luigi Kulpmont Corra, Maria Hazleton Corra, Gioacchino Hazleton Corra, Simone Hazleton De Maria, Giacomo Hazleton Dona, Enrico Hazleton Facinelli, Bellarmino Hazleton Facinelli, Giovanni Mt. Carmel Fellin, Angelina Beaver Meadow Fellin, Barbara Hazleton Fellin, Bortolo Hazleton Fellin, Feliciano Hazleton Fellin, Ferdinando Beaver Meadow Fellin, Fiorello Hazleton Fellin, Gabrielle Hazleton Fellin, Giovanni Hazleton Fellin, Giuseppe Hazleton Fellin, Luigi Hazleton Fellin, Otto Hazleton Fellin, Silvio Hazleton Ferrari, Alessandro Hazleton Ferrari, Ida Hazleton Flaim, Cherubino Hazleton Flaim, Ermino Freeland Flaim, Giovanni Hazleton Flaim, Giovanni Oneida Flaim, Giuseppe Hazleton Flaim, Nicola Hazleton Geronimi, Angelo Hazleton Iori, Lucia Shamokin Iori, Natale Hazleton Flaim, Ernesto Oneida Fellin, Tomaso Oneida Magagna, Fiore Hazleton Magagna, Pietro Hazleton Magagna, Orsola White Haven Martini, Alessandro Freeland Martini, Alfredo Hazleton Martini, Andrea Hazleton Martini, Ernesto Hazleton Martini, Eugenio Hazleton Martini, Francesco Hazleton Martini, Giacomo Shamokin Martini, Pietro Hazleton Martini, Silvestro Hazleton Martini, Silvio Freeland Mosconi, Giovanni Hazleton Moscon, Pietro Hazleton Ravina, Giuseppe Freeland Ravina, Leone Freeland Ravina, Stefano Freeland Rossi, Angelo Hazleton Rossi, Alessio Hazleton Rossi, Beniamino Hazleton Rossi Celeste Beaver Meadow Rossi, Danny Hazleton Rossi, Danny Hazleton Rossi, Davide Hazleton Rossi, Domenico Hazleton Rossi, Eugenio Hazleton Rossi, Gaetano Hazleton Rossi, Giuseppe Hazleton Rossi, Guido Nuremburg Rossi, Iginio Hazleton Rossi, Max Hazleton Rossi, Pietro Hazleton Rossi, Quinto Hazleton Rossi, Riccardo Hazleton Rossi, Serafino Hazleton Rossi, Virginio Hazleton Polli, Bortolo White Haven ROMAGNO - VAL D'ADIGE Fronza, Cornelio Mt. Carmel Fronza, Lino Pottsville Forti, Rodolfo Mt. Carmel Forti, Romaldo Mt. Carmel Postal, Giovanni Atlas Postal, Vittorio Atlas ROMALLO - VAL DI NON Arnoldin, Andrea Freeland Bertolini, Rodolfo Hazleton Clauser, Giovanni Kulpmont Gentilini, Luigi Hazleton Gentilini, Annuziata Hazleton Gentilini, Alphonso Hazleton Gentilini, Giuseppe Hazleton Gentilini, Serafino Hazleton Lorenzoni, Giovanni Nuremburg Luchi, Enrico Hazleton Luchi, Fiorenzo Hazleton Luchi, Francesco Hazleton Luchi, Ludovico Hazleton Pancheri, Augusto Freeland Pancheri, Giovanni Hazleton Pancheri, Luigi Hazleton Salvaterra, Baldessare Freeland Salvaterra, Constante Freeland Salvaterra, Fiorello Hazleton Salvaterra, Giovanni Freeland Salvaterra, Giorgio Hazleton Salvaterra, Guido Hazleton Salvaterra, Teresa Hazleton Zanoniani, Anselmo Hazleton Gilli, Giuseppe St. Clair Pancheri. Giuseppe Hazleton ROMENO - VAL DI NON Gilli, Giuseppe Mt. Clair RONZONE - VAL DI NON Borzaga, Ernesto Hazleton Borzaga, Orsola Freeland SALOBBI - VAL DI SOL Segna, Fortunato Hazleton SALTER - VAL DI NON Bott, Giuseppe Nuremburg Bott, Verecondo Hazleton SAN LORENZO IN BANALE Bosetti, Oscar Mt. Carmel SAN MARTINO - BASSO SARCA Signoretti, Augusto Atlas SANZENO - VAL DI NON Asson, Romedio Hazleton Branz, Eugenio Mt. Carmel Branz, Leonardo Freeland Dona, Alphonso Nuremburg Dona, Enrico Hazleton Girardini, Enrico Mt. Carmel Inama, Emanuele Mt. Carmel Inama, Joseph Hazleton Ziller, Vittorio Nuremburg SERSO - VALSUGANA Eccher, Pio Mt. Carmel Eccher, Stefano Mt. Carmel SIROR DI PRIMIERO Cemin, Domenico Hazleton Segat, Pietro Atlas Cemin, Bortolo Freeland SMARANO - VAL DI NON Bonnes, Giustina Sheppton Brentari, Calisto Minersville Casari, Carlo Sheppton Filippini, Anna Oneida Marignoni, Angelo Hazleton Casari, Guido Mt. Carmel Recla, Augusto Coaldale Recla, Eugenio Sheppton Recla, Leo Minersville Recla, Maria Sheppton Recla, Viglio Oneida Schwartz, Viglio Oneida Brentari, Giuseppe Coaldale SPERA - VALSUGANA Purin, Pietro Danville Purin, Luigi Port Carbon SPORMINORE - VAL DI NON Formolo, Anselmo Nuremburg TAIO - VAL DI NON Barbacovi, Giuseppe Mt. Carmel Mendini, Guido Minersville TAVON - VAL DI NON Stancher, Fortunato Atlas TERLAGO DI VEZZANO Mazzonelli, Antonio Mt. Carmel DePaoli, Natale Pottsville TERRES - VAL DI NON Dolzani, Achille Minersville Dolzani, Emanuele Minersville TOS - VAL DI NON Zucal, Domenico Hazleton TRANSACQUA DI PRIMIERO Scalet, Giovanni Kulpmont Scalet, Pietro Kulpmont TRAVERSARA - VAL DI NON Menghini, Innocente Hazleton TREGIOVO - VAL DI NON Eccher, Angelo Hazleton Eccher, Pietro Hazleton TRENTO - VAL D'ADIGE Bertoldi, Luigi Mt. Carmel Zenier, Carlo Hazleton TRET - VAL DI NON Bertagnolli, Clemente Mt. Carmel TUENNO - VAL DI NON Arnoldi, Domenico Atlas Borga, Domenico Pottsville Borga, Domenica Pottsville Borga, Emanuele Mt. Carmel Dallago, Anna Atlas Dallago, Giuseppe Atlas Gasperetti, Maria Atlas Ghezzi, Luigi Shamokin Leonardi, Isidoro Minersville Negherborn, Giovanni Pottsville Odorrizi, Giuseppe Mt. Carmel Perotti, Carmelina Atlas Pinamonti, Domenico Kulpmont Zanolini, Davide Fern Glen Pinamonti, Guglielmo, Kulpmont Pizzoli, D. Atlas Pola, Anna Minersville Portolan, Carlo Pottsville Quarisima,Ottavio Hazleton Tolotti, Luigi Weston Tolotti, Vittorio Pottsville Tretter, Veronica Mt. Carmel Valentini, Emilia Atlas VARENA - VAL DI FIEMME Antonelli, Enrico Sheppton Monsorno, Gustavo Hazleton Longo, Celeste Sheppton Longo, Egidio Hazleton Longo, Enrico Hazleton Long, Pio Sheppton VARONE - RIVA DEL GARDA Malossini, Beniamino Mt. Carmel Pellegrini, Luigi Mt. Carmel VERLA - VAL DI CEMBRA Michelon, Luigi Sheppton Rossi, Giuseppe Hazleton VERVO - VAL DI NON Betta, Matteo Hazleton Chini, Arturo Atlas Conci, Luigi Atlas Zadra, Pietro Atlas
These are more names of immigrants from the Dolomites of Northern Italy to Northeast Pennsylvania. They have been submitted by their descendants.
NAME ORIGIN ZANELLA, Afra Magras Immigrated 1901 ZANELLA, Pia Magras Immigrated 1907 CORAZZA, Costante (August), Salobbi Immigrated 1898 CORAZZA, Dominica, Salobbi Immigrated 1898 CORAZZA, Louis, Salobbi Immigrated 1893 CORAZZA, Ricardo, Salobbi Immigrated 1896 CORAZZA, Peter, Salobbi Immigrated before 1900For those who wish to know how to obtain birth certificates and other documents of Tyrolean ancestors, follow these steps: 1. Make a pedigree chart hi-liting the ancestor you wish researched. Dates and places pertaining to vital statistics are very important. 2. Write a letter in Italian. I do not know Italian. I use form letters which can be obtained at your nearest LDS Family History Center. If you would like to have real insight into Italian genealogical research, there are many good books on the subject. I use Trafford Cole's ITALIAN GENEALOGICAL RECORDS. But the LDS Family History Center has a good pamphlet on the subject. There are probably sites on the Internet that might have such letters. Your letter should be concise, stating only facts that will help the archivist to find records. 3. Buy two International Reply Coupons at the post office (abt. $ 1.05 each). These are for return postage. 4. Using a #10 envelope, put your own address on it. 5. Enclose all of these items in an envelope which you should address to : Archivo di Stato Provincia di Trento Via Maccani 161 38100 Trento, Italy There are many documents you might ask for. One, which is the most informative, is the Stato di famiglia storico (historical state of the family) certificate. This is a record of the people in the family at a particular time. For instance, if you want your great-grandfather's Stato di famiglia storico, you will get a document showing his wife (maiden name too!) and his children with dates of births and, sometimes, unofficial birth certificates. I sent $80.00 which I thought would cover the volumes of information I needed. The money was returned to me with a note saying that research for descendants of Trentini who emigrated to the United States was gladly done without cost! I do not know if that is the case now. ONE BIG DRAWBACK....BE PREPARED TO WAIT MANY MONTHS FOR THE INFORMATION. THESE ARCHIVES DO NOT HAVE THE MANPOWER TO HANDLE THE REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION QUICKLY. BE PATIENT. IT'S WORTH IT! *Please tell me if any additions or corrections must be made to the above list.
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