Index of ministers who served in Northeastern Pennsylvania, 1885 - 1935
This partial listing will hopefully give clues needed to determine where family researchers can go to find more information on marriages, christenings, baptisms or other information.
LIMITATIONS: This list was generated through the use of city directories and newspaper announcements including obituries, and are therefore subject to the inaccuracies of the source material; especially mispellings and wrong initials. Some corrections have been attempted and these are noted in the remarks column. Dates of service are approximate.
Not every year has been researched (and quite a bit of information is outside the core years) but this list will be updated and expanded periodically. Please note that information from outlying communities is difficult to gather, so the list is predominately for Scranton and Wilkes-Barre. Since the Wyoming Conference of the Methodist Church announced appointments yearly, the Methodist Church is well represented. This accounts for the large number of lower New York state locations in the list and the lack of information around Hazleton, which will (in time) be corrected.
CONTRIBUTIONS: Corrections and additions are gladly accepted and may be sent to <>.
code source
a almanac (yearbook of newspaper)
c1 Elizabeth Bartle, Long Island, NY, information on Bethesda Congregational, Edwardsville
c2, from Centennial of Nanticoke
c3 June Nessler, Baptism records of Reformed Church, Freeland
c4 Louis Schwartz, grandaughter of Rev. T. Davies
c5 Dalice, abstracts from Hazleton newspapers
c6 Centennial of Kingston M. E. Church, provided by (e-mail header was lost)
c7 Ann O'Hara, descendent of Rev. Luman Sanford
c8 Nebo Baptist, historian Mike Krasulski
d city directory
h history of church
n newspaper
o obit (newspaper)
w www
Click on a letter to go to that Pastor's Name
This List was donated by Richard M. Reese.
©1997-2023 by Mary Ann Lubinsky for the PAGenWeb Project, and by Individual
Ann Lubinsky
County Coordinator
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