Mine disasters
In my scrap books I have been loaned- there is a recap of mine disasters in Luzerne Co that I thought might be helpful to folks.
In Jan 1959-the Susquehanna River flooded the Knox Coal Co.Port Griffin, entombing 12 men. In covring the story, the paper recaped mine disasters in Luzerne co.,
Avondale Colliery, Plymouth, 6 Sept,1869 -108 men died
Jersey #1 mine Ashley- 15 May,1890 - 26 died
Twin Shaft Mine- Pittston, 28 June, 1869 - 58 died
Diamond Mine, Scranton, 31 March,1858 - 13 died
No 1 Drift, Carbondale, 12 June,1846- 15 died
Mt. Pleasant Mine, 6 July,1862 - 9 died, 3 hurt
Exeter Shaft West Pittston, 27 May, 1871- 20 killed
Eagle Shaft, West Pittston - 14 August, 1871 – 17 died
Fairlawn Colliert,30 Aug.,1886 - 6 killed, 1 hurt
Marvine Shaft, 13 Sept.,1886 – 6 died
Eddy Shaft-Olyphant, 22 Aug. 1889 - 4 killed---second accident, 28 April,1896- 4 Killed
Twin Shaft, Pittston, June 28, 1896- 58 men killed- bodies never recoverd
Jermyn #1. Old Forge, 28 Sept. 1897- 5 died
Von Storch Sloap, 30 Oct. 1897 – 6 died
Mount Pleasant Shaft, 26 Feb. 1900 – 4 died
Holden Mine, Taylor, 2 March 1907- 7 died
Johnson #1. Priceburg, 18 June, 1907 – 7 died
No. 14 Pittston, 2 March, 1909 – 8 died
Marvine Mine, 12 Sept., 1911 – 5 died
Baltimore Tunnel- Wilkes- Barre, June, 1919 – 92 died
Borough of Troop, Lackawanna, 7 April,1911 – 73 died
Knox Mine at Schooley Sahft Exeter, then subleased to Panzitta coal Co., April 10,1947- 9 died, 9 injured.
This information was submitted by Rose Vosler.©1997-20161997-2016 by Mary Ann Lubinsky for the PAGenWeb
Project, and by Individual Contributors
Ann Lubinsky
County Coordinator
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