Bureau of Mines Eleventh District Report Year Ending December 31, 1916

Date Name Nationality Occupation Age Martial Status Orphans Colliery
JAN. 3 Philip Gutkowski Polish Runner 21 single 0 Red Ash2
17 Frank Meahaleck Polish Miner 24 married 1 Stanton7
20 Paul Novanch Polish Laborer 39 single 0 Red Ash2
26 Jos. Zagnoskie Lithuanian Miner 37 married 1 S.WB-5
Feb. 18 John Mildrum English Timberman 50 married 2 Henry
Mar. 2 Jos Regilla Austrian Doortender 55 married 0 Hillman
2 George Harney English Slateman 57 married 0 Hollenback2
2 Edwin Jones Welsh Doortender 56 single 0 Hollenback2
9 John Miskin Slavonian Driver 19 single 0 Hollenback2
9 Leo Kazenskie Polish Miner 21 single 0 Hollenback2
9 William Kazenskie Polish Miner 32 married 4 Hollenback2
9 Gabriel Kamoconka Austrian Laborer 43 married 0 Hollenback2
16 William Vincavage Lithuanian Miner 63 married 3 Red Ash2
16 George Slitkas Lithuanian Laborer 50 single 0 Red Ash2
26 John Matueska Polish Miner 45 married 2 Hollenback2
May 4 Anthony Laffey Polish Miner 49 married 7 Dorrance
29 Peter Sarnlucci Italian Miner 45 married 2 Henry
July 5. William Ford Welsh Miner 47 married 0 Stanton7
13 Paul Gino Austrian Company 62 married 0 Prospect
13 Mike Powlowchos Lithuanian Miner 37 single 0 Prospect
August 2. Jos. Simokaites Lithuanian Miner 54 married 2 Stanton7
9 John Yonkovitz American Engineer 19 single 0 Stanton7
14 Jos.Yakusonies Lithuanian Laborer 47 married 0 Stanton7
October 1. Jonathon Jones Welsh Ast.Form. 54 married 1 Dorrance
1 Stephen Drelezick Russian Miner 44 married 5 Dorrance
10 Charles Simonson American Miner 43 married 4 Henry
15 John Sokol Russian Miner 49 married 2 Prospect
16 Frank Meloskie Austrian Miner 28 married 2 Dorrance
28 Jos. Matisko Slavonian Miner 44 married 0 Prospect
Nov. 17. John Gelatka Austrian Miner 45 married 4 Dorrance

This page was donated by Richard J. Gutkoski

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 Mary Ann Lubinsky
County Coordinator

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