Accident Date | Name | Nationality | Occupation | Age | Married/Single | Name of Colliery | County | Nature & Cause of Accident in Brief |
Jan-03 | Joseph Hirezenski | Polish | Miner | 52 | M | Forrest City | Susquehanna | Head and body severely injured by explosion of powder at face of chamber. |
Jan-06 | Henry Cartisson | Hungarian | Miner | 30 | M | O'Boyle-Foy | Sullivan | Left leg severely injured by fall of roof at face of chamber. |
Jan-14 | Gregory Plantoski | Austrian | Miner | 43 | M | Clinton | Wayne | Skull fractured by fall of roof at face of chamber. |
Jan-24 | Charles Pelton | American | Laborer | 40 | M | Connell | Sullivan | Leg fractured by fall of roof at face of chamber. |
Feb-25 | William Quinn | Irish | Miner | 30 | S | O'Boyle-Foy | Sullivan | Thumb broken by fall of roof at face of chamber. |
Anthony Felbridge | Polish | Laborer | 28 | S | O'Boyle-Foy | Sullivan | Leg broken by fall of roof at face of chamber. | |
Feb-27 | Anthony Pounter | Austrian | Laborer | 21 | S | Clinton | Wayne | Face lacerated by flying piece of rock from blast at face of chamber |
Mar-23 | Taffel Socholoski | Polish | Laborer | 31 | M | Forrest City | Susquehanna | Arm broken and head injured by fall of coal from pillar that was being robbed. |
Apr-12 | Daniel Filler | American | Miner | 28 | M | Murray | Sullivan | Back injured by fall of roof at face of gangway. |
Apr-19 | Edward Barnofsky | Polish | Motor-helper | 34 | S | Connell | Sullivan | Left arm broken by being caught between car and roof on gangway. He was riding the car when it jumped the track. |
May-22 | Santo Peter | Italian | Laborer | 18 | S | Forrest City | Susquehanna | Leg fractured by a boulder rolling on him while digging a ditch. Outside. |
Jun-03 | Paul Rudyinski | Polish | Mine | 38 | M | Clinton | Wayne | Right leg fractured by fall of roof at face of chamber. |
Jul-24 | Nedo Rinno | Italian | Laborer | 26 | S | O'Boyle-Foy | Sullivan | Body injured by fall of rock at face of chamber. |
Jul-25 | Henry Griffith | American | Rope-rider | 24 | M | O'Boyle-Foy | Sullivan | Small bone in right foot broken by cars on main haulage road. |
Aug-10 | John Sepok | Lithuanian | Laborer | 64 | S | Connell | Sullivan | Toe cut off by fall of roof at face of chamber. |
Aug-22 | Ladie Stashintes | Lithuanian | Laborer | 21 | S | Forrest City | Susquehanna | Internally injured by falling into shaft a distance of 25 feet. |
Sep-08 | W. J. Pentecost | American | Prop-cutter | 60 | M | Forrest City | Susquehanna | Right arm broken by falling. He was loading a prop onto a car when he slipped and fell. Outside. |
Dec-01 | Beny Kosheski | Polish | Miner | 24 | M | Connell | Sullivan | Three ribs broken by cars on gangway. |
Dec-28 | Staules Petcavage | Polish | Miner | 29 | M | Clinton | Wayne | Injured by a flying piece of coal from a blast at face of chamber. |
Dec-30 | William Knight | English | Miner | 43 | M | Forrest City | Susquehanna | Left arm and head lacerated by explosion of powder at face of chamber. |
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Project, and by Individual Contributors
Ann Lubinsky
County Coordinator
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