Accident Date | Name | Nationality | Occupation | Age | Married Single | Name of Colliery | County | Nature & Cause of Accident in Brief |
Jan-13 | Frank Sharples | English | Driver | 18 | S | Raymond | Lackawanna | Leg fractured by being caught between spreader of mule and a water pipe on main haulage road. |
Jan-16 | Joe Moncavage | Polish | Laborer | 24 | S | Raymond | Lackawanna | Shoulder blade fractured by fall of roof at face of chamber while loading car. |
Jan-16 | Edward Burke | American | Driver | 16 | S | Powderly | Lackawanna | Arm fractured while coupling cards near foot of slope. A trip jumped off on the slope and struck the cars he was coupling. |
Jan-20 | Alick Fruentine | Italian | Driver | 20 | S | Riverside | Lackawanna | Right thigh broken by falling off mining car while riding on bumpers coming out of the heading. |
Feb-13 | Alfred Ganzen-weller | Austrian | Laborer | 21 | M | White Oak | Lackawanna | Ribs fractured by another man falling on him while they were riding down a slope on a truck. |
Feb-14 | Joul Morcom | English | Miner | 58 | M | Jermyn | Lackawanna | Arm fractured by fall of coal when he returned to face of chamber after firing a blast. |
Feb-25 | Paul Sayfer | Russian | Laborer | 43 | M | Erie | Lackawanna | Leg fractured by a prop that was discharged along side of heading road by a trip of cars. |
Feb-25 | Andrew Bojinski | Polish | Laborer | 29 | S | Erie | Lackawanna | Leg fractured. |
Mar-28 | Raymond Oakley | American | Driver | 17 | S | Jermyn | Lackawanna | Injured by being caught between cars and side planing while crossing between a trip of cars near head of slope. His light went out. The engineer started the trip to get the water out of the cylinders. |
Apr-05 | Thomas Gilhooley | Irish | Driver | 23 | S | Jermyn | Lackawanna | Left arm fractured by a prop that he was assisting the timberman to stand. The rail broke on which he was standing and he fell and the prop fell on him. |
Apr-11 | George Melan | Polish | Miner | 40 | M | Morss Hill | Lackawanna | Hip and abdomen bruised by fall of roof at face of chamber while preparing to fire a blast. |
May-03 | Edward Kosary | Polish | Laborer | 28 | S | White Oak | Lackawanna | Leg fractured by fall of roof at face of chamber before commencing his day’s work. He had just entered the face of chamber, when roof fell. |
May-11 | Luegi Fillips | Italian | Miner | 40 | M | Powderly | Lackawanna | Skull slightly fractured by fall of roof near face of chamber, after returning from firing a blast. |
May-13 | Michael Vilmont | Polish | Laborer | 42 | M | Powderly | Lackawanna | Leg fractured by a piece of roof falling on him while sitting down near face of chamber. |
2-Jun | John Horrison | Russian | Miner | 26 | M | Northwest | Lackawanna | Back injured by fall of roof at face of chamber while about to put a cross-timber up. |
5-Jun | William Leoon | Polish | Laborer | 25 | S | Powderly | Lackawanna | Skull slightly fractured by being struck by a prop that he discharged with a rock that he threw back. |
5-Jun | Alfred Morcom | English | Driver | 19 | S | Jermyn | Lackawanna | Two toes taken off by being caught betweenbumber of car and top of rail while riding on bumper of car that jumped off the track. |
14-Jul | William Hofsommer | Austrian | Laborer | 20 | S | White Oak | Lackawanna | Left collar bone broken by mine car he was running down a “run”, when the car jumped off of the track. |
21-Jul | Michael Eshmisky | Polish | Miner | 30 | S | Powderly | Lackawanna | Hand cut and side bruised by flying coal from a blast while passing through a cross-cut from the chamber he was working in to another. |
22-Jul | Akem Sauce | Russian | Miner | 35 | M | Northwest | Lackawanna | Back injured by fall of roof at face of chamber while drilling a hole. |
29-Jul | Patrick Cleary | Irish | Miner | 35 | M | Powderly | Lackawanna | Hand badly bruised while blocking a car at face of chamber. The wheels ran over the block. Two fingers had to be amputated. |
14-Aug | Michael Kelley | American | Laborer | 46 | M | White Oak | Lackawanna | Jaw bone fractured by being struck by lever while putting car on track on rock dump. Outside. |
5-Sep | Cyrus Jenkins | American | Laborer | 45 | M | Northwest | Lackawanna | Thigh and lef scalded by steam escaping. While he was repairing a steam pipe, an elbow broke. Outside. |
10-Sep | Henry Miller | American | Laborer | 26 | S | White Oak | Lackawanna | Leg fractured near ankle by being caught between boiler and rail of track while loading a boiler on a truck. Outside. |
19-Sep | Joseph Lavelle | Irish | Slate-picker | 14 | S | Tappans | Lackawanna | Foot crushed by railroad cars at breaker. During the noon hour the boy jumped on a trip of cars and slipped under them. Outside. |
4-Oct | John Donash | Austrian | Laborer | 36 | M | Jermyn | Lackawanna | Leg fractured by fall of roof while helping the miner to tamp a hole at face of chamber. |
11-Oct | Richard Walsh | American | Miner | 30 | S | Jermyn | Lackawanna | Right shoulder dislocated by mine cars toppling over while rounding a curve coming on to heading road from chamber. |
22-Oct | Lafayette Mathews | American | Carpenter | 36 | M | Jermyn | Lackawanna | Two ribs fractured by being caught against timber in shaft while putting a new carriage into place in shaft. Outside. |
23-Oct | Michael Solisky | American | Driver | 18 | S | Powderly | Lackawanna | Compund fracture of atm. He was bumped between cars on a passing branch while unhooking his mule. |
24-Oct | Frank Walsh | American | Company Man | 19 | S | Jermyn | Lackawanna | Injured by falling. While helping the electrician to wire the mule barn he fell from the place where he was standing, three feet from the floor. Outside. |
26-Oct | George Montero | Italian | Laborer | 40 | M | White Oak | Lackawanna | Back injured and one rib fractured by being caught by mine car at face of chamber. The mule’s harness caught the side of car while passing and pulled the car over the head block in the chamber. |
28-Oct | Anthony Pitha | Italian | Miner | 31 | M | White Oak | Lackawanna | Leg fractured by fall of coal at face of chamber, while barring out a shot. |
10-Nov | James Molinaro | Italian | Driver | 17 | S | Coal Brook | Lackawanna | Arm fractured at wrist by falling off a culm car and the car running over it. Outside. |
14-Nov | Stephen Cowaniac | Russian | Car Loader | 25 | S | Jermyn | Lackawanna | Foot cut off at ankle joint. While barring railroad car another car ran into him. Outside. |
15-Nov | Frank Ropoche | Italian | Miner | 25 | M | White Oak | Lackawanna | Collar bone broken and body injured by fall of coal. After firing a blast in face of chamber he was barring down some loose coal when it fell on him. |
22-Nov | Felix Styputski | Polish | Laborer | 25 | S | Jermyn | Lackawanna | Ribs broken by fall of coal at face of chamber while loading car. |
29-Nov | John Lusasko | Polish | Laborer | 25 | S | Northwest | Lackawanna | Leg fractured below the knee by fall of roof while working at the face of chamber. |
5-Dec | John Novak | Polish | Company Laborer | 40 | M | Erie | Lackawanna | Left leg fractured below knee by being caught by car. He was waiting along side of track for an empty car into which he was going to load sand when the car jumped off the rack. |
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Ann Lubinsky
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